Thank u, next

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*Language warning*

  It was late and I was tired, it was a long ass day. All I wanted to do was sleep and just forget everything. Ever meeting the Avengers, ever falling in love with Peter, ever getting hurt. I needed coffee or something, it was too early to sleep. I grabbed a jacket and left without anyone noticing me.

  I walked down the road in the chilly air and made my way to the Starbucks that was down the street. I opened the door to the warm coffee shop and ordered my regular. Everyone seemed so content in here, I was I was like them. I grabbed my drink and sat in the far corner that was a bit darker than the rest of the store. I sipped my coffee and let all my worries slip away. I needed some alone time, fully alone. No Natasha, no Tony and especially no Peter.

  I was looking down at my cup when someone helped themselves to the extra seat at my table.

  "This seat taken?" I looked up and was met with a guy.

  "No, all yours," he smiled at sat down. "What brings you over here?"

  "You look like you could use some company," he smiled again.

  "You guessed correctly, I'm kinda in a tough situation right now."

  "Well I'm Oliver and I'm down to listen whenever you wanna talk....?"


  "Nice to meet you Elena. Here's my number, shoot me a text if you wanna hangout sometime."

  "Sounds good, here's mine," I scribbled my personal phone number on a napkin and slid it across the table.

  "Until next time," he smiled and then left, pushing the chair in gently as he did so.

  He seemed like a really nice guy and damn, was he ever cute. He had curly brown hair that was cute and unruly. His eyelashes framed his ocean eyes and his smile was sparkling. I didn't need a boyfriend right now but I could really use a boy friend, you know? I couldn't stop smiling while I walked home in the light of the moon and before I knew it I was back to reality, Stark Tower.

  I walked in and Tony and Natasha were in the lobby freaking out on the secretary.

  "Hey guys?"

  "Oh my god Elena!" Natasha cried, here we go again.

  "Before you yell at me I have something to say. I'm 17 years old and an Avenger and I don't think that I need a babysitter and I should be able to leave when I want. You don't helicopter parent Peter so I don't think that it's necessary."

  "But we didn't know if you were going to do something reckless or get you in real trouble," Tony said.

  "I was at Starbucks," my phone buzzed and I looked down at it. Oliver.

  "Who's that?" Natasha said attempting to see the number.

  "Nobody," I smiled and stuffed it into my pocket.

  "Did you meet someone?"

  "No! Oh my god you guys chill out! It's a friend of mine, I'm not seeing anyone either."

  "I'll take your word for it," Tony smirked.

  "Yeah you do that, I'm gonna go upstairs to bed."

  "You sure you're okay kid?"

  "I'm actually really good. I needed to see that to move on completely I think."

  "I would've smashed everything if I were you, I don't know how all you did was punch her and be done with it."

  "I kicked a garbage can over too," I pointed out.

  "By the way, Eleanor woke up at like 8:30 ish, she just left and didn't say anything to any of us. I don't know if she's pressing charges yet," Tony said.

  "I'll deal with it, thanks Tony."

  "Anything for you kid," he smiled.

  "Alright I'm tired as hell, night," I went into the elevator and up to the Avengers floor.

  I made it inside okay and I texted Oliver back while I was in the elevator. He was sweet, I think it was good to have a guy friend. I turned the corner and ran right into something rock hard, sending me plummeting to the ground.

  "Oh shit are you okay?" Peter. He reached his hand out but I got myself up.

  "Yeah," I started to reach for my phone but he webbed it before I could grab it. "Give me my phone Peter."

  "Who's Oliver?"

  "None of your business, give me my phone," I wasn't playing games.

  "Are you literally seeing someone right now Elena?"

  "Fuck off and give me my phone!"

  "Who the hell is Oliver?!"

  "Screw off Peter! It has nothing to do with you! If you wanted to be okay, you shouldn't have made out with her!"
  "I didn't know it was Eleanor! She had red hair when we googled her!"

  "Hair doesn't change her face Peter! Either way we aren't together, or even friends for that matter so mind your own damn business!" I kicked him in the leg and grabbed my phone, tangling him in his own web.

  "Not even friends huh?"

  "Won't be for a while Parker," I scoffed and marched down the hall.

  I jumped into my bed after changing into my pyjamas and I was beat, I just couldn't stop texting Oliver though. I just met him today but we made plans to meet at Starbucks again tomorrow at 7. He didn't know a lot about me, but he didn't seem like he needed to. He didn't care that he didn't know my last name or what my favorite colour is, he just wanted to talk and that was so cool of him.

  I wouldn't stay mad at Peter forever, I'd have to forgive him eventually. He made a good point about the red/blonde hair thing. I'd forgive him eventually, but he'll have to work for it.

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