Saving Agent Ember

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Tony POV Continued

The smaller man shot at Wanda but she jumped out of the way and threw him into the wall using her mind powers. It still gets me every time. Steve ran down the hallway but was stopped by the third man who shot at him. Steve fell to the ground and went under his shield, crawling go to get to Wanda who was on the ground. A few more men came out of the side hallway and I went to take care of them.
"Tony, you good down there?" Bruce asked from the earpiece.
"Yeah, in the middle of a gun fight but everything's great." I said back.
"Perfect, need backup?"
"Uh," I scanned the situation. Steve had two guys to handle, Wanda had 2 and there were 3 coming at me. "Get Bucky down here, we need another good shooter."
"He's on his way down."
Narrator POV

The fight continued, bullets flying along with red and blue blasts of light. Bucky came running down the stairs and shot a few of the men. They got back up like they weren't shot at all, they had some sort of fancy bulletproof vests on. They weren't backing down so the Avengers kept fighting. There were bodies scattered across the floor, it seemed like when one man fell, two more took his place.
"Where are all these people coming from?" Steve asked.
"You know, I would assume that door that has people coming out of it, just a thought though." Tony joked.
"Not the time for jokes Stark, kill these guys then get Elena." Steve shot back.
"What do you think I'm doing Steve?"

Elena POV

At the other end of the long ass hallway, I think I can hear a fight going down, but I don't know who's fighting who. Probably debating on who gets to beat me next. I crawled to the back corner of the cell, I just wanted to either die or get out of here. They've been beating me every hour it seems like, I can't take it anymore. And to think I was an agent with the Avengers, I can't even take a few beatings. Just when I sat back up right, I heard my cell door opening, shit.

I almost cried of happiness, it wasn't that idiot who kept breaking my fingers. There she stood lookin fierce as ever, the one, the only, Natasha Romanoff. I couldn't stand because I think he broke my leg, but I crawled over the best I could to her.
"Holy crap what did they do to you kid?"
"I-I'll explain later, how do we get out?"
"End of the hall, can you walk?"
"Shit, I don't know, my leg is half broken or something. I'll try though." I stood up and cried out in pain, it was fine. I was fine. I needed to get to the end of the hall, I could do this.
We were about halfway when something had to go south. A man came and had a gun pointed at me, what's new? Natasha had her gun pointed at his head but if she shot, he would too. We just stood there, not breaking eye contact with the man.
"Let her go lady." The man spoke with a hoarse voice that gave me chills.
"I'd rather not, step aside and let us leave."
"After I shoot her... again." He was the sniper who shot me the other day.
"You won't do anything to her."
"What makes you so sure?" He played.
"Because I'm here." A young kid's voice came from behind the man, all of a sudden I saw him fly backwards.

Peter Parker. A boy that I will never forget. There he was. He webbed the man and pulled him to the ground, Natasha then shot him, it was a bit morbid. Peter grabbed me and carried me the rest of the way, but he said nothing. My face was bruised and pretty much unrecognizable. Dried blood stained my clothes and they were ripped and in tatters. The fight was over at the other end of the hall when we got there, blood and bodies scattered the floor. It was freaking disgusting but they saved my life. Tony smiled a sad smile at me and all of us walked outside into the bright daylight. Something I haven't seen in a hot minute.
The car ride home was anything but pleasing.
"What happened Elena? Tell me from exactly when you walked in the door, no! From when you left the tower." Natasha started.
"Uh.. I walked home and everything was fine. *cough* No sketchy people or anything. I walked inside and locked *cough* the door and went to bed. I woke up in that place, strapped *wince* to a metal table." It hurt to talk. Alot.
"Okay..? Did that guy actually shoot you?"
"Uh yeah. One guy was holding me so I backflipped over his arm and kicked him in the stomach as he *cough cough* turned around. I jumped out the only window I could find *wince* and booked it down the driveway. He uh, shot me in the shoulder. It's still *cough* uh... open I guess. Probably infected." I just wanted to give them all the information now and not be pestered later.
"Okay... What happened after that?" Tony butted in.
"Umm... They threw me in a chair and then later brought me *wince* into the cell. Uh, then the guy beat me for the first time."
"What did he do?" Pietro asked.
"Well, he punched my cheek, that's where I got this nice cut. He kick- *cough* -ed me in the ribs a good couple of times. Umm, then he stepped on my fingers and *wince* broke all ten of them I would say. Can you make this drive any less bumpy please Tony it freaking hurts!"
"I'll try, I'll try. Anyway what's the total damage then?"
"I'm not a doctor but I think I've got broken ribs *cough* Jesus Tony! A broken leg, all my fingers, crushed. Uh, probably internal bleeding I'd assume and some badass cuts and bruises. *wince* Are you hitting the bumps on purpose?!"
"Sorry! Anyway I'll getcha a doctor when we get back."
"Okay." I guess now was the time that I was supposed to say thank you.
"Thanks everyone. They would've killed me in there if you hadn't come."
"Of course, you're family Elena," Wanda said. We didn't talk much, but I loved her. She was so sweet.
"Thanks," I nodded and kinda blushed a bit but nobody could see under the caked on blood, thank god.
"You'll be okay El," Peter whispered in my ear.
"I am okay Peter," I whispered back.

I was always okay, I learned to be okay when I shouldn't be. I kinda numbed myself to the world, look where that brought me.

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