New Year's Eve

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Today was December 31st, so you know that means. New Year's Eve. Last year, I wasn't here yet so I didn't celebrate it but everyone took the night off so we could spend it together. I've only been on the team for like, a year or something but I've been through so much with them. Let's just take a minute and review.

January started off with me running into Pietro and seeing eachother at the movies. Then I got into that huge reporter fight and got arrested, that was fun. Anyway after that Pietro told me that Tony Stark wanted to see me and that's when I was offered to join the team. After that I fought Natasha and Peter and I started going to Starbucks a lot. I got that blood test that scarred me. Then, Jaden passed away, man that felt like forever ago. Tony said some shitty things and then Peter and I pranked him. We went to May's and she really did not like me.

Then came the first dark chapter I guess. I went home that night but woke up somewhere else. That's when I got shot for the first time and when I got beaten really really badly. The Avengers found and saved me though and everything turned out alright. Then I got the surgery but... overdosed on pain medicine and then uh. Yeah. Later, Peter and I went to May's house for a second visit and then we finally got together after kissing in the elevator.

From there, Peter and I were good. We went on a date but that went south, we got attacked. On our first mission as a couple, we went into the bunker that I was in. Then of course, it went south again. A bomb went off and I went deaf in my right ear. Then I broke up with Peter, big mistake though. I went out one day and met Ollie, he quickly became one of my best friends.

Then that brings us up to a few months ago. I got shot on the mission with Natasha and was out for two weeks. Peter and I got back together and then we went out to a concert and dinner. This brings us here, December 31st, the end of the year.

This was the most insane year of my life, but it was also the best. So much crazy shit happened but it really changed me as a person. I grew up. Before this all began, I was an emotionless, criminal kid and now, I'm so much more than that.

Peter, Tony, Natasha and everyone else in this tower made me so much better, and I don't think I'll ever be able to repay them.

"Hey El? You coming?" Peter called.

That's my cue.
We all gathered in the living room while Bruce put a movie on. Peter and I sat on a couch with Tony and Pepper. I haven't seen her in ages. I looked around me and took everything in. This was my family now. It was unexpected, but totally worth it.

It was a few hours before midnight but since Tony was basically the face of New York, he was invited to be the VIP of the celebration. Since he jumped at any chance to get some attention, he's making us go with him. I really hated cameras, but Tony didn't, and we was not taking no for an answer.

"Tony, I really don't want to go. I hate cameras and reporters and stuff."

"You're going. I'll make sure you don't punch any this time."

We got to Times Square and instantly, the cameras surrounded us. I kept my head down and my hood pulled over my head. I didn't want to go through this again. We would be sitting kind of in a panel, for interviews, before the show started. I would probably have to say something. We finally made it to the stage and took our seats. I say between Tony and Peter. Oh yeah, people discovered that Peter was Spiderman so he didn't have to hide it anymore. The first person stepped up to the mic, here we go.

"Mr. Stark, first of all thank you for coming out."

"It was my pleasure, got a question?"

"Uh yes, what was the craziest mission you did this year?"

He glanced at me, "saving this kid from some sketchy bunker. I never thought that would happen."

"Thank you," she stepped aside allowing the next person in line to ask their question.

"This one's for Agent Ember."

I looked at Tony and back at the reporter. "Of course, go ahead."

"So you joined the team a year ago, how have your relationships changed with everyone?"

"Um well, at the beginning, I didn't really get along with anyone but Peter. As time went on, Peter and I drifted apart and Natasha and I got closer. Now, I'm really close with everyone."

"Thank you," okay, that wasn't horrible.

"My question is for Mr. Parker, is managing your personal and your work life hard?"

"Well, part of my personal life is my work life, but no, it's actually been a lot easier than I thought it would be."

"And what's that part?" Peter looked at me and I just nodded. He can tell them, we've been together for like four months.

"Well I work with my girlfriend, so that's work and personal."

The crowd literally went insane. People were yelling and trampling eachother trying to get to a microphone. Jesus, these people were animals.

"Mr. Parker!! Who is the lucky girl?!"

"Mr. Parker? You have a girlfriend?!"

"Okay everyone, um, let's calm down for a minute. Uh yeah I do have a girlfriend, she's actually right next to me," he grabbed my hand and smiled at me.

The rest of the night we answered questions and laughed at some of the funny ones. It was actually pretty fun and around 10 we went up to our VIP seating. We could see everything from here and it was really nice. Peter pulled me closer and we snuggled up while we watched the pre-show. It was really cold but Peter was keeping me warm. I brought a blanket so we cuddled while we watched the show.

I'm really surprised because I thought tonight was going to suck. I never really celebrated New Year's Eve, I wasn't really interested. This year, this one was different. I had a real family this time, and it was fantastic.

It was three minutes until midnight and everyone was getting antsy. Apparently Tony does this every year and "it wasn't too cool," but I've never even heard of this. They dropped a huge ball at midnight! That's insane! Everyone started counting down from ten, it was time!

The ball dropped and everyone cheered. Peter grabbed me and pulled me into a kiss, this was the right way to start a new year.
Hey everyone!

Happy New Year! Thank you for an amazing year of support throughout my four stories, I appreciate every single one of you. ❤️

Next year is a new beginning which comes with new surprises and new writing schedules so you aren't kept waiting.

To a new year! 🍾🥂

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