Princess Johnson

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  It was dark, like 11:00pm dark. I should probably start heading back. Traffic would be really slow so now was the time if I planned to. I did a U-turn and started driving back the way I came. It was a nice drive, I should do it more often. It was a break from the crazy life I lived. I sped down the empty streets, thinking about nothing, just taking in the scenery. I've never seen this place before, it wasn't much but it was nice.

  I finally started seeing things I recognized around 2:00am. I still had plenty of time to get back. Peter didn't call or text me anymore and I thanked him silently. The drive home was eerily quiet so I turned on some music. I bobbed my head to the beat and let the night consume me.

  It had to come to an end eventually, and now sadly had to be that time. The bright lights of Stark Tower cut through the darkness like a knife. I pulled Nick's car into the parking lot and locked it, stuffing the keys into my pocket. I stepped inside and Jarvis greeted me as always. He took me up to the Avengers Floor (which was finally fixed) and opened the elevator door with a quiet ding.

  Tony was sitting on the couch, half asleep. I don't think Tony really ever did sleep, at least well. He noticed me walk in and gave me a soft smile.
  "Welcome back princess," he smirked.
  "Thanks, why're you up?"
  "Can't sleep, how was your joyride in the Director's car?"
  "Relaxing. It's parked outside, not a single scratch."
  "Still amaze me kid, go get some sleep."
  "You too old man," I smiled and walked into my room.

  I changed out of my clothes and into some comfortable pyjamas and slid under the covers. My mind was clearer than it's been in weeks... sleep came easy to me.
  I woke up the next morning and threw on some sweats and a black shirt. I quickly brushed my hair in my bathroom and put it up into a messy bun. I'm pretty sure it was Saturday which meant no work today. When I got into the living room, everyone already seemed to be awake and moving. Peter motioned for me to come over and sit with him, so I did. He was so warm when I snuggled into the side of him. He ran his fingers through my hair and asked about my time last night. We small talked until I was too hungry to function anymore and I made us some food.

  After breakfast I finished my morning routine and sat on my bed, I had nothing to do today. I was still tired from my late night last night and could really lay down for another hour or so. I crawled back into my now cold bed and drifted back to sleep. I don't know when he did, but when I woke up, Peter was laying next to me, holding my hand. I smiled to myself and cuddled up closer to him, I loved him so much.

Peter POV

  Elena went back to her room after breakfast to do who knows what. Probably sleep, she got home late last night from what I heard from Tony. It might sound like I was a bad boyfriend, but I didn't worry about her. Well, I did, like during our little attack I was so scared that she would get hurt. When she took the director's car though, I knew she wanted some alone time and so I gave it to her.

  After about half an hour of not seeing her for a while, I creaked open her door and saw her asleep again. Just as I predicted. I crawled into the bed with her and held her hand, I was really tired too, Spider Man stuff came up last night. I didn't wake her, which was a good thing.

  The whole thing with Director Fury really seemed to upset her. Usually she can handle anything and everything and is up for any mission, this one not so much. I understood her reasoning and he was being unreasonable for not letting anyone else go with her, I should go. They tried to attack me too, I don't understand why she had to go alone though.

  It's a conversation for later though.

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