Meet the Crew

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Apparently I had to move in here, I wasn't too fond of that but at the same time I was. I finally got to leave that hellhole I called a house my whole life. Who knew what Jaden was going to do, but who cares? He'd probably be on the streets by the end of the year. He's my brother and of course I want to help him, but he made this life for himself and now he has to live with it. After I got my room, I was escorted home by Tony to get my things. When we approached my house, the look of disgust of his face was priceless. He tried to hide his shock but he just couldn't.
"Pretty crappy huh?"
"Wha-no no no! No it's uh.. nice."
"Oh don't give me that you know it's shit."
"It's not that bad..."
"Wait till you come inside."
"What do you mean......" He trailed off when I opened the door.
"I'm bringing my money with me."
"It's stolen money, no."
"Then I'm not joining your little team."
"Why do you want it so bad?"
"I worked all day every day to get this. I put my life at risk. I'm not leaving without it."
"Okay, okay."
"Glad we cleared that up."
I got the rest of my things and told Jaden what was happening. I told him all his risks if he didn't get his life together. Didn't care much. We headed back to the tower after all that. It was a silent ride, but not awkward. Just quiet. The tower was bustling with people when we got back. I had to meet the other Avengers now, I was a bit nervous. I had no reason to be, but I was. I walked into the private conference room and took my seat at the end of the table.

A man with an eye patch walked in.
"You Ember?"
"Yes sir."
"Director Fury. Welcome to the Avengers."
"Thank you sir."
"Team, this is our newest recruit. Elena Johnson, or, Agent Ember. She has joined the team because of her fighting and other skills. Cap, take it away."
Steve Rogers began to speak right after Fury finished.
"Agent, I am Steve Rogers, or Captain America. Here we have Natasha Romanoff, Clint Barton, Wanda and Pietro Maximoff, Tony Stark, Bruce Banner, Thor Odinson and Peter Parker. The Avengers."
"Nice to meet all of you."
"Elena this is your new family. You will be trained by Agent Romanoff because you have similar fighting styles. You will work, but you will also learn."
"Any questions?"
"Perfect, you'll start training tomorrow."
Tony butted in.
"Cat got your tongue?"
"Just going to give one word answers sweetheart?"
"Watch who you're calling sweetheart."
"Yikes, forgot you were a little aggressive."
"I can be more if you want." He needed to lay off me for crying out loud.
"I'd love to see that."
"Screw you."
"How old are you again?"
"Quite a sharp tongue for a kid."
"Okay everyone let's calm down," Steve tried to get this meeting back on track. Fury seemed to love watching us bicker.
"Elena, you will train with Natasha every day for the next week, she'll teach you new techniques and help enhance what you already have."
"Sounds good."
"Good luck."
With that, everyone got up and began saying goodbye. Why were they saying bye? They all lived in the same building they'd see eachother the whole way back to their rooms. Rooms, I haven't told you about my room yet!

It really suits the name Ember. I chose that name because to me it symbolizes a little fire. Something pretty to look at but burns at the touch. I don't want to be overpowering with my aggression or attitude or whatever but I don't want to be overlooked. My room was all black with red, orange and yellow highlights to it. It reminded me of a campfire in the dark. Ugh it was absolutely gorgeous. I've never seen a room that I felt related to me more. How did they have it ready so fast? They didn't know I was joining until earlier today. Whatever I don't really care. All my stuff was put away by someone, not quite sure who though. I didn't like the idea of someone going through all my stuff, but I guess I had to deal with some things I didn't like.

The Avengers seemed a little on edge around me, probably because I just got arrested but I get it. I would be too for crying out loud. I might as well just stay in my room, I have nothing else to do today. I finished unpacking and rearranging everything I didn't like. Overall it was good but there were some parts that just weren't right. I fixed it all up though and now it's perfect. Who knows? Maybe I'll be able to stand it here.

I'd probably stay in my room alot, I could tell I wasn't that welcome here, especially by certain people. Bruce seemed just plain scared of me, Thor didn't even look at me and Clint couldn't care less about anything I guess. The only ones who seemed comfortable with me were Steve, Tony and Pietro. The kid my age, Peter I think it was, he didn't seem too on edge, so that's cool. Maybe I'll even have a friend here. I started my training tomorrow and it was with Peter too. Natasha would train us both, it was normally Peter's time and he said I could join. Seems like a nice enough kid to me, that's all that matters. It was getting late, about 9:00pm and I decided to just call it a night and go to bed. I plugged my phone in and got changed and ready for bed.

The Sun rose and the day was beginning. I had to get ready to head down to the training room or gym or whatever it even was. In my closet, they put some black cargo pants with flames around the ankles and a skin tight black shirt. There was a sash sort of thing and a backpack that I was told to bring too. I suited up and opened the door, coming face to face with someone.

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