Director Fury

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This was absolutely insane. Since Peter and I fought off those men yesterday, they're sending us into their base. Clint found them yesterday and took pictures of them to show the others how well we did. From there, they sent the pictures to the director and here we are, on our way to S.H.I.E.L.D. Lovely.

  We arrived at the headquarters and Tony brought us into the conference room to meet Director Fury. I met him once but man was that a while ago. After a minute or so of waiting, a tall man wearing an eye patch stepped into the room and closed the door behind him.

  "Director, these are the kids we told you about," Tony started.
  "Johnson and Parker, Director Fury. You did some damage on those guys huh?"
  "It would appear so," I said.
  "I almost forgot, you're the mouthy one who likes to piss off Stark."
  "It's too easy," I smiled.
  "Agents, we have determined the men that attacked you are from the group that kidnapped you Elena."
  "They kicked my ass though! I'm not going in there, no sir."
  "I thought we killed them all," Tony questioned.
  "Obviously not, they still want you Elena, and anyone associated with you."
  "...Peter," I mumbled.
  "What was that agent?"
  "They want Peter too because he was with me."
  "Now you're getting the hang of it!"
  "Screw you, I'm not going back in there. I just got better and I'm not risking that again."
  "Well agent, you dont really have a choice." Fury snarled.
  "You're a dick, I'm 16 years old and I've been beaten so bad I should've been dead by those people. They shot me Director! To hell with that idea. No."
  "Elena," Peter said. He gently touched my hand that was balled into a fist.
  "I really don't want to do it, please don't make me," I wasn't going to cry, well, maybe.
  "Johnson you're our best bet. You're getting yo ass in that building and you're killing every last one of those bastards!"
  "I'm not going alone."
  "Yea, you're not endangering anyone else. You'll have the supplies, you'll have gear. You'll be fine."
  "Are you really that thick headed? NO!" now I was losing my cool, and fast.
  "I'll pick you up and bring you there myself Elena."
  "Go fuck yourself!" I yelled as I stood up and walked out of the room, nudging Fury on the way out.

  He had a sick car, so I took that one. When I nudged him, you already know, I took his keys. Still pretty good I guess, haven't lost my touch completely. I pressed the button that unlocked the car and its headlights flashed. Bingo! I walked up to that one and got in, this was going to be fun.

  I dug the keys into the ignition and off I was. Right as I passed the door, I saw the three boys run outside. I waved to them and sped off to the parking lot exit.

Peter POV

  "Peter!" Tony yelped.
  "What?" I've gotta admit, I was smiling a bit.
  "Control your girlfriend!" Tony yelled.
  "What? She's already gone! She doesn't listen to me!" I was trying so hard not to laugh, go El!
  "That girl and you are together? Jesus Christ kid," Fury sighed.
  "Was that your car?" Tony asked Nick.
  "Damn right, how'd she even get my keys?"
  "... she's a pickpocket." Tony sighed.
  "She's a what?"
  "Master pickpocket. The pickpocketed one of ours the same way she just snatched your keys."
  "I'm a spy, she didn't take them off my person."
  "Why'd she run into you then Nick?" Tony smirked.
  "That's my girl for ya Director." I giggled.
  "Can I fire her for that?"
  "Nope, she's here to stay." Tony smiled.

  Yeah, she probably shouldn't have taken his keys, but she did a really good job of it. She took like, the world's best spy's keys! And then stole his car! She wouldn't know it, but man, I loved her even more for some reason after witnessing that.

  His car didn't have a tracking system because he never wanted people to know where he was, so we weren't finding Elena for a while. We tried tracking her phone but she turned that off too. She was even good with tech, was there anything she wasn't good at? Oh yeah, not pissing off spys.

Elena POV

  Should I have taken his car? Probably not. Something inside me just snapped you know? I couldn't take him anymore so I just had to get out of there. I looked around at my surroundings. Not too much. I was driving really fast, fast enough to get me pulled over. I was already on my way out of Manhattan. I would probably come back, just not for a little while. I just needed to cool off.

  Incoming call from: Pete❤️

  I couldn't ignore Peter, plus, he probably didn't care that I left. He knew I would be okay, especially in this crazy spy vehicle.

  "Hey Elena, how's it going?"
  "Pretty well, how are things with Nick and Tony?"
  "Uh, could be better."
  "Hmm, a shame."
  "You gonna tell me where you are?"
  "Nope," I said, popping the p.
  "Didn't think so. You'll be back?"
  "By tomorrow morning at the latest."
  "Okay, have fun and be careful."
  "Thanks Peter, you're the best."
  "Oh I know, call me later?"
  "You know it."
  "Alrighty, bye." And he hung up.

  That's the thing that I love about Peter. Yeah, he worries about me but he trusts that I know that I'm going. He doesn't treat me like I'm a little kid. He was the best boyfriend anyone could ever ask for, oh right. Yeah, we made it official before we almost got our asses blown off. I loved him and I wanted to tell him, but it was too soon. I just hoped he knew.

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