Into The Base- Part 1

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*this chapter contains graphic content so if this triggers you please skip this part and quite possibly the next one when it comes out. thank you!*

  After hours of back and forth arguing with Tony, he finally agreed to let Peter and I go, on one condition though. He would be waiting in the car incase we needed him, to which I complied. All I cared about was that Peter was coming with me, on my first rea mission. Now that I was going with Peter, I wasn't nervous at all, I was ready to kick some serious ass. All the anger that I had built up inside of me could finally be let out.

  They got us the weapons and whatever we asked for while Peter and I got our suits on. We split off at the end of the hallway and got changed. I put my black cargo pants on and the black shirt I requested instead of that horrid latex one. I threw my hair up into a ponytail and quickly put on some orange and red eyeshadow. I was ready to go. I stepped into the hallway just as Peter was turning the corner to come get me, perfect timing I guess.

  We walked down to the weapons room and they gave us so many guns and stuff. Well, I got them, Peter was obviously going as Spiderman. They gave me a belt with guns and ammo for my pockets. Once I got better, I started training and hardcore using guns instead of fighting. I had all sorts of stuff to mess around with if I needed to. This was going to be good.

  Tony and Natasha would be waiting in the car just incase we needed backup. We had our mics turned on and we were ready to go. We stepped out into the sunset and piled into the car, which would be hidden around the end of the driveway in the trees. Tony pulled out of the parking lot and off we went. We skidded to a stop at the beginning of the long driveway. Peter and I jumped out ran to the row of trees.

  He shot a web at the building and grabbed me so we would get there faster and easier. We were on the roof now and I began looking for an entrance. I found what seemed to be a trapdoor and signalled Peter to come over. He webbed it and pulled it open, an empty room. I jumped in first with him following right behind. There was nobody in sight, just the same as last time.

  Peter carefully opened the door and the other side of the room and it lead out into an empty hallway. Peter went first this time and I followed close behind. We were walking when suddenly a gun fired from beside us. The one room with an open door there was a trembling man holding a shotgun. I looked quickly at the wall on the other side, a bullet hole. Peter shot a web at him and took his gun while I snuck in behind the man and tripped him. I stepped on his ankle as he called out in pain.
  His other foot flew up and knocked me down and he got back up. Peter kicked him in the stomach and I grabbed his head and flipped him over my shoulder. He was knocked out pretty good so Peter webbed him to the wall, time to keep moving. We closed and locked the door to that room and kept making our way down the dark and dreary hallway. The only light flickered which gave the place a haunted effect. We turned a corner and saw a light on and heard some voices, Peter nodded at me and we stormed in there.

  I kicked the first man's face and he stumbled backwards, falling into a metal chair. Peter had webbed one man to the ground and was fighting him while the other two took an interest in me. I couldn't hold all these guys off by just fighting, time to bring out the big guns, literally.

  I reached to the belt that hung around my waist and chose my go to gun. It was already loaded so I aimed at the one familiar man, the one who beat me down in that cell. The one who gave me hell and a half. I wanted him dead, and I wanted to be the one to kill him. I cocked the gun and aimed it right as his face, the face that stared at me before inflicting pain.

  "Peter let me do this!"

  "I'm not stopping you, just be careful. Think."

  "I'm thinking that I'm killing him tonight no matter what."

  "Then go ahead.''

  I had two hands on the gun, I wasn't nervous. I don't recall ever killing someone before, so this was a first. I gave him a wicked smile before I sent the bullet flying, planting itself right in his forehead. He froze and just fell backwards, blood dripping down his face. When he fell I could see  the blood splatter on the wall as well. I didn't feel guilty, not even a little. I got my revenge, that's all I needed. I pointed my guns at the other men and the fell to their knees and put their hands in the air.

  I was pleased with myself, I just did that by myself. The other two that were going to try and take me were kneeling before me. Peter took care of his man, this mission seemed to be going pretty well. Peter webbed the two men to the ground so they wouldn't be going anywhere for a while.

  "Who's your leader and where can I find them?"

  "I'm not saying anything," the taller of the two said.

  "Then you'll end up like your friend here," I said with a grim smile.

  "Listen kid, I don't know who you think you are but I'm not selling out my pal."

  "Your choice," I cocked my gun and pointed it at his head too. "Last chance."

  "Go ahead," and so I did. I shot him too, he fell to the side, he couldn't move much because of the webs. Two.

  "You gonna tell me?" I asked the other one who was hiding in the corner.

  "Y-you already killed him! Right there!" He motioned towards the first man.

  "You better not be bullshitting me."

  "I'm not I swear! I have a family to go home to! Please!" He begged, his voice trembled.

  "You aren't going anywhere, keep the webs Spiderman."

  "Anything for you," he added more webs to the man, securing him for sure.

  "Who are you miss?"

  "Agent Ember."

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