Mistakes Happen

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  "This is Ember, I ran into her the other day, literally."
  "Oh, nice to meet you Ember." I had no idea who this man was.
  "Nice to meet you too...?"
  "Steve, Steve Rogers."
  "Nice to meet you Steve. Well, Pietro, I better be going. Nice seeing you again."
  "Yeah, nice to see you too, hope you can come to the compound one day."
  "Hope so too."

  I gathered my jacket and bag and left before they could ask me anything else. It was hard having a fake identity, sometimes I came too close to giving out my real information. I usually got myself out of those kinds of situations pretty quickly so it wasn't a huge problem. They were smart though, smarter than I was and they could crack me easily. I really needed to stop running into Pietro. He was going to be the one to bust me. I'm sure the police have seen my face before, on hidden security cameras and whatnot. He'll want me to come to the compound but they'll run a background check. They'll match my face with the name Elena from my legal documents and I'll be busted. Not really interested in that if you know what I mean. Maybe if I stay inside more it'll lessen my chances of seeing then, any of them.

  I walked home and when I walked in the door I wish I hadn't. Needles were scattered across the ground and the smell of marijuana filled the air. Both of my parents were passed out on the couch. I knew it was too good to be true, the whole sobering up thing. I walked over to them and cried out. They weren't breathing! I started bawling and pulled my phone out and called 911. After a few minutes or so I could hear the sirens from down the street. My knees were weak and my breathing was shallow. I couldn't lose them. I wouldn't be able to pay all the mortgage and bills by myself. We would be homeless! Where the hell is Jaden and why doesn't he care about what's happening, I've screamed his name a million times. I can't leave them to go look for him. I hate him, I hate him so much. Why did I have to get the most idiotic brother in all of America? Why me?

  The medics burst through the door and attached both of my parents to stretchers and wheeled them into the back of the ambulance. There, they hooked them up to oxygen and a few other machines. They also took some blood and did a few tests. While they did that I ran into Jaden's room and screamed at him for being so ignorant and I told him what happened. He wasn't even phased. I sprinted back to the ambulance and climbed in the back with my parents. They couldn't leave me, not now.

  We got to the hospital in just over 6 minutes. They rushed my parents out of the ambulance and into the hospital. My parents were pretty well known people, so this incident would probably be on the news. I was sure of this because reports and cameras flashed as they were wheeled into the building. Were they serious? I walked over to them and they ran at me with microphones, asking who I was and what happened. Something in me snapped and I grabbed the microphone and smashed it on the ground. The press found that hilarious so they pestered me more. Didn't they learn the first time? One reporter walked right up to me and held a camera right in my face. His partner held out a microphone and that's when all hell broke loose.

  I grabbed the microphone and hit him over the head with it, sending him crashing to the ground. The camera man kept following me so I punched him square in the face. People were grabbing me, trying to pull me away but I was too fired up. I punched and kicked taking everyone around me out. They wanted a juicy story on the Johnsons, they'll get one. These idiots have no respect for anyone. My parents could die and they want to take pictures and report on it. Someone grabbed my wrist and I took my other hand and snapped it. In my line of work, you gotta know how to fight. People will try and rip you off and kill you, you've gotta be able to fight back. I've only been in a few fights, nothing broken on me or anything but I've definitely caused a hospital visit or two. Finally, the police came and tackled me to the ground, and it took alot of them to. They brought me into custody and the reporters into the hospital.

  The police station was pretty empty today. They put me in the holding cell and called my aunt. She lived 19 hours away from here so she obviously couldn't get me. I was stuck here. I didn't care, I had nothing better to do. The only problem was the hospital was extremely close to Stark Tower, where the Avengers stayed. They'd hear about it if they haven't seen it already. I don't regret beating them up but I certainly wish it was somewhere else. I'd rather not have a cheery conversation with an angry Avenger or two, not my cup of tea. I sat around in the cell all night. They were going to move me to the bigger prison down the street in 2 days. I was stuck in this smelly and disgusting place for 2 more days. I decided to just go to sleep and deal with tomorrow, tomorrow.

  I woke up early, when the night shift cops left and the day shift ones came in. I sat up on the bed thing and looked around. Nothing changed, I didn't think anything would while I was asleep. The day went by slowly, dragged on. Right as I was about to turn around the door opened. I turned back around and sighed. I knew this was coming. Pietro and some red head walked in the prison looking not super happy. He quickly said something to the cop and began walking in my direction.
  "Hello. Who's this?"
  "What were you thinking?"
  "The whole world didn't need to know my parents overdosed."
  "Okay, but you beat up 9 reporters and 6 paparazzi. You sent 8 of them to the hospital."
  "Okay and?"
  "Where'd you learn to fight?"
  "You never answered my question."
  "I don't think I need to."
  "Then I won't answer yours." I probably shouldn't give him attitude but I wasn't in the mood.
  "This is my sister Wanda."
  "I taught myself."
  "You taught yourself that?"
  "What for?"
  "That's for me to know."
  "I know you're a criminal Ember. Is it because of that?"
  "Yeah I started a fight and hurt 15 people, hospitalized 8, what's new?"
  "No, you're a dealer and a thief."
  "Am not."
  "Are too."
  "Why would you think that?"
  "Security cameras can't be edited that well." I glared at him and turned around.
  "Why'd you do it?"
  "Needed money."
  "Your parents are rich though?"
  "They blew it all, needed to keep the house somehow."
  "Ever hear of a job?"
  "Would you hire me?"
  "Well- ya know.. uh I mean"
  "You wouldn't. You don't think I've tried that? You think I want to steal? And deal drugs? And pickpocket? I sure as hell do not!"
  "Okay okay!"
  "Why don't you and Wanda here head right on back to the fancy tower you came from and use Stark's money to buy another jet or something."
  "We want to help you Ember." The girl.... speaks?!
  "You have a voice, great. Go use it somewhere else."
  "Watch it."
  "Make me."
  "Aren't your parents last names Johnson?"
  "I'm pretty sure they are. Grey and Lena Johnson. Accountants"
  "What's your real last name Ember?"
  "I'm adopted."
  "I'm pretty sure you aren't."
  "I'm pretty sure I am."
  "I have your hospital records."
  "Then you'll know Grey and Lena aren't my parents."
  "I'll know that you aren't who you say you are."
  "My last name is Scott. Ember. Scott. If you say it's Johnson, you're lying."
  "Alright, Johnson."
  "Nope, sorry Johnson."
  "I swear to God you better watch your damn mouth before you call me a Johnson again. I'm not related to those filthy addicts."
  "Let's go."
  "I'm not going anywhere."
  "Yeah you are. Tony wants to meet you."

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