Tony and Peter

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I flopped down on to the bed. I needed to get a different uniform shirt, one that wasn't latex. Who even thought of that? I had more of a workout trying to get it off than the actual training I did earlier. It took me like 10 minutes to get it off. I never thought I would be laying half naked on a silk bedsheet in Stark Tower. I sat up and put one of my huge oversized shirts on and volleyball shorts. It looked like I had no pants on but I didn't plan on leaving my room for the rest of the day. Tony got me a work phone, so I still had to set it up. Cell phones weren't my strong suit and I couldn't figure out how to set up the Wi-Fi on it.
"This is the dumbest thing I've ever seen!"
I yelled and threw the phone across the room, it smashed against the wall.

As soon as it happened there was a knock at the door. Told whoever it was to come in... Tony. He looked over a the phone and laughed.
"I bought you that with my hard earned money you know."
"Oh shut it Stark, I don't know how to use fancy rich people phones."
"It's an IPhone Elena."
"I'm more of an android person," I shot back without missing a beat.
"What's your deal?"
"What's yours?"
"I get that adjusting to the Avengers is hard, but why aren't you even trying to enjoy it?"
"I have my reasons."
"Come on Elena, please?"
"Whatever year the aliens came, it made my life more hell than it already was."
"Yeah, they destroyed alot of stuff."
"It wasn't them Stark."
"What happened? I can't help you if you don't tell me."
"You can't help me now anyway."
"What happened? I won't tell anyone else. You can talk to me even if you don't think you can."
"My sister."
"Your sister what?"
"Died." His face went blank the second I said that. He showed no emotion, none.
"I- I.. Elena, I'm so sorry."
"Whatever, what's done is done."
"What happened to her?"
"Well you know, the Hulk was smashing a bunch of stuff, you tried to stop him and pushed him into a building. My sister's office building. Just like that..." His eyes got huge and his entire face showed regret. Sadness. Grief.
"That's why you don't like me isn't it?"
"I don't not like you Tony, you're just... different. My sister kept my parents more sane than they've ever been. The second the word of her death got out, the hard drugs started. It was just weed, then it went to the coke and stuff.
"I'll never forgive myself, I'm so sorry Elena that's horrible."
"It is, but it's over now. Been like what? 3 years?"
"But you lost a family member."
"I did. We were close but we still fought and stuff. Of course I was sad but she would die eventually. And eventually I'll be with her."
"I'm so sorry."
"So you know, Peter seems to have taken a liking to you. He being nice?"
"Of course, he's the only one who doesn't treat me like a criminal around here."
"That's good, he lives with his aunt. His uncle died a while back, he knows what it's like."
"Oh that sucks. I never would have noticed, he's not a mess like me. Super sweet."
"You aren't a mess Elena, just a bit lost."
"No, no I'm found. Just a bit of a mess."
"Whatever floats your boat."
"It does." As I said that another person knocked on my door. I yelled come in and it was Peter.
"Hey Peter, what's up?" I said. He turned a shade of red when I got up to pick up the phone parts off the ground.
"Not much, I was going to Starbucks, want anything? Mr. Stark?"
"No thanks kid I'm good, gotta head down to the lab. Why doesn't Elena go with you, she's a little antisocial in here." Tony replied.
"Thanks Tony."
"Wanna come?" Peter asked.
"Why not, just let me get changed."
"Oh-oh yeah yeah, um I'll be uhhhh... outside in the uh kitchen." He hurried out of my room, closing the door behind him.
"Kids," Tony muttered under his laughter.
"Shut up Tony." I threw a pillow at him, turning a bit pink myself.

He got up and walked out my door, winking as he closed it. I pulled some leggings on and a black and firey Thrasher sweater out of the closet. I guess they thought it would be funny to put a name brand fire sweater in here. I've seen these all over New York, they're kinda cute. Whoever chose my wardrobe has some kind of taste. I pulled on the all black Nike's I brought and walked out of my room, tying my long dark brown hair back into a high ponytail. I knew how to get to the kitchen, it was only a right turn at the end of the hall and a left turn to get into it. I walked in to Peter sitting on a bar stool, on his phone.
"Hey, ready to go?" He turned around and smiled.
"Yeah, cool sweater. Let's go."
"Thanks, I found it in the closet." We both laughed.
"Do you ever get lost in here? It's literally a maze." I was curious how he knew where to go.
"Oh yeah, the first few months I came here I had to keep calling Mr. Stark to come find me."
"That's kinda why I don't leave my room. I know how to get to the kitchen and that's about it "
"You'll get used to it." We stepped outside into the crisp air. It wasn't hot, but it was a perfect temperature.
"So how come you don't live here like the others?"
"I stay with my aunt May, I don't want her to be alone. And I'm still in school, I want to keep my work and my school separate you know?"
"That makes sense. Like school?"
"Yeah. It's alright, some losers but not too bad I guess."
"Oh, there's not terrible I guess."
"Do you go to school still?"
"No, grade 10 was my last year. I wish I stayed though. I had to support my family."
"Oh, hey but if you didn't, we wouldn't have met eachother."
"That's true, definitely the only perk."
"One's better than none."
"Got me there Parker." We laughed and walked into the Starbucks.

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