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  I fell asleep after staring at the ceiling for what seemed like forever. The Sun came up and I just layed in bed. Thor and some others always slept in, and I just lost a family member, they had no reason to be mad at me for missing training or something. I glanced over at the clock on the bedside table. 7:34am. Peter would be here at 9. Only an hour and 26 minutes of being alone with my thoughts. I could do that, I could wait that long. I was stronger than this, why did I suddenly need Peter to be okay?

  I was laying on the bed when there was a soft knock on the door. I got up and turned the knob of the door and pulled it open. Peter. He smiled and I just fell on to him. I didn't cry. I didn't scream. I didn't talk. I just hugged him. We walked into my room and sat on my bed. He knew I didn't like small talk, and he knew I didn't want his pity, so he said nothing. Silence with Peter now was just how we communicated, we didn't need words. I flopped down and pulled him with me. We layed on the bed in silence, just the two of us. The other Avengers knew not to come in when Peter was in my room, they knew he was there when I needed him for something important.

  It was around 10:30 when we fell asleep. I didn't sleep much last night so I was tired now. I cuddled up with Peter and he smiled. From there, it was history.

Tony POV

  I sent Peter into Elena's room, she needed her best friend. I hadn't heard from them in a few hours, so I went to go check on them. I knocked on her door but there was no answer. After knocking a few more times I just went in, it was my house after all. When I walked in I was looking at them sleeping. But together. On the same bed. Like... touching. They were just kids! I know Peter wouldn't do anything, he's a good kid. But Elena? I wasn't so sure. Now I wasn't sure what to do in this moment, but the others would. I walked out into the living room, closing the door but leaving it open just a crack.
  "Friday, get everyone in here. Not the kids though."
  "Of course sir."

  Within a matter of minutes all the Avengers were sitting before me in the living room. They all looked so unamused, needed to lighten up a bit.
  "I have a situation." I stated.
  "What is it now Tony?" Natasha groaned.
  "Well excuse me, I need some advice about those two kids."
  "We aren't kids, what would we know?" Steve said.
  "Let me explain. Elena has had a rough few weeks or so, and her and Peter have gotten really close."
  "Good for them, he needs some friends his age." Clint butted in.
  "I'm not finished. So you know, he went in her room when he got here and it's been a few hours. I went to check in on them and they're asleep in her bed."
  "Okay? Did they have clothes on?" Natasha asked.
  "Yes they had clothes on but she was all like snuggled up with him and he had his arm around her."
  "So?" Pietro decided to finally contribute.
  "So? They're KIDS!"
  "They're 16 Tony, almost 17. Leave them be. They're responsible." Natasha wasn't really helping me here.
  "He might be but we don't know her! She's a theif! She dealt drugs! She's trying to change our Peter! I don't want him hanging around with a criminal!"
  "Butt out Tony! Watch how you talk about her! You're a Playboy! How many girls have you messed around with? They aren't doing anything!" Nat was getting pissed now.
  "She's bad news! I only recruited her because she was a badass! I didn't want her to even meet Peter!"
  "She's done nothing wrong since she got here! You try and get them to hangout all the time so don't even try to sell me that crap! You aren't his dad Tony! Back off!"
  "You know what? I'm not going to back off! I don't want her around him anymore!"

  When I said that everyone's eyes came off of me and looked behind me. Natasha started tearing up and the others just showed pure shock. I slowly turned around and wished I hadn't.
  "That's what you think of me Stark?" There she stood, showing no emotion as usual.
  "No, kid... I just-How much did you hear?"
  "I opened up to you. I thought you weren't the narcissistic idiot everyone thinks you are. You encouraged me to hangout with Peter. What am I to you? A criminal? A slut? Screw you Tony Stark."

  She turned on her heel and marched back into her room. Natasha got up and followed her, flipping me off and mumbling curses under her breath as she did so. As she turned the corner Peter walked out from behind it. My luck couldn't get any worse, could it?
  "I'm not a child Mr. Stark. I know what I'm doing. We weren't doing anything, not that it's any of your business."
  "Kid, I know... I'm just worried about you."
  "I really like her Mr. Stark. I thought you actually liked us, liked her. Guess I was wrong."
  "Peter, let me explain."
  "You explained enough. I'm going to go see her, if that's okay with you of course." Sarcasm was prominent in his tone. He turned around and walked into her room.


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