The Operation

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Peter carried me into the tower, even though I insisted that I walked. He didn't listen to me and carried me anyway. When we got inside, him and Tony brought me straight into the hospital area.

I had to go for an operation, which meant stabbing me with more needles. My breathing got a little unsteady but I trusted them. I sat in the room they assigned me with Peter, it was just the two of us, which I was kinda dreading.
"I should've listened to you. I'm sorry I didn't." I started.
"Shh, I don't care about that. I just care that you're okay."
"Peter I was horrible to you, you should care about how shit of a friend I was." My eyes started to sting with tears. Not now, anytime but now.
"El, I was the horrible one. I didn't try to even reason with you-"
"It's okay, I shouldn't have walked out. I should've stayed."
"Whatever it's all over now. You're home Ellie." I smiled at him right as the doctor walked in.

"Elena, ready to go?"
"Ready as I'll ever be."
They had to rebuild my hands' structure, reposition the broken part of my leg and fix the internal bleeding. They also had to stitch up and overall fix the hole in my shoulder. I tried to act like it wasn't bad to the Avengers, but it was hella bad. I couldn't talk without wanting to scream and cry. Moving felt like it was ripping my body apart. It was the worst pain I'd ever felt, and I've felt pain.

They put me under using the laughing gas but had to inject me once I was asleep. I could do this, it would make me as good as new. I just had to breathe and let the doctors work their magic. Peter wasn't allowed to stay in the room with me, but it was fine. I wouldn't want him to see me all... open I guess anyway. I didn't want anyone to see me like that, vulnerable and hurt.

The surgeon walked into the room and it was time. He put the mask on my face and after that, it was history.
I woke up 3 hours later in the recovery room, I couldn't really move. I looked over at my hands and almost screamed. My entire hand was just in a cast and the other one was all wrapped up in bandages. My heart started racing, I'd only need them for like a month or two but still. I couldn't use my hands for a month! I looked at my leg and it was in a cast too. My arm was in a sling and I had bandages wrapped all around my arm and shoulder. I think I have stitches in my stomach because I literally can't move at all.

The doctor walked in to give me more pain medicine and to explain what I would have to do. According to the doctor, I needed someone to help me do stuff what required two hands, after a week I could take the bandages from my hand off. It would be a long process, but I'd be fine after so I guess it was worth it.
I had to sit in the recovery room until the laughing gas and the injection wore off fully. Peter came in and sat with me.
"So? What's the verdict?" He asked.
"Umm, I can use my right hand and arm but my left one is completely useless for 6 weeks."
"And the leg? What about your stitches?"
"Leg's fine, I can walk on it. Just need the cast for 6 weeks too. Umm, the stitches will like... dissolve themselves or something after 2 weeks. No crazy physical activity basically."
"Okay, how you feeling?"
"I'm fine but they won't let me leave yet."
"I know, I'll stay here with you until you're released okay?"
"Peter, you don't have to. I really am fine down here. I can meet you back upstairs when they let me go."
"I'm not letting you stay here alone El. I've already talked to May and she's cool with me staying here."
Oh okay." Guess I really didn't have a choice. May was good to Peter, I couldn't hate her as much as I wanted to.
It was about 2 days later when they let me leave the recovery room with the help of Peter. They were treating me like I was a helpless child. I'm an agent at S.H.I.E.L.D for God's sake. I didn't want to push Peter away any more than I already have, so I let him help me. I could walk on my own, I could open doors on my own. I didn't need a personal assistant. The complaints ran through my brain when the elevator door dinged, bringing me back to reality.

Peter must have told them we were on our way back because there they all stood, right infront of the elevator door. I smiled at them and wanted to walk away on my crutches but Natasha stopped me.
"So? How are you feeling?"
"Better. Thanks."
"How long?" She motioned toward my casts.
"The bandages are 2 weeks, the casts are 6."
"That's not too bad, how's your hands?"
"I mean the right one works."
"That's a start!"
"Well Peter, why don't you help her to her room?"
"I can walk on my own you know," I lifted one of my crutches.
"I know, just makes us feel better if someone helps you.''
"Does it now?"
"Elena, we're all just scared. We don't want you to get hurt again. You're 16, you shouldn't know pain like that! You've been hurt worse than most of us." Natasha lectured.
"I get it guys, but I'm fine! I'll ask for help if I need it I swear. I'm really grateful but I don't need to be babysat."
"We know El," Peter said.
"I'm going to go to bed, night guys."
"Goodnight Elena," they all said.

They just needed to understand that yeah, I was a kid who just got the snot beaten out of her... but I was okay. I was fine.

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