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  *3 months later* *Language warning!!!!*

  Today was my birthday. I was turning 17. I knew I said it was coming up soon like.... five months ago but for real, it was here. I didn't really like birthdays except for the fact that you could sometimes do more things. Last year I could get my license, this year I can't do much but hey, I'm older. Let me catch you up on what happened in these three months.

  First, my parents passed. My mom and dad both didn't make it through the OD so I was the only Johnson left. I'm really trying not to spend too much time dwelling on it. Second, I went on four more missions and haven't got hurt too badly in any of them. Third, Nat and I hung out way more and that was fun. Fourth, I made some new friends at the Starbucks near the tower, Vega, Flynn and Dominique. They were so pretty and they approached me. They didn't know I was an Avenger until they saw the news one day.

  The girls and I hung out all the time. Usually it was at Vega's place because she had no siblings or other people to bother us, her parents worked alot. Vega was an extrovert who had great taste. Flynn was more closed off and shy, but she was hilarious. Dominique was totally different. She was shy but outgoing, kind but sassy and a great friend. We clicked the most out of the four of us and we just met like two months ago. Dom and I were really similar, which is why I think we got along so well.

  Anyway now you're about up to speed. Not too much else happened. Tonight I was staying in, I didn't tell any of the Avengers or my friends that it was my birthday, I didn't want anyone to make a big deal. All this kind of reminded me of my old friend, Eleanor. I told Peter and Natasha about her but that was it. Eleanor and I were good friends until I quit school, then she uh "bullied" me I guess. I hated her, and since that day, I never trusted anyone else to be my friend.

  I was walking towards my room and I had to pass Peter's to get there. We were still really good friends but in a weird place with our relationship. I decided I'd stop in and say hi. His door was open just a crack so I knocked twice and opened the door.

  I dropped my phone in shock and horror. Eleanor Murphy was standing in Peter's room pressed against the wall making out with him. Eleanor Murphy. That bitch was standing in Peter's room. I picked up my phone and left, showing no emotion and ignoring Peter's apology and calling. It was crazy, like my thoughts summoned the witch. I walked down the hallway, unphased.

  I closed my door behind me and started taking my makeup off. Peter flew through the door, panting and sweating. I threw my makeup wipe in the garbage and turned and gave him a civil but deadly look.

  "What's up?" I asked playfully.

  "Elena, I'm so sorry. I can't even begin to expla-"

  "Forget it Peter. Doesn't matter. I fucked up and this is what I get for it."

  "You weren't supposed to find out."

  "And that makes everything so much better.

  "Yeah that sounded pretty bad."

  "How long has it been going on Peter?"


  "How long have you been hooking up with that thing?"

  "Um, like a month or something."

  "Son of a BITCH," a kicked my garbage can over and it flew halfway across the room. "I think you should leave, like now."

  "Can we just talk?"

  "Peter I'm trying really hard. Get out."

  He said nothing else and left my room, leaving the door open. I wanted to cry, to lash out and make a scene, but that was unnecessary and I didn't need to do that. Yeah, I was in a lot of pain but ten bucks Eleanor was still in his bedroom. IN HIS BEDROOM. I sat there on my bed while an avalanche of curse words and not so nice things came crashing down on me. This was worse than my parents to be honest, this physically pained me. I hurt. 

  I slammed my door so hard that I could hear the wall crumble afterwards. It was my fault, for breaking up with him, but he's screwing my literal hell. Someone knocked on the door so I got up and opened it, you'll never guess who it was. Eleanor Murphy.

  "What?" I snapped coldly.

  "After all these years, that's the first thing you say to me?"

  "What the hell do you want Eleanor?"

  "I just wanted to say hi to my best friend! Or, is Peter your best friend?"

  "I'm going to slap you if you don't leave my room right now."

  "Do you live with Peter? Like, this is your room? Are you their charity project?"

  "I'm about to beat your ass. Leave."

  "I was going to head back to Peter's room but I thi-"

  She never got a chance to finish her sentence because I punched her, really hard. Right in the middle of her face. I warned her twice and she didn't want to leave so I hit her. She passed out and collapsed at my feet, her nose spewing blood all over the floor.

  "What the hell is going on.... oh my god," Natasha walked up to my door to see the crime scene.

  "My bad, my hand slipped as I was.... closing the door?"

  "What the hell did you do to her? That's Peter's girlfriend! Holy shit," she turned Eleanor over so she could see her face. "Is that..."

  "Eleanor Murphy, class A bitch. I warned her twice and she still wanted to flap her gums."

  "Oh Elena, you don't punch someone half to death because of that."

  "I hit her once Nat, chill out."

  "You hit her once my ass, even I can't do that much damage with one hit."

  "You could if you tried. I just punched her really hard in the nose and it knocked her out cold."

  "There's so much blood, PETER!"

  "Do not call Peter!''

  "I get that you two girls don't get along but they're together Elena, accept that. Peter couldn't have known."

  "I told him before you Natasha, we googled her and everything. He knew damn well what he was doing."

  "oh, um... TONY!"

  "Damn it Natasha!"

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