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I should've just gone with the man. I wouldn't have a hole in my shoulder, I wouldn't be hurt. The Avengers think I'm just at my house, they don't know I'm here. I'm going to die here, I just know it. Nobody knows where I am to come save me. This was how my life would end, I wouldn't be able to say sorry to Peter, thank you to Tony and Natasha. I felt myself being thrown on to a chair I think. A bright light shone in my face when my eyes finally decided to open. I was in a metal chair with the same restraints holding me there. A lamp hung just above my head, shining a blinding light in my eyes. It was like an old fashioned interrogation room. The man was nowhere to be seen.

  I sat there for a long time, not being able to move or anything. I was sitting in the chair, minding my own business when the door slammed in the other direction. I jumped a little and looked over to see the man. He wasn't angry, or so it looked that way. He said nothing but walked over to me, undid the restraints and handcuffed me. He also tied my legs together too. I didn't try to fight it this time, I learned my lesson. We walked out the door and into a large, dimly lit hallway. He brought me down to the very end and into a dark room. The room had cells, like a prison and he threw my into one of them. With that, he walked out, locking the door behind him. I figured he wasn't coming back after I had been alone in here for a few hours, so I tried to fall asleep.

  I woke up the next morning to the sound of a door opening. I sat up and looked over to the where I had come in from yesterday. A new man, very tall and broad was busy locking the door again. He turned around to face me and opened my cell door.
  "You misbehaved yesterday."
  "I'm sorry."
  "You hurt my partner, now I'm afraid I have to hurt you."
  "Please... no."
  "You seem like a nice girl, such a shame to have to beat you bloody." Those were his last words before sending a fist to collide with my face.

  It hurt, really bad. I could already feel the blood dripping down the side of my face. I struggled to sit back up but just as I did, his foot slammed into my ribs. I gave up trying to sit back up and just took the beating. He stepped on my wrists to hold me down and I could hear the cracking of my bones. I yelped out in pain and he slapped me across my face. Blood was all I could see, I couldn't wipe it out of my eyes. I didn't know what was real anymore, I kept slipping in and out of consciousness. I couldn't steady my breathing as he kept beating me.

  I don't know when he stopped, I just know that he did. I woke up in a puddle of my own blood. "Alrighty what's the damage?" I thought to myself. I couldn't move either of my wrists so I assumed they were shattered. My ribs burned so a few of them were probably broken too. My face felt crazy swollen and I knew that's where most of the blood came from. "Not dead so that's a plus." I just had to do what they asked and nothing else, no matter what.

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