Training Day

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"Oh hey, um, just was coming to see if you were ready to go."
"Oh, yeah I am."
"Okay, I'll show you how to get down there, this place isn't The easiest to navigate."
"Tell me about it."
We walked down the hallway, taking a million and one turns.
"Hey Peter?"
"Think you could show me the way for a few more days?"
He turned red, "Yeah of course, no problem."
"Thanks," I smiled at him and kept walking. I'm not going to lie, he was hella cute but that isn't exactly what I was here for if you know what I mean. I kinda felt bad to butt in on his private training time but I needed to learn eventually.
"I hope I didn't intrude too much on your training time with Natasha."
"Oh, no no it's not problem!"
"Alright. Just making sure."
We finally reached the training room or gym, what even is it called? I'm going to call it a gym, just easier for someone not as fancy as me to remember you know?

Natasha was already in there when Peter and I walked in. Did I mention his suit? It was skin tight I don't get how he can move in it. Like my shirt is and I can barely lift my arm. He does all kinds of crazy flips and stuff and I'm struggling to raise my arm high enough to flip Tony off. She had us run a few laps and stretch first. You know, I never understood stretching. I'm always so much more sore after I stretch it's pretty annoying. Whatever I wasn't interested in arguing with her, she'd shoot me or something.

She started with Peter so I could watch what they did. She was intense, and her reflexes were insanely fast. Nothing got by her. How could I compare to her? She was a hundred times better than I would ever be. I'd walk on to the gym floor and be knocked on my ass. It was certainly going to be a rough day.
"Elena, let's go!" Damn it.

I walked on to the floor from where I was sitting over on the side. Peter and I smiled at eachother and switched places. Natasha smiled at me and asked what my strengths were. I said I was fast, sometimes agile, but that's about it. She nodded and swung at my head. I wasn't ready but I dodged it just in time, and as I got back up she swung at me again but also kicked one of her feet at me. I jumped somewhat sideways to dodge both swings. I rolled once on the ground and got back on my feet. I've done this before but I've usually been prepared, I can usually tell what their next move will be. I swung at her but as she was blocking that, I swung again, striking her in the stomach. I got the first hit in. I got the first hit!

She straightened herself out and started going hardcore on me. Doing all kinds of flips, then, started using all sorts of crazy moves on me, I couldn't even see her half the time. She was definitely amazing that's for sure. I didn't suck as bad as I thought I would. Now, she was going to just test my overall speed and agility with some huge ass obstacle course. It was outside because it was too big to fit in the gym that's bigger than my whole town. I had to run half a mile to the start and then there was balance beams and I had to jump up on to other balance beams and monkey bars and all sorts of crazy stuff. It's definitely going to be something trying to do it.

I ran the half mile in 2 minutes and sprinted on to the first beam, I didn't fall yet. I sprinted across that and jumped up on to the second one. This one had roadblocks in the way that I had to jump over, it was pretty easy. Next was the monkey bars that we're moving. I lost my handling on one but that was it. There were jumps and dodges and all sorts of other stuff, and surprisingly I wasn't tired yet. I sprinted the final run which was another half mile and made it to the finish line. I completed the whole thing is 9 minutes, which is "pretty good" according to Natasha. All the Avengers underwent this course and I beat all of them except Steve of course, he was a lab experiment though so that's not fair. After that, she dismissed Peter and I and we headed out the huge double doors and into the maze of Stark tower.

We talked most of the way back, mainly about training and his career. I didn't want to open up to anyone yet so I kept him talking about himself. Once they start asking me questions is when I'll start to stumble. I'm not giving out anymore than they already know. Of course, Peter asked how I got arrested and what my life was like which is fine. If I didn't tell him somebody else would, I'd rather it be me than Tony or someone else.... Pietro. I haven't seen much of him since I came to the tower. Anyway back to Peter, he was 16 too, same year in highschool that I would be in. School was one thing I'd talk about with anyone. I wanted to go back but I really just couldn't afford to. I needed to make my money not learn about the periodic table. I chose life over learning and it wasn't the best choice. I should've stayed in school, I really should have and I'm glad Peter is. He's really smart and deserves the world, he's really sweet too. I just won't let him know I think that, or anyone for that matter. He lead me back to my room and we said our goodbyes. I didn't have training tomorrow so I had the day to do whatever. I got ready for bed and pulled off the sticky latex shirt and threw it in the laundry. Can you even wash that? If it got ruined it for sure wouldn't be the worst thing in the world.
Hey guys- this chapters a few words shorter but hey who cares right? I won't be able to update for about a week unless some crazy miracle happens so I spent all day writing this chapter and a chapter on my other book, An Asgardian Supernova>>go check it out! Anyway I worked really hard today to get these out and I hope you enjoy! I'll have a good few chapters for when I get back! 🧡🧡


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