A Mask

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Within about 2.8 seconds Tony was at my door alongside Natasha with a smug look on his face. We could both tell he was trying not to laugh so Natasha slapped his arm.

"What on earth happened here kid?"

"Uh, I knocked out Eleanor?" He high fived me earning him a nasty glare from Natasha.

"I mean, Elena that's not good..."

"You're useless. She knocked a girl out with one punch Tony and look at the mess she made!"

"One hit KO?"

"One hit KO."

"Damn kid," he high fived me again.

"Thanks. Anyway just drop her outside, she'll wake up eventually."

"No Elena!" Natasha scolded. "Steve!"

"Oh god no, not Steve," I whined.

"What on earth is.... Oh um. What happened here?"

"I punched my like... nemesis... after she wouldn't leave alone and I'm the bad guy."

"Well you aren't the good one," Steve ran his hands through his hair as if in thought.

"Whatever, I'll just move her out of the way and we'll move on," I said.

"She's going to sue you Elena!"

"So? I'll pay it."

"With what money?"

"My money Natasha. I have my own money you know."

"What? Your stolen money Elena?"

"I sold my house the other day too."

"You did what?"

"I sold the house that I used to live in." Why was that so hard to believe?


"Few days ago. Got 200 grand almost for it."

"That house?" Tony chimed in.

"Yes Tony, the shithole house. I just had to sign an autograph and they gave me that much."

"On the spot?"

"100 on the spot."

"Damn kid," Tony high fived me again.

"Just get her out of here please, I can't look at her stupid knocked out face anymore."

"As you wish," Steve picked her up and the three of them walked away, finally giving me some alone time.

I collapsed on to my bed in a pile of feelings and just stared into space. I didn't really get to be upset, Peter was his own person and could do what he wanted. That doesn't mean I had to be okay with it though, because damn. I wasn't. I was always one to mask my emotions, they made people vulnerable. I only let my feelings out around Peter, and that's what I get. I knew opening up was never good for my family, but I still did. My hand hurt and was soaked in Eleanor's blood.

My bathroom was getting redone so I wasn't allowed to go in it, meaning I had to go out into the kitchen. I gently opened my door, stepping in the puddle of nose blood.

  "Ah shit," I muttered to myself as I ripped off my socks and got new ones on. I walked down the hallway and into the living room where voices buzzed.

  I walked in and everyone looked at me. Peter was sitting in the living room surrounded by the others. I completely pretended like it didn't bother me and just went to the kitchen sink to wash my hands off. The water ran red down the drain as I scrubbed it all away. I could see them all starting at me and something in me snapped, just like the reporter incident.

  "What?" I snapped.

  "Uh nothing," Pietro said and looked away.

  "Nothing," Clint said and him and Pietro walked out.

  "Natasha?" I questioned.

  "What...?" She looked around the room and avoided my gaze.

  "If you have a problem take it up with me, we'll see how that goes," I warned.

  "Got it." Wanda and Steve said in unison.

  "Elena can I talk to you then?" Tony asked.

  "If you need to," I dried off my hands and Tony and I walked into a different room from the others.


  "Why are you acting like that?"

  "Like what?"

  "Like you don't feel anything, you're allowed to be upset Elena."

  "I'm not upset Tony. He can do whatever he wants, even if that means pissing me off."

  "So you admit your pissed off," he raised an eyebrow.

  "I was, but then I punched her and now I'm just kinda... fine?"

  "I still can't get over the fact you one hit KO'd her. I saw the security tapes, you've got a punch."

  "Thanks. Is that all?"

  "If you want it to be."

  "I guess we're done here then," I got up and walked back out into the kitchen.

  Peter still hadn't looked up from the ground by the time I got back in there. Pathetic. He couldn't even make eye contact with me, let alone breaking his gaze at the ground. I wasn't even going to acknowledge him, he couldn't face me? His problem. Punching Eleanor probably wasn't the smartest move, but it felt amazing. This was just another speed bump. I wasn't going to quit on the Avengers, I loved them all.

  And deep down, I still loved Peter.

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