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  Peter and I walked down the street to the Starbucks and got our drinks. It was chilly, but nice. I'm really glad things weren't awkward between us, that would've made my life hell and a half. Peter was still upset, I could tell, but I really hope he could just forget and move on. I couldn't either, but seeing him in pain made me feel worse. I didn't want to give in to my feelings and beg for him back, but man I wanted him back.

  I think everyone goes through this after a breakup, the pain, the feelings and their brain telling them it was a mistake. I probably, no, really shouldn't have ended things, everything was going so well. I'm just too reckless for anyone to care about me. I don't want anyone getting attached or whatever and then during a mission I die or something. Take my sister for example. I loved her so much, she was my best and only friend. She went to work, just like she always did and never came home.

  My thoughts cleared when Peter said something to me.


  "I just asked if you were alright. You looked kinda out of it."

  "Yeah, I'm good. Just thinking about stuff."

  "Oh okay. So, got any jobs coming up?"

  "Yeah, in a few days I'm heading to New Jersey for two days, you?"

  "I'm heading to Florida for two days too."

  "I wish I was going to Florida, damn."

  "Yeah, I got pretty lucky I guess."

  "Mhm. So has Tony said anything to you? About... you know."

  "Oh uh yeah. He came into my room a few hours after and just said that it was nothing I did and this and that."

  "Makes sense."

  "Say anything to you?"

  "He asked me why and tried to make me change my mind."

  "A Tony thing to do."

  "Oh of course," we laughed.

  "Be careful though Elena. I get you have no fear and you just wanna get it done, but be careful. Not just for me, but everyone."

  "I will. You too please."

  "Always am."

  "I know."

  We walked back to the tower and something just clicked in my head, Friday wasn't supposed to let me leave the tower. I left this morning with no difficulties. Friday can't forget things I don't think, so what happened? I told Peter and he had no idea either, guess we'd find out soon.

  We walked into the lobby and Friday didn't say anything. We went into the elevator and I called out for Friday.

  "Hey Friday? You there?"

  "Yes Miss Johnson, what can I do for you?" So Friday was fine.

  "Why'd you let me leave the tower earlier?"

  "Mr. Stark gave me permission when I told him the circumstances."
  "Oh, okay thanks."

  "Of course."

  "So Stark let you go," Peter said.

  "I guess so, surprising."

  "Hey, but it was a good thing."

  "Indeed it was."

  The elevator door opened and we stepped out into the living room. Tony was sitting there with Natasha, talking about some business thing that I didn't care about. They stopped everything and looked over at us.

  "Hey you two, back from coffee?"

  "Yeah, thanks for letting me leave without a babysitter."

  "You're welcome," Tony smirked at me.

  "So, where'd you go?" Natasha asked.

  "Starbucks," Peter responded.

  "Nice nice, talk about anything?"

  "Tons of things," I said with a cocky smile.

  "Like..?" Tony asked.

  "Ooh, that's a little bit much Tony." Peter laughed.

  "Are you two back together or not?" Natasha blurted out.

  "Nope," I said, popping the p.

  "You're kidding, but you're going out for coffee like a date, kind of friends?" Tony asked.

  "Yup," we both said.


  "Not really, I'm going to my room, I'll see you later Peter."

  "See ya."

  I walked around the corner and began making my way towards my room when I heard Tony say one last thing to Peter.

  "You're lovestruck kid."
  I closed my door and jumped on to my bed. Peter was lovestruck? What does that even mean? It probably didn't mean anything, but I couldn't help thinking about it every so often. I knew Peter still liked me, and I liked him still as well, but that doesn't change anything. We both need to move on. I need to focus on my mission that I'm going on in three days, that's more important. Since when did I feel things so much?

An Unexpected Family [COMPLETED STORY]Where stories live. Discover now