First Date

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  It was 5:00 and Peter and I were leaving for the restaurant in an hour. We had reservations for 6:45 but I didn't know where we were going. I needed to get ready, I had no idea what to wear, I needed some serious help. I turned over to face Natasha, maybe she'd help.
  "Whatcha want kid?" She asked
  "You need my help for something, what is it?"
  "Oh um, well, can you help me pick something to wear for my date?" She just looked at me with a blank stare.
  "I mean you don't have t-"
  "I'd love to! Let's go!" She grabbed my hand and pulled me into the hallway.

  We got to my room and she went through my closet, not saying a word. She examined each dress for a good few minutes before putting it down and moving on to the next.
  "Nat I have to leave in half an hour!"
  "And that's why I'm handing you this dress to go put on," she shoved an orange dress at me.

   "Nat I have to leave in half an hour!"  "And that's why I'm handing you this dress to go put on," she shoved an orange dress at me

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  It was beautiful, when I turned around to face the mirror in the bathroom my jaw almost dropped. I wasn't one to get all googly eyes over a dress, but this one had me starstruck. I took a deep breath and stepped back into my room. Natasha beamed so I assumed it was good.

  She gushed about the dress as she did my makeup, I wasn't very good at that part. She was a bit bold with her choices, an orange eye shadow look with a sharp black wing. She put on mascara and a tap of lip gloss and got me some silver shoes. I slipped them on, thanked her and headed out into the living room.

  Peter was waiting there for me, god he looked fantastic. He wore a grey suit jacket and pants with an orange shirt underneath. He seemed to always know exactly what I'm going to wear. I looked over at Natasha and I could tell right away she told him what to wear. He smiled at me and took my hand. We walked out the door, closing it gently behind us.

  He held my hand as we went down the stairs, the elevator was broken for this floor so we'd take it one flight down. I was going to fall at least once tonight with these shoes on. We got to the elevator on the second floor from the top and got in. We had plenty of time

  We talked and laughed the whole car ride, I was so glad it wasn't awkward. It was like nothing changed, I mean, we did live together for a while but still. It was normal, just like it was before. We got there and went inside. Peter took care of everything while I sat in the little waiting area. I was so excited, this was my first real date... ever!

  We got to our table and got drinks, we both just got water. The place looked expensive and my eyes almost popped out when I saw the food prices. How was I going to pay for this? I guess I'd just use Tony's account, he said I could for whatever.

  I got the cheapest thing on the menu, Alfredo pasta with chicken. Service here was actually pretty quick for how busy it was. Our food came in 20 minutes and it tasted like literal heaven. Like if heaven was a taste, it would be this. We talked and ate like nothing was new and had an overall great time. He smiled nonstop so I assume he had a good time too. I looked around, we were the youngest people here, by a long shot. Mainly older couples were here, at least in their 40's.

  Soon, it was time for us to leave after paying. The bill was $219! We paid with Tony's money and left, hand in hand. It was beautiful out, not windy and just beginning to become sunset.
  "El, you know how beautiful you are?"
  "Couldn't tell you P," I giggled.
  "You're stunning." With that, he grabbed my waist and pulled me in for a kiss.

  Sparks flew and emotions raged. He was perfect, everything now was perfect. We finally broke apart and looked at eachother with wide eyes. Maybe he felt it too. I was so busy thinking about it that I didn't see the bomb land behind Peter until the last second.

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