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 *language warning :)* also I'm trying out the dialogue style I do in my other story so thanks for your patience love you :)

Elena POV

  I woke up around 1:00pm and Peter was already awake, he was sitting on the edge of my bed. When I sat up he turned around and grinned at me, he was so cute. I freshened myself up in my bathroom and we head out into the common area. Surprisingly, nobody was in there. I walked over to the couch and saw a piece of paper sitting on it instead of Pietro or Tony.

  "Conference room A whenever you're up

  Great. I showed it to Peter and we made our way to the main conference room, two floors below. We walked down and it was still quiet we looked at eachother and shrugged and walked into the conference room.

  When we walked in everyone was sitting around a large table. Tony, Natasha, Clint, Pietro, Wanda, Thor, Bruce, Steve, Phil, a few other Shield agents and of course, the man, the myth, the legend, Nick Fury. Great. There were two spots at the table left, next to eachother. Peter and I sat down without saying a word.
  "Let's get started," Nick said.
  "First, I'd like to thank Elena here for stealing my car from me, you did an excellent job. Second, I think we can restart on our last conversation?"
  "Yeah it was pretty easy to steal it and I guess so."

  "Great, Elena. We need you to complete the mission."

  "So I've heard."

  "We can reconsider the terms. Any ideas? Anyone?"

  "She can bring someone who volunteers," Peter said.

  "I'm sorry who are you?" Nick asked.

  "Peter Parker?" He said.

  "Mm okay, if Elena wants that then I guess it can happen."

  "I want that." I said quickly.

  "Any volunteers then?" Nick yawned.

  "Me," Peter jumped at the opportunity.

  "Peter no," Tony and I said at the same time. I glared at him.

  "Back off Stark," Natasha said.

  "Send someone more experienced, no offense kid, but someone else. I'll go."

  "I want to go, you're just saying you will because you don't want me to."

  "I don't want you to go, so yeah, that's exactly what I'm doing."

  "I said back off Stark, let the kid prove himself." Natasha snapped.

  "Leave it alone Natasha it's none of your business," Tony snarled.

  "It's all my business I was invited to this meeting. I actually want to go and if I can't I want Peter to." I loved Natasha.

  "Thanks Natasha," Peter and I both said. We smiled at eachother.

  "Everyone needs to shut the hell up and I'll decide." Nick yelled. Everyone fell silent.

  "If I may, I think Peter should go. I just trust the kid. They work really well together, plus they tried to kill him too." Bruce chimed in.

  "We'll have a vote. All those in favour of Peter, raise your hand."

  Wanda, Natasha, Bruce, Pietro, Agent Hill and two other agents raised their hands. Seven votes.

  "And Tony?"

  Steve, Clint, Phil, Thor and three other agents raised their hands. Seven votes. You've gotta be kidding me. What else would it be? Nothing ever can happen without conflict can it?

  "So we've got a tie. Either I vote or we find an unbiased person. Take your pick."
  "You vote Nick," I smirked and gave him a deadly look. I'd take something else important to him and he knew it.
  "Uh, kid you go with Agent Johnson," he looked at me.

  "You're kidding," Tony was dumbfounded.

  "You've done enough missions lately, the kid saved her once and they work well together. You'll be on call."

  "You've gotta be kidding me,"

  "I'm not,"

  "Back off Tony he gave his answer!" I yelped.

  "You back off Elena. You just want Peter to go because he's your little boyfriend. Are you even going to do any work? Are you gonna complete the mission?!"

  "Fuck you Stark, Peter's coming and we'll do it better than you ever could," I smiled innocently.

  "Watch it Elena," Pietro said.

  "Have you met her?" Tony said.

  "I'm the one who brought her here, so yeah, I have met her."

  "Pietro you can leave if you have a problem, you haven't done anything good for this meeting," Tony shot at him.

  "What the hell Tony?" Clint said.

  "How about everyone calms down?" Peter mumbled.

  "Shut up!" Pietro and Clint yelled. That was it.  "You're just a dumb kid, what do you know?!" Pietro yelled.

  Something in my snapped. I slammed my hands down on to the table and flew out of my chair. Talking shit about Peter was the last straw. Telling me off? Fine. But calling my boyfriend dumb? No sir.

  "You can talk shit about me all you want but don't you DARE bring Peter into your petty name calling! He's smarter now than you'll ever be so shut the hell up Pietro! You've done nothing but be a little shit since you brought me here! Get your head out of your ass!"

  Everyone fell silent and all eyes were on me. If looks could kill, Pietro would've had me dead in an instant. I stared at him until he looked away in discomfort. Nobody said anything but everyone was thinking the same thing I was. Pietro has been nothing but cranky since I got here. He's the one who brought me too!

  "I'm not just some dumb kid Mr. Maximoff. I hope you know that I can be pretty useful at times."

  "You're useful all the time Peter." I said.

  "Thanks El. I think I can contribute just as much as you can. Please don't overlook me."

  "I'm done with this," Pietro said as he got up and left.

  This was going to be rough.


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