Mister Parker

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We sat on my bed, just in awe. I can't believe he was the one to make a move, who would've thought? I never even dreamed of him wanting to kiss me, but I guess shit happens. He reached over and grabbed my hand so I moved over closer to him. He smiled and then wrapped his other arm around me. He said nothing, but his actions spoke a million words. We sat like that for a little while before he pulled away from me with a smile.
"Do you... want to go on an actual date with me?"
"Of course," I smiled at him and squeezed his hand.
"Really? Okay, um, is there anything specific you want to do?" He stuttered.
"Whatever you want Peter," he blushed.
"Okay, tomorrow night?"
"Sounds perfect," I snuggled back up into his arms again and fell asleep like that.
I woke up the next morning still wrapped in Peter's hold. He fell asleep too I guess, it couldn't have been comfortable for him. It was 9:27 and I could hear movement outside my door. People were awake, I guess I should be too. I gently and carefully crawled out of Peter's arms and crept into my closet. I chose black leggings with a bright orange Champion sweater. I stepped out and pulled a scrunchie over my wrist and tip toed out of the room.

I opened the door to an empty hallway and gently closed it. I walked down the eerily quiet hallway and stepped out into the bright light of the living area. Natasha and Tony were sitting on the plush chairs in the living room while Bruce was cooking something in the kitchen. I smiled at Nat when she motioned for me to sit next to her.
"Morning sunshine," Tony said.
"Morning," I replied with a smile.
"So? You didn't tell us much about May's, how'd it go?"
"It was good, we ordered Chinese food because whatever she tried to make was burnt. We just talked for a while, she wasn't aggressive or anything this time."
"So? Good time then?" Natasha asked.
"It was great," I beamed.
"So like... Are you and Peter finally a thing now?"
"Um, I think so. We're going out to dinner tonight."
"Aww that's sweet, young love."
"Nat!" I squealed.
"What? You just said you were together!"
"Not together, a thing. Not totally official yet."
"From what we saw last night it was pretty official," Tony smirked.
"Oh shut it, it was more of a good job than an I wanna be with you kiss."
"Either way, you two still looked rough,"
"Jesus Tony!" I exclaimed.
"It's true, ask anyone! Except Steve, I think he was a little behind."
"No shit really," I clapped back.
"Is he ever gonna get up?" Tony asked.
"Not sure, he was pretty tired last night. After we made dinner plans we just passed out."
"Nothing else?"
"Screw you," I giggled.
"What does that mean?!" Tony's eyes got huge.
"It means screw you, that's what," I laughed.
"Okay but really, no underage uh stuff under my roof!" Tony yelped.
"Got it dad, I got it." I sighed.
"No kissing!"
"That one's getting a no from me."
"Young lady!"
"Ay, I turn 17 soon, old man."
"Watch who you're calling old!"
"Watch who you're calling "kid"!"
"I didn't call you a kid!"
"You implied it,"
"Damn right I did," he chuckled and walked into the kitchen to bother Bruce.

Just as I turned around I came face to face with Peter, how did he look so good in the same clothes as yesterday? I walked over to him smiling (I seemed to do alot of that recently) and grabbed his hand. We walked into his room this time and snuggled up together. Mr. Parker was the one I needed.

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