"Just let her go kid."

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  "What are you doing here Peter?"
  "Not letting you go."
  "I'm leaving tomorrow, like it or not. My house is where I belong."
  "You sound like Tony, quit it."
  "Elena..." I imitated.
  "Wow, anyways don't leave. I explained everything to May, leaving out the whole Avengers/Spiderman part."
  "Good for you."
  "She feels terrible Elena."
  "Good for her."
  "Why don't you care about anything?" He started raising his voice.
  "I care about things that are important to me!" Two can play at that game.
  "Am I not important to you?!" Was he really going to say that?
  "Are you kidding me Peter?!"
  "No! Ever since you came here you haven't even tried to make friends! Maybe if you stopped being so cold to everyone we wouldn't be having this conversation!"
  "Shut up! You know how hard it was for me?! I was a DRUG DEALER AND A THIEF! You don't get it! Coming from that kind of life to a life where everyone's perfect isn't easy! Everyone I trusted in my life left me so EXCUSE ME for being a little closed off!"
  "you did what?" His voice was barely a whisper.
  "Just... Just get out Peter." I was ashamed of myself, I couldn't do this right now.
  "If you won't get out, I will!" He didn't move.

  I walked out the door, slamming it behind me. Before Tony came in I pocketed my money so I had it with me. That was all I needed, I left most of my stuff at the house. The house was still in my parents' name so it was still open for me. Everyone was in the living room looking worried. I ran down the stairs, Peter following after me calling my name.

Peter POV

  "Just let her go kid." Steve said.
  "What do you know?" I snapped. She couldn't be leaving for real, could she?
  "You'll only make it worse, let her leave." Pietro said.
  "It's my fault she's leaving."
  "Maybe, but she needs time. We heard everything, trust me on this one." Wanda said.

  Tears streamed down my cheeks, Mr. Stark got up and stood next to me.
  "Don't worry about her."
  "I need to, she's going to get hurt. She's only a kid! She doesn't have powers of anything to defend herself!"
  "Have some faith in her, that's why she was mad in the first place. You've seen the damage that girl can do."
  "I know but-"
  "No buts. She'll be back, I know it."

  What have I done? She was one of the most important people in my life. I've only known her for a few weeks, but I couldn't imagine my life without her. I was her first real friend and blew that. I wanted to go after her, I really did, but Mr. Stark stood in the way of the door, refusing to let me. Everyone seemed to think she'd come back but I knew her better than they did and she wouldn't. I said so many horrible things and I meant none of it. She's been through so much criticism. First Mr. Stark, then May and now her best friend.

Elena POV

  I knew where I was going, I knew New York like it was the back of my hand. My vision was foggy and I really couldn't run anymore. I wanted to just sink into the concrete, just disappear. Today was a horrible day and I couldn't wait for it to be over. I stumbled through my front door and closed and locked it behind me.

  I went into my old room, it was just as I left it. I looked into Jaden's room when I realized I was alone in here. I was rarely alone in the house, especially at night. I was in a vulnerable state right now and it wasn't safe for me. Maybe Peter was right, maybe I couldn't defend myself. I closed my door and changed out of the clothes that have seen a terrible day. The shirt was stained with tears, of course. I put some old pajamas on and got in the bed. It was creaky and uncomfortable but it was mine. Not Tony's, mine. It went under the covers and cried for a while longer, until I couldn't cry anymore. I was exhausted and eventually, I fell asleep.

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