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Hoseok watched as Hana ran from the room. It looked like she had tried to cover the tears that had fallen, but Hoseok saw the tears twinkle in the light as she ran. Yoongi and Taehyung ran after her and Jimin looked at him.

"Shouldn't you run after her, your highness?" He asked quietly.

Hoseok stared at the burnt bread in his hand "Why do humans confuse me so much?"

"What do you mean?"

"Why do I feel...why do I feel?"


Hoseok nodded, still not taking his eyes away from the burnt food in his hands "Jimin, I don't know how to explain how I feel right now. I've never felt this way before...I don't know if I like it"

Jimin sighed "Your highness, you like her"

Hoseok scoffed "How could I like a peasant? A human at that"

"Whenever she isn't looking, you are watching her" Jimin said and Hoseok glared at him "Hoseok, I have been by your side since day one. I know you better than any other demon in Hell"

"What are you getting at?"

"You fell in love"

"Love?" Hoseok roared with laughter "Don't make me laugh. How could I love a measly pathetic human?"

Jimin shrugged slightly "I don't know. You tell me. Ever since her parents broke the contract and ran off, you have been searching for her. When that first human summoned you, you thought it was her"

"That human was just as pathetic" Hoseok said, "I enjoyed taking her soul and throwing her to the demons"

"Then why didn't you do that with Hana?" Jimin narrowed his eyes.

"Because she is different" Hoseok sighed, and ran his hand through his red hair "I'm the king of Hell. I shouldn't have accepted that contract. If I had taken her soul-"

"You would never have fallen for her"

"Bullshit" Hoseok hissed. The red tint appeared on his skin and his horns poked from his hair as his anger made an appearance "How could I love someone so..so...stupid"

"Tell her what happened"

"No" Hoseok said, throwing the food to the floor "I don't like the smell of that cooked bread"

"Hana won't hate you"

"She told me that it was my fault her parents were dead" Hoseok said quietly and there was a sharp pain in his chest. He subtly rubbed it "How can I tell her that it wasn't me that wanted her parents dead? They brought her into the world and I would have protected them"

Jimin shrugged "Then go and tell her. I can't force you into doing anything, but right now, Hana needs the truth"

Hoseok sighed and kicked his 'cooked bread'. He didn't say anything but he looked up at Jimin who was smiling softly at him.

"Stop smiling at me. You creep"

Jimin laughed "The only one Hana should hate right now, is Jin, Namjoon and Jungkook. They were the ones who killed her parents"

"Because of me" Hoseok snapped "Her parents are dead because of me. They knew how to get to me and if they steal my bride then...forget it. I want to go home Jimin"

"I can't take you home" Jimin patted his kings shoulder "You have a contract with Hana. She can send you home"

Jimin vanished leaving a small black cloud. Hoseok cursed loudly and kicked the bread across the floor. He ran his hands through his hair in frustration and paced the kitchen, chewing his lip.

His tail cut through the air and he rubbed his chest as the pain attacked again. Hoseok didn't like that Hana was crying. In fact, it made him feel an emotion that he hadn't felt for years. He didn't even feel it when his parents died when he was 8. Of course he loved his parents but he didn't feel sad when they died. He was thrown into being the king of hell at such a young age. He wasn't allowed to show such a weak emotion. But when it came to Hana, he was hurting at how upset she was.

Hoseok hated it.

With a deep breath, he stomped out the kitchen and upstairs towards her bedroom. Before he opened the door, he paused and listened to the humans speaking inside.

"Hana, please stop crying" Taehyung begged "Don't cry, please"

"He got my parents killed" Hana cried "They would be alive right now if-"

"Hana" Yoongi said "Even if they were alive, you still would have been promised to them"

"This is his fault"

Hoseok winced at the pain in his chest and he rubbed it, hoping it would go away. He wanted to kick the door down and...he wanted to hug her. Hoseok wanted to hold her until she cried herself to sleep in his arms. But he knew that wasn't going to happen. His hand shook as it hovered over her bedroom door handle.

He squeezed his eyes shut and pulled his hand away. He swallowed the painful lump in his throat and stepped away from the door. It felt like something had caught in his throat knowing that Hana would be happy if he hadn't been the cause of her parents murder.

The door opened making him jump and he stared at one of the boys. He was angry with him. His face revealed it and he didn't need to read his emotions to feel it.

"Why are you still here?" Yoongi snapped "Can't you see what you have done?"

"I..." Hoseok cleared his throat "I want to end this contract so I can go home"

"You can go home" Hana said, still crying. She looked up at him "My wish, is for you to go home"

Hoseok felt his hands shake as her wave of sadness hit him. He went to say something but Taehyung cut him off.

"You can go now" He said "You aren't welcome here anymore"

The door slammed in his face and Hoseok ran his hands through his hair.

"I'm sorry" He whispered "Hana...I'm sorry"

He walked down the stairs and clicked his fingers, revealing the gates to Hell. He looked over his shoulder hoping to see her run down to find him, but he wasn't in any luck. He sighed and stepped through the doors, ignoring the emotion he wasn't accustomed to. The doors closed behind him with a hushed click.

But if he had waited a few more seconds, he would have heard Hana running down the stairs.

"Please don't leave me!" 


Double update hoes.

Love me.

I just wish this book had as much love as my other ones :'(

Anyway, thanks for those readers and voters.

Anyway, thanks for those readers and voters

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