Critical Condition

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  I felt it lodge itself in my abdomen. It stung and burned and everything was going blurry. I could hear a voice, probably Natasha's, calling for me to stay awake. The world was spinning and I felt my head hit the concrete. Darkness started flashing through my vision and I tried to fight it but it took over me. I fell asleep to the sound of blaring horns and Natasha's voice.

Natasha POV
  He shot her. I saw the light slowly leaving her eyes as she started collapsing. I tried to grab her but she hit the ground before I could. I told her to stay with me, I needed to get her to Tony. She needed to live, she didn't live a full life yet and she was such a great girl. Her eyes starting closing and tears started flowing.

  "Just hang on El, you'll be okay."

  I called Tony and he picked up the phone almost instantly.

  "Hey, what's up Nat?"

  "Elena got shot! It's too long to drive back and our car exploded. Send something to airlift her back to New York!"

  "Oh my god is she okay?!"


  "Sorry! I'm coming right now! Send me your location!"

  "Already did, hurry!"

  Emergency services started showing up and they got Elena stable enough until Tony came. I helped with the others as she layed out on a cushion. There were just over 50 people, 15 were killed and 18 others were injured. 33 people. SWAT and I went up to the hill to go see the shooters' conditions. We were all armed and when we reached the top, we all sighed. All five of them were dead. Elena killed five people today. That means she killed seven people and she's only 17. My god.

  About two hours later, Tony's helicopter landed on the highway. I sprinted over to him and he pulled me into a hug. I showed him where she was and we ran over. Tony unhooked her from all the machines and he carried her to the helicopter, very carefully. The bullet went almost right through her because of how thin she was. The whole ride back Tony made me tell him the exact detail of what happened, but I couldn't. She knocked me out while she got the first two.

  We landed in New York at the tower and she was rushed into the hospital floor. Everyone was standing outside trying to figure out what the hell happened. I guess Tony didn't tell them too much. Peter ran from the back of the pack and looked insanely worried. 

  "What happened?! Where is she?! Is she okay?!"

  "Peter, calm down! She's going to be okay."

  "What the hell happened to her Nat?"

  "She got hurt Peter, she's in surgery right now."

  "Hurt how?!"

  "Jesus Pete, she got shot, okay? Some sick idiot shot her!"

  "What?" His voice crackled and his face fell.

  "I'm sorry Peter."



  "Oh my god. Did you kill the guy?"

  "She did. As he was falling back from her shot, he pulled the trigger and it hit her."

  "How many shooters were there?"


  "Did they get away?"


  "She got them?"

  "All five."

  "Really?" Tears started filling his eyes. "Is she gonna make it Nat? Don't lie to me."

  "I don't know P. I couldn't tell you. I mean, the bullet was in her for over five hours. I really hope she'll be okay."

  "I do too, Jesus, I'd hate myself if she didn't make it."

  "Don't think like that."

  "I'm trying."

  Right then, Tony ran out of the door and told Peter and I to follow him inside. He was silent other than that. He opened the door to a room and there she was. Peter almost collapsed, I had to catch him. She looked horrible. Oh my god. I almost passed out myself. Wires and tubes were sticking out of her and she was unconscious. She was pale and her vitals weren't looking too great. Tony turned to us with teary eyes.

  "Uh, Christ. The doctors, uh, said she probably *sniff* won't wake up. I wanted you two to know first."

  "Dammit!" I cried.

  "I'm really sorry," Tony said. "You okay kid?"

  I glanced at Peter and he was not okay. The colour drained from his face and was totally blank. He looked at her once more and fell to his knees, crying. Poor kid, he really does love her, but she'll never see that. 

  Hey guys! Sooooo I know I've done alot of self promo, but I just wanted to let you know..... "Romanova,'' is out now!


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