Date Night

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  I got back to the tower late and I was exhausted. It was a nice night but at the same time, I'm glad it was over. Peter was staying at May's for the next week so he told me I could sleep in his room. I was totally taking advantage of that offer. I threw on one of Peter's sweaters and got ready for bed. I jumped into his bed and snuggled in to the sheets that smelled just like him.

  The next morning I woke up and was really warm. I rolled over and smiled, Peter was laying next to me and had his arms wrapped around me. I moved closer to him and he smiled too. I fell back asleep in his arms. I missed this, I missed it alot. When we were broken up, I guess I was a bit sad. I didn't want to admit it, but I was sad. I never stopped loving him, even when I didn't want to admit it.

3 months later.
Peter POV.

  We've been together for just about three and a half months. Tonight I was bringing her to the Ariana Grande concert as a little surprise. Dinner reservations at seven and concert at 9:30. It was 5:30 right now so we should probably get going soon.

  "Hey El? You almost ready?"


  H-o-l-y-s-h-i-t. She looked really good. She wore light wash ripped jeans and an orange and red striped tee shirt. She had on a bold orange eyeshadow look that brought out her eyes so well. She had on those iconic checkered Vans and her hair was down and straightened.

  "You look amazing," I was near speechless.

  "Thanks Pete, so do you. You gonna tell me where we're going?"

  "Nope, but we gotta get going soon.''

  "Then why are we still here? BYE GUYS!"

  "Have fun!" A bunch of voices yelled at different times.

  I got in the driver's seat and began the drive to destination one. She kept asking me where we were going and I kept giving her the same answer, "you'll see." As much as I loved her, man, she could be a handful. After about half an hour we pulled into the Olive Garden parking lot. We still had 20 minutes to kill but we went inside anyway. They actually had our table ready so we got in, which was nice.

  This was Elena's favorite restaurant and she seemed really happy. She ordered Alfredo pasta and garlic bread and I got the same. We talked and laughed while we ate. She thought this was all we were doing tonight, she was in for a surprise. We finished up and I paid the bill and then we left.

  "Isn't the tower the other way?"

  "I just have one thing to do before we head home, is that okay?"

  "Yeah of course," she was not okay with it, she would be though.

  We pulled into the parking lot and Elena was really confused.

  "Where are we Peter?"

  "Just come on El."

  We got inside and she was still clueless, you would think that all the posters would've given it away. We went inside and sat down and about 30 minutes later, the opening act came on. Her name was Norman or Normani or something like that. Anyway, Ariana Grande finally came on and Elena literally screamed. She pulled me into a kiss that lasted half of the first song and for the rest of the night, she jumped up and down screaming the lyrics go every song.

  It was around midnight when the concert ended. I personally don't listen to her unless Elena's around but she really enjoyed herself. I was really happy that she had fun. The whole car ride home she talked about the concert and couldn't stop smiling. I loved her so much.

Elena POV.

  The concert was amazing. I've never been to one before and they're AWESOME. That was like the nicest thing anyone could have done. Her performance tonight was astonishing and my breath was still taken away from it. I loved him so much, I really needed to do something huge for him now.

  We got home around one and everyone was asleep. We headed into my room and cuddled in bed before we got changed and stuff. I put on some short shorts and a spaghetti strap tank top and he put on shorts but no shirt. It was pretty warm in the tower tonight, I get it was the middle of December but we don't need it to be a sauna.

  We met back in my room after cleaning up and whatever and layed in bed. Just the touch of him made me smile. We kissed for a little bit but then we got tired and decided to call it a night. Well, we did, but then we got up again.

  I know the legal drinking age is 21 but we just had a little bit. Tony displays his alcohol in a cabinet so we poured ourselves some wine and sat in the living room. We talked and talked and before we knew it, it was four. We washed our glasses and returned everything back to the way it was and went back to bed.

  It was ten when we got up. I needed some coffee so Peter and I went into the kitchen. Everyone else was already up and ready for the day. Peter poured us coffee and I sat down at the table. I felt fine but damn, I was tired. Who would've thought that staying up till 4:30 would make you tired?

  Peter and I sipped our coffee and talked about last night. Natasha wanted to hear all about the concert and the date we had. Tony was kinda listening but he was in his laptop doing who knows what. Every so often he would comment on something or whatever to make it seem like he was actually listening.

  I looked over at Peter and he was so cute right now. In the morning his hair was disheveled and his eyes glimmered but they still looked tired. He put his hand on my back and pulled my chair closer to his. Such a charmer. Such. A. Charmer.

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