Highway Shootout

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*violence warning- contains shooting, getting shot, blood and scenes that may make some people uncomfortable.*

*Also, I just released my fourth story, Romanova, so go check it out!*

You know what? Screw a plan. I'm going to step out and figure it out from there. I sat up and Natasha grabbed my neck and pushed me back down. I grabbed her hand but she grabbed it with her other hand and freed her first hand, which grabbed my other hand. I pretzeled my leg above her head and clobbered my foot on to her head. Her arms went limp and I could escape now. I grabbed a bunch of guns and ammo from the trunk and an extra belt so I could hold twice as much and opened the driver's door.

A bullet flew through it, just as I predicted. I crouched down to the side of the car and rolled underneath it. There were only shooters on the passenger side. I had eyes on them, there were five. I couldn't really shoot too accurately from underneath a car and I didn't want to kill them but if that's what it came to then I would have to. There were probably 50 people stuck on this highway. I had to do something.

I pulled a handgun out of the belt and cocked it. It was already loaded which made my life 10x easier. I was small enough to move around under the car but I couldn't get a good angle, so it was just point and shoot I guess. I was just about to pull the trigger when a heard another gunshot and a scream. Shit, I just had to do it. Shooting didn't bother me, I've been shot before, in the shoulder if you remember. Before I could second guess myself, my finger knew what to do, and pulled it.

He dropped to the ground and his friends or whatever they were to him looked over and then in my direction, it was do or die now. I shot again and just barely hit the guy, but I did. Two down, three to go. They started to point their guns at our car though, Natasha was still in there and this car could blow up at any second. I rolled out from under it and went back into the driver's seat. Natasha was still knocked out, I needed her to stay down because they were going for the windows.

I shook her until she woke up and when she did she sprung up and a yanked her back down.

"Stay down! There's still three shooters out there on your side and they're going for the windows."

"You got out of the car?!"

"Yeah, I couldn't let any more innocent people die. The problem is, I think I killed the two guys I shot."

"Dammit Elena! What the hell were you thinking?!"

"I just told you! Anyway, I've gotta take care of the rest of them, but we need to move. This car is going to blow up if they keep shooting at it."

"Grab whatever you can carry and throw it next to the car infront of us."

"Got it."

We grabbed our bags and threw them forward. The car was empty now except for us. This was the hard part, making to the next car without getting shot. The car was about a foot away from us so we just had to roll or dive, but these guys had snipers, they were good. Natasha went first. She dove across the open space without being shot at, they were still a bit distracted over their friend. Bullets rained into the engine of the car and I had mere seconds left. I jumped to Nat and the whole car combusted.

Flames raged and chunks of the car were all over the road. I don't know if they knew we made it but I was hoping they didn't. I grabbed another gun and through the window of this car, I shot it at the third guy from the right. Down. Only two left. Natasha grabbed a gun and shot it but the guy moved at just the last second. If they didn't know before, they knew we were here now. I shot again and it skimmed his arm, making him yelp in pain. He used his other had to shoot at us. I shot again and the bullet planted itself right in his stomach. His eyes froze and he tumbled backwards. Right as that happened, Natasha shot the last man, just missed and I shot him and landed it exactly where it needed to be.

He looked in our direction, a bit confused, while his green shirt slowly became red. We stood up and right as he started falling back, he pulled the trigger once more.

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