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Silence is the loudest sound you will ever hear in a life time. It is an absence of sound but is deafening consuming everything it touches. Ears strain, searching for the slightest of sounds to prove their existence. Silence caressed her skin like the light touches of the summer breeze, but consuming her fragile body and soul. It lingered in the air, thick and heavy like a blanket thrown over her to keep her from becoming cold.

The silence in the throne room was like poison seeping into her body. It hung in the air like the suspended moment before a falling glass shatters on the floor. It was a void that needed to be filled with sounds, words or anything. It was eerily unnatural and it was slowly seeping into her, paralyzing her from movement or speech.

Not even Satan himself uttered a word as the room full of demons stared at Hana and the two other humans sitting beside her. Hana wasn't sure if her heart was beating anymore and she had to force herself to breathe. Her body shook as each demon glared fiercely at her sitting beside their king. Hana was unsure on how to read the looks she was getting but she was certain that many wanted to rip her apart. She even spotted some lick their lips, making her gulp in fear.

Hoseok yawned loudly and stretched, before getting to his feet. Hana noticed his eyes narrowing at the demons staring at her and he released a low growl from the pit of his stomach.

"If you look at her for any longer, I will take your eyes" He growled loudly "She is mine not yours and you will learn to keep your lust and hunger to yourself"

The demons quickly lowered their eyes and Hoseok stopped growling. Hana slowly let out a small breath and licked her dry lips. Jimin was quick to give her a drink and she sent him a shaky smile before she focused on Hoseok again. Yoongi and Taehyung sighed loudly, letting their tense shoulders drop. Hana wanted to hold their hands but before she could grab them, Hoseok turned round and lifted his eyebrow. Her hands dropped to her lap and he smiled smugly, and turned back to address his demons.

"As you are all aware" He began "This human is mine and no one will lay their hands on her. I'm sure you know what will happen if anything happens to her"

The demons collectively nodded "Yes your highness"

"Hana is my bride..." Hoseok blushed and cleared his throat "And she will be your queen. If you go against me or my queen, you will die. I won't think twice about tearing your heads from your bodies and I don't care how long you have served me before. She is precious and you will show her your loyalty"

"Yes your highness"

"Hoseok" Jimin whispered "You're forgetting something"

Hoseok sighed "And as for the two sitting beside Hana, they will not be harmed either. They belong to me and Hana...and I supposed Jimin as well. Jimin, you can speak now. I can't be bothered"

Jimin rolled his eyes as Hoseok dropped back onto his throne. He stood up and stepped forward. Hana saw a few demons cower slightly and she tilted her head. Jimin had never shown any reason to be feared but Hana didn't trust him fully yet. He was still a demon.

"If I hear or catch any demon touching those human boys, I will personally come for you" Jimin smiled and Hana's blood ran cold "Hell knows about what happens when the rules are broken and if anyone goes against my king. They will be treated with respect even though they are humans. No demon is to try and take their souls because I will take your life, but unlike my king I will make sure that your death is slow and painful"

"Holy shit" Yoongi breathed out.

Jimin lifted his fist into the air, and the demons quickly followed suit and chanted "All hail our king and queen"

Jimin flicked his hand slightly and the demons bowed their heads and left the room as quickly as they could without making obvious that they were scared. Jimin turned and looked at Hoseok.

"You know that making it public will make the risk higher" Jimin said "Why did you do it?"

"Because I want demons to know that they can't harm her" Hoseok said "Me ripping off their heads will be the least of their worries if they ever try and sink their teeth into Hana"

"That is fair enough but now that Hell is aware that your bride is here, the East will stop at nothing to take her from you and try to dethrone you"

Hoseok shrugged "They can try. Seokjin has never succeeded in dethroning me, what makes you think it will change?"

Jimin sighed "Seokjin is smart and so are his followers. Namjoon and Jungkook are smart...maybe Namjoon more so but that doesn't take away the fact that-"

"Stop being so negative" Hoseok sighed dramatically "I'm a little bit parched. I think I need a tea"

Hana saw Jimin grit his teeth and clench his fists and she spoke up "What's the story behind this Seokjin? I know they had tried to kill me before but they listened to you then. What has changed?"

"What do you mean they tried to kill you again?" Yoongi said, "Shit. You've met them before?"

Hana nodded "They were the reason I locked myself up for 3 years. After my parents funeral, they ambushed me and tried to kill me. I was lucky to get away with just a scratch"

"How did you get away?" Jimin asked with a frown "It's almost impossible for a human to escape demons, especially a demon of royal blood"

"Royal blood?"

"I suppose Hoseok didn't tell you" Jimin said.

"I guess it slipped my mind" Hoseok mumbled with a pout "Seokjin, or Jin, depends on what you want to call him, is my older brother"

"He is a very powerful devil who has gone on killing sprees for fun. Humans or demons. He doesn't care, as long as he is killing" Jimin said "How did you get away with only a scratch?"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now