Into the Base- Part 3

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 *language warning*

I woke up somewhere that definitely was not the base. I looked around and couldn't see much and it was eerily quiet. I sat up and looked around although pain seared throughout my entire body. It was familiar, a really small place though, I was kind of claustrophobic to be honest. Bingo! I was in a car. What car though? Tony and Peter were nowhere to be seen.

  I got off the seat and looked at the screen that displayed the live security camera footage. Peter and Tony were in there, fighting the guys... without me. This was supposed to be my mission, my revenge. I was fine, I was ready to go back in. The only problem was I was handcuffed to the seat. I could pick locks easily, but this kind of handcuff used Tony's fingerprint. He had to have touched something in here.

  I had limited range of where I could move but I could definitely see the steering wheel. If I could get the tape on to there I could get out of these things. It was seriously digging into my wrists.

  "Elena you up?" Tony's voice chimed in my ear, only my left ear though.

  "Yeah, what the fuck dude?"

  "What do you mean?"

  "I'm in handcuffs... in the goddamn car?"

  "Oh yeah about that, El..." Peter said.

  "Are you guys almost done? I don't wanna be in here alone." I wasn't going to fight with them.

  "On our way out right now, be there in about a minute okay?" Peter said.


  They kept their word and were at the car in almost a minute. Tony uncuffed me and Peter and him began to explain what happened.

  "You remember everything up until the bomb?"

  "Yeah, I remember you trying to tell me something but I couldn't hear you, I passed out or something later."

  "Yeah, the one guy hit you with a folding chair. You have one hell of a concussion." Tony butted in.

  "Nice, anyway what happened?"

  "Mr. Stark saw everything and came and got you out, then he came in and helped me finish the mission."

  "You kill them all?"

  "Whoever wasn't already dead," Tony whispered.

  "Good," empathy didn't exist right now.

  "So are you okay?"

  "Yeah, I can't really see straight and everything hurts like a bitch but I think I'm good,"

  "Can you hear?"

  "Uh about that..."


  "I think my right ear might be just a tad bit broken?"

  "What do you mean?"

  I plugged my left ear and told Peter to say a sentence. He did but I couldn't hear a word he said, not even as a whisper.

  "I-I didn't hear any of that Peter."

  "You didn't?"

  "Not a single damn word."

  "Oh Elena,"

  "Don't worry about me, I'm fine."

  "Are you mentally fine though?" Tony asked.

  "I think so," I really didn't know.

  "Tell me," what Tony said made sense.

  "I killed at least 2 people that I know of today. I shot them in the head. I don't really feel bad, it's just kinda there. Just taking up a portion of my head."

  "I understand, I promise, you'll be okay."

  "I won't go to jail or some shit will I?"

  "No, Jesus no, don't worry," Tony said.


  "Let's get you home, and cleaned up," Peter said with a chuckle.

  "I'm pretty bloody huh? I don't even know who's blood this is anymore. Mine and alot of other guys."

  "Yeah, guess so. And every inch of clothing on you is ripped." Peter said.

  "What?" I looked down and he wasn't lying. I was completely exposed. "Ah shit, Tony I'm gonna need a new suit."

  "Already on it."

  "Sick, thanks," I said that and that was the last thing I remember before hitting the ground of the car.

  I woke up in the quite familiar hospital room with Peter sitting in the chair next me, Tony standing beside him.

  "How ya feeling kid?" Tony said.


  "Can Nat come in?"

  "Of course,"

  Natasha walked in with a smile on her face, thank god, I needed some positivity. She walked over to me and asked how I was and whatnot.

  "So what did I do this time doc?"

  "Well Elena, you have a severe concussion, deep wounds in your face, head , stomach, and limbs as well as deafness in your right ear. I'm so sorry."

  "It's not your fault, thank you."


  "Hey, you'll probably see me in here soon by the looks of things."

  "Hope not." Doctor Alen giggled, "Get better Elena."

  "Thanks," she walked out, leaving the four of us in the room.

  "I'll be okay, I've been through alot worse."

  "Elena you're only 16! You shouldn't think that way," Natasha exclaimed.

  "Well, that's reality. Am I on morphine of some shit? I feel loopy as hell."

  "A shit ton of it," Tony said with a laugh.

  "Knew it. Doc's letting me out in a few hours. Go upstairs, I'll meet you guys there."

  "You sure?" Peter said.

  "Positive, see you soon."

  "Okay, bye El."

  "See you."

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