Fabric Covered Brick Wall

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"Oh my god I'm sooooo sorry! Are you okay?"
"Yeah I'm fine, are you?"
"Yeah, yeah I'm good."
"What's got you so happy?"
"Got my driver's license a few minutes ago ."
"Oh, congratulations. Well I better be going. See you around."
"See ya."
And that ladies and gentlemen is how you steal a wallet without anyone noticing you do it. I stuffed it in my coat and started walking away.
"Hey miss!" Damn.
"I never caught your name?"
"Ember Scott. You are?"
"Pietro Maximoff. Nice to meet you, Ember."
"You too Pietro. Do I know you from somewhere?"
"Might've seen me on TV. I'm an Avenger."
"Oh, that's where! Your work is amazing. Big fan of the Avengers." He turned around just long enough for me to throw his wallet to where I bumped into him.
"Mr. Maximoff, is that your wallet?"
He glanced over, "Oh yeah, thanks! Call me Pietro. Hey, wanna come to the compound? I'd love to repay you."
"Oh, no that's okay, it was nothing. And I wouldn't want to intrude."
"Tony doesn't care. You interested?"
"I was actually heading home, I got my little brother some chocolate and I don't want it to melt. Rain check?"
"Oh for sure, see you soon then Ember."
"Bye Pietro."
That was close.

I walked home quickly, dying to get away from there. As long as he knew me as Ember, I was fine. I had no documents in the name Ember so he wouldn't be able to find me. I had no arrests or anything like that so I really didn't have to worry, but I wanted to get out of there before one of his friends showed up. I wasn't trying to deal with any Avengers today, no sir. I walked in the front door and my parents were sitting in the kitchen.
"Hey El, how'd your driver's test go?" What? My mom knew?
"It was good, I passed. How are you guys?"
"Not feeling that great but it'll pay off."
"What do you mean?"
"Your dad and I are trying to go sober." Am I hearing this right?
"Yeah, a few days ago we realized we haven't given you the best life and ruined ours, we're trying to make it better for everyone."
"Mom, dad that's fantastic!" They better be serious.
"We're trying honey. I promise."
That was all I needed. A little more of something to look forward to. My parents were trying to sober up. Jaden? Probably not but my parents are a start. Suddenly, the world started looking up.

Days went by and my parents were struggling, but still trying. I went out for the day, spent a day on the city. It was pretty nice. No work, no worries. I didn't end up going to the movies when I got my license, so I decided that's what I was going to do today. I was going to drive, I'll been doing that alot lately. Mom has let me take their car wherever I want, which is awesome. The movies was about 5 blocks from my house. It was just past the driving place. I don't know what movies are out right now, so it'll be a surprise I guess. I was there in just a few short minutes. I parked the car and hopped out. It wasn't very busy right now, probably because it was a Thursday and people had to work and kids had to go to school, but I didn't. There were a few movies out, I decided on Jurassic World, a dinosaur movie.

(A/N!! This story is set in 2015, so Jurassic world would've been in the theatres)

I walked into the theatre and took my seat a few rows before the very back. I got popcorn because you can't go to the movies and not have popcorn, that's insanity. There were only a few other people in the theatre with me. I was honestly kinda excited. The last time I went to the movies was really young. The movie was about to start when a group of people walked in. They all looked so ripped, they looked familiar but I couldn't put my finger on it. Suddenly, I saw someone I knew and put it together. Pietro.

Why were the Avengers in some cheap movie theatre? Didn't they have bad guys to fight or something? Isn't that what they spent their days doing? Did they not have a private movie theatre in their tower or something? Questions raced through my mind when Pietro glanced in my direction. I quickly but subtly slouched down in my seat and covered my face with my popcorn. He didn't seem to notice me. The Avengers sat a row infront of me. Infront of me. Out of the whole place they had to choose this movie? This row of seats? Just my luck I guess. I knew everything was going too well. If I just pretended they weren't there, they would pretend I wasn't, right?

It was about halfway through the movie when Pietro got up to go to the washroom. I hid behind my popcorn again and he didn't notice me. Phew, another closer call. All I needed right now was for him to see me and make me see the compound. I'm not interested in the Avengers, just not my thing. They destroyed alot of stuff around where I live. I had no opinion on them, so frankly... I did not care. I knew one thing though... I was not going to that compound. Pietro was coming back almost as soon as he left. I hid behind my popcorn for a third time but not fast enough.

"Heyyyyyyy Pietro..."
"I didn't notice you were here," he sat down in the seat next to me instead of with his friends again.
"Yeah, haven't been to the movies in a while, wanted to relive my childhood."
"Cool, wanna come sit with us?"
"Oh, sure yeah." I didn't want to be rude. We went down a few steps and sat on the end. None of the others seemed to notice me. Good. I bet my face was in their systems and they could easily find out what a bad person I was, even though I've never been caught. I mean, there's security cameras all over the city that I probably don't know about, but our police don't give a damn. The credits began rolling through and the lights came on. Shoot!!!
"Hey Pietro, who's this?"

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