Family Issues

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We went back to my room and sat down on my bed together. I was still a little traumatized from the needle, but I calmed down in a matter of minutes. He held my hand but stayed silent, you could hear a pin drop. He didn't know why I was so afraid, and as good of friends we are, I still didn't want to tell him yet. The silence grew to an unbearable state, I had to stay something.
"Thanks for coming down with me."
"Yeah no problem. Feeling okay?"
"Yeah just a bit lightheaded."
"Want some water or something?"
"No thanks, I'm good."
Back to the awkward silence.

After just sitting around for an hour or so, Peter had to go home to his aunt May. We said our goodbyes and he left. As he was walking out, Natasha walked in.
"Hey kid, what happened in the lab?"
"Not much, blood test."
"Why'd you go insane? Banner told me."
"I don't know."
"I know you aren't scared of much, why needles?"
"You know my parents. You know what they did. That's why."
"Yeah, oh."
"Elena I have some bad news, if you don't want to hear it I'll tell you later but-"
"What is it," I interrupted.
"Your brother Jaden, he... He um, passed away this morning. OD."

My head was spinning, I started to panic again. Jaden was dead? What did he take? Where did they find him? My brother. My brother was dead. I know it was his fault and nobody else's, but I still didn't know what to think.
"That's all you're going to say?"
"What else would you like me to say Natasha?" My tone was cold and sharp. "He brought this on himself, I knew it would happen eventually."

Her eyes went from genuine and kind, to sad. Just sad. I knew she understood where I was coming from. I was a broken child with a broken family. 2 of the 5 of us were gone now. I just had to accept it for what it was. She said she'd give me some time and left the room. After a few minutes of sitting in silence, alone with my thoughts, Pietro knocked softly on the wood door.
"What is it Pietro?" He was the last person I wanted to see right now. Even Tony would be better.
"I'm so sorry, that's truly terrible."
"Whatever, don't be sorry."
"Just, nevermind. Thanks for stopping by."
"Of course, if you ever need anything..."
"I'll let you know."

He smiled and walked out the door, closing it gently behind him. I knew Tony would drop in eventually. Part of me dreaded that time, while another part of me wished it would happen. He understood and knew what it was like to lose a family member. I'm sure all the Avengers did, but I just felt comfortable with Tony. I should hate him, I should want him dead too, but I didn't. Tony understood me, he cared. He doesn't seem to be that kind of person, but when you take off the mask he showed the public, he was a teddy bear. The door creaked open and there he stood as if on cue. He gave me a sad smile and I nodded at him, telling him to come in.
"How ya holding up?
"Pretty well. Hey Tony?"
"What are my parents doing? Can you find out if there even alive still?"
"Your parents are still in the hospital. They're getting better but still unstable."
"I'm not as sad as I should be. Everyone thinks I'm a sociopath."
"You're numb to pain Elena. Especially with your family, I was too."
"I know."
"You'll be okay."
"I am okay."
"I know you are."
"When does Peter get back? Do you know?" I needed him with me right now.
"Yeah, should be back tomorrow morning around 9."
"Okay, what time is it now?"
"Okay." Only like 12 hours. I could do that.
"He really made a mark on you huh?"
"Wha-no! He's just the only real friend I ever had you know? It's hard with him being gone, nobody else my age to talk to."
"I get it. He's a great kid. "
"He really is."
"Stay strong, come find me if you need anything. I'll send Peter in tomorrow when he gets here."
"Thank you Stark."
"Any time spark."
"That sounds too much like Stark."
"I know, thought you'd hate it."
"Know me too well already."
"I know next to nothing about you. Just wait till I find out the good stuff."
"You'll never know more than you already do. Nobody does."
"Even Peter?"
"Even Peter."
"Wow." With that, he got up and began walking out the door. He turned around and smiled before the door closed, leaving only the wood and the walls for me to look at.

I was alone, but I needed to be in this moment. I needed to get my stupid emotions in check. I didn't like feeling in general, and this was just overwhelming. I didn't really know how I was going to cope. Jaden wasn't even like a brother to me, more of a distant cousin. He never said happy birthday or Merry Christmas. Never took me out trick or treating or to Easter egg hunts. He wasn't a brother, that's all there was to it. I wanted to be upset, grieving, but I just couldn't. It was just my parents and I from here on out. Well, on second thought, they wouldn't be too fond of me being with the Avengers. I really hope my life turns around, I needed some positivity.

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