Needles and Phobias

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  There weren't a lot of people in here, just a few office workers getting their coffee for the day. We ordered our drinks and sat down. We talked about nothing but everything. His aunt, where he grew up, school, everything we could think of. Time flew by when I was with Peter, he was the only real friend I'd ever had. He was funny and actually treated me like I was a person. We finished and up left the coffee place, as we walked out, Natasha turned around and looked at us.
  "Oh my god, where were you two?" She asked.
  "In the Starbucks right there," Peter responded.
  "What took you so long? We've all been worried about you!"
  "How long have we been out?"
  "4 hours Elena! 4!" We've been in the Starbucks for four hours?
  "You're kidding?" Peter didn't believe it either.
  "What were you guys doing? Making out or something?"
  "What-no! We were talking, getting to know eachother better!" Peter exclaimed.
  "My ass, let's go." She radioed the others saying she found us. We made it back to the tower and I headed to go find Tony, Natasha said he wanted to see me.

  I walked into the lab that was downstairs with the help of Peter, I can't even find the stairs yet. We walked in to the room that was full of creepy potions and screens.
  "Banner, seen Tony anywhere?" I asked.
  "What? Tony? Oh, yeah I think he was here a little while ago. He said something about looking for you two. Might as well stay here."
  "Okay, whatcha working on?"
  "Running some blood tests for Tony."
  "Cool, what's it testing for?"
  "Special abilities."
  "You know, it's protocol that everyone gets blood tests, have you got yours?"
  "What? No no no, no I haven't. Nope not yet, nope."
  "Want to now?"
  "I'd rather not, you know, you're busy. I'm busy. We're all busy, no time. Maybe later." Oh no...
  "I'm not busy, and Tony isn't here, why not?" I started sweating.
  "No thank you Bruce." I was shaking now.
  "Elena are you alright?" Peter asked.
  "Fine." I needed to get out of there.
  "Uh, Dr. Banner, if Mr. Stark comes looking for us, we'll be upstairs."
  "Alright, no problem kid."
  "Come on Elena, let's go."
  "Kay." Peter grabbed my hand and lead me out of the lab. I was dizzy and shaky. I needed to lay down.
  "You okay El?"
  "Mhm, I'm good."
  "Okay, my room's closer, want to go lay down in there?"
  "Sure sure. Yeah sure." I didn't care where, I just needed to lay down.
  "Okay, almost there."
  "Mhm. Thank you Peter."
  "No problem."

  We got to his room and he layed me down on to the bed. It was for when he could stay over at the tower, but he usually didn't. He had a couch in there and I said there was fine but he insisted he took the couch. I couldn't sleep so I just layed there. I was still kind of shaking, needles were the one and only thing I was scared of. Needles ruined my life, my parents life. They were scattered across my house, I had to watch where I stepped. There was no way in hell anyone would come near me with a needle. No sir. Needles were the definition of hell to me.

  About 20 minutes went by and there was a knock at the door, Peter got up and answered it. It was Tony.
  "Hey kid, is Elena in here?"
  "Yeah she had a panic attack earlier, she's laying down."
  "What happened?"
  "Dr. Banner mentioned the mandatory blood test and she freaked out. She denied and fought it and then she started sweating and shaking. I had to get her out of there."
  "Needles huh? I knew she had to be afraid of something. She's okay though?"
  "I think, she's awake. You can talk to her."
  "Oh alright." Peter opened the door a little wider and Tony walked in. He sat down on the end of the bed.
  "Hey Ember, how you doing?"
  "I'm fine. Just got a little sick in the lab. Must've touched something I shouldn't have."
  "Are you sure you weren't just scared of the blood test?"
  "I'm not scared of anything Stark, especially a little needle."
  "Okay, let's go now then so it can be over with and we don't forget." Shoot, he was trying to crack me.
  "No! I mean, no, I'm still not feeling great."
  "We can inject some medicine into you too."
  "I'd rather not Tony..."
  "Admit it Elena, you're scared."
  "I'm not scared of anything."
  "Then let's go, Peter can come if it makes you less scared."
  "I'm not scared and I don't want to waste Peter's time. I'll go alone thank you."
  "I don't mind," Peter butted in. I didn't want him to see me if I freaked out. I didn't.
  "I guess then..." I started shaking again.
  "Alright come on." I got out of the bed and started walking towards the door. I could take a needle, I've been stabbed in the leg before! I wasn't afraid to fight Natasha. I can do this. I can do this. I can do this.

  We reached the lab and they had me sit down on a chair so it was less uncomfortable. Bruce got the needle and the tubes ready while Peter was on the hunt for another chair. They needed to do it while he was gone, But the second I saw the needle I started to panic again. Oh dear God, I couldn't go through with it. I would do anything, anything except this. Peter came back with a rolling chair and sat down. Bruce had everything ready. I just had to close my eyes and breathe. Just breathe. He cleaned my arm and tied a rubber band thing around it. He was about to stick the needle in when I "coughed."
  "Sorry, uh, carry on."
  Bruce kind of looked at me funny and resumed what he was going. The needle poked through my skin and my eyes shot open. The blood was coming out of my arm from a needle that was in my arm. A needle was in my arm. Oh no no no no no!!! I yelped out and my eyes started tearing up. Peter grabbed my free hand and started reassuring me. Tears streamed down my face and I kept trying to get them to stop, but they wouldn't. They wouldn't stop taking my blood. After about 30 seconds he pulled the needle out and put a cotton ball and tape over the injection site. I stopped crying but jumped out of that chair so fast it made me dizzy. Peter was still holding my hand so he ran out with me. He kept telling me that I was okay and it would be okay. Peter, he kept me sane.

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