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Hoseok hasn't slept for the two days since Hana was taken from under his nose. He sat awake in his room trying to figure out how to get Hana back without her or her friends being hurt. Yoongi and Taehyung would look after her, he was sure of it and when they were free, Hoseok would let them spend a few days with their parents before he had to get rid of their existence in the human world. He would have let them go back to the human world, but things had changed within them and they would soon come into their powers and they would have to stay in Hell so no humans had died.

Hoseok ran his hands through his hair and got to his feet to pace up and down in his room. Fear had struck his heart and he was unsure on how to handle this unknown emotion. It scared him even more that he didn't know how to control it and the monster he had tried to keep hidden since he was young, was trying to fight his way to the surface. It had been unleashed before but he had no memory of what had happened.

There was a small knock on the door and Jimin came in wearing a grim expression. He looked at his king and ran his hand through his hair. Jimin sat on Hoseok's bed and sighed.

"We have news about Hana"

"Go on" Hoseok said folding his arms.

"She's being kept in Jin's palace and it's heavily guarded. No one is being let in or let out. It's being guarded by his loyal followers and creatures that have been banished from all the other regions. He has them to kill straight away" Jimin said "Not even the smallest of bugs can pass through those walls"

"Is the demon in the East reliable and trustworthy?"

"Very" Jimin said "He will send crows to keep us updated"

"Can crows fly near?"

"I'm not sure" Jimin frowned "What are you thinking?"

Hoseok rubbed his chin "We might be able to use a crow to pass a message to Hana and the boys. She can tell me how she is and what can be done to save her. I will stop at nothing to get her back...and her friends. I can't sit back and let them be killed because I was too stupid and let my brother live"

"It's worth a shot but if not, then we will have to try another way to contact her" Jimin said "No demon is able to faze there. We have tried and ever time they get near, they are bounced away by an invisible force field and just about get home alive. They appear in front of the palace and attacked"

"We have to find a way in there" Hoseok snapped "The longer she is there, the worse it's going to get for her. The blood moon is in a few days and I am not going to let her get taken by that bastard"

Jimin looked up at Hoseok not wanting to tell his king about the blood moon. He didn't want to be the one to tell him or even be in the room, but he had no choice. Jimin was the only one capable of fighting the monster hidden within Hoseok.

"Hoseok" He said quietly "The blood moon is tomorrow night"

Jin pushes the door open making Hana and her friends jumped. He smirked at them huddling together on the bed sitting in the corner of the room.

"Hana, my precious girl, you need to come with me. I have someone who wants to see you" Jin said.

"I'm not going anywhere" Hana said quietly and held her friends tightly "You can't make me"

"Hana, Hana, Hana" Jin chuckled and shook his head "I'm sure you remember what happened yesterday. Yes? Now, I don't want to have to send Jungkook in here to get you again. So, if you would follow me, I'd really appreciate it"

"We are coming with her" Yoongi said "You aren't taking her alone this time"

"Fine" Jin shrugged "I don't have much use for the both of you as of yet, but you can come with. You can see my palace and I might make you work here. If you cooperate"

They climbed off the bed and Jin reached for Hana but Taehyung slapped his hand away. Jin's eyes flashed red and he grabbed Taehyung by the throat.

"You dare touch me!" Jin growled "I will slit your throat and watch you bleed out if you do that again"

"You much like...Hoseok!" Taehyung chokes out a laugh and Jin threw him to the floor "Even though you don't like each other, you sure are a like"

As Jin went for Taehyung, Hana quickly intercepted and was grabbed instead. Jin laughed slightly and let her go.

"It sickens me how much you think you can protect those boys" Jin said patting her cheek "Follow me"

Yoongi helped his friend to his feet and they slowly followed Jin out of the small dark room they were being held captive in.

The rest of the palace wasn't much brighter and the walls were dark and the windows only let in little light. It felt empty and unwelcoming the further they walked through the place. Dark corners hid creatures ready to pounce on demons left alone and snarled as the small group went by. Jin smirked at their reactions to his hidden treasures in the dark corners and carried on walking.

Hana linked her fingers with both boys making sure that no one was left behind and her eyes were darting around trying to find a place to run. But the doors were closed and the windows had bars. This wasn't a palace like Hoseok's, this was a prison and they were prisoners.

"Welcome to my throne room" Jin said and two demons pushed open two heavy set doors, revealing a grand room that sat two thrones  Jin walked over to one and sat down smirking at Hana "This is your one my beautiful girl. Those boys are slaves from now on and will remain on the floor. Come sit with me"

Yoongi and Taehyung let out a small yell of surprise when they were dragged away from Hana. She spun around to see Namjoon and Jungkook holding them tightly. They both smirked at her and Jin spoke once again.

"If you wish for them to stay alive, I would suggest joining me" Jin said "Hurry up Hana. I don't have much patience"

Hana slowly walked to the empty chair sitting beside Jin and sat down, not wanting to be anywhere near him. She shifted uncomfortably and Jin glared at her.

"What is wrong with the throne? You are ungrateful"

Hana looked over at Jin, feeling a surge of confidence rush through her blood and she sent him a small smile.

"Hoseok's throne is better and more comfortable but you will never sit at that because he is going to come for me"

Jin let out a cold laugh "My darling girl, he isn't coming for you and even if he does it will be too late because by the time he breaks in, you will be my wife and he will have to be executed"

"I won't marry you. I'm going to marry Hoseok just like the contract says. I don't belong to-"

"The Devil's contract was broken Hana" Jin said "I do believe it's time to tell you the reason why"

"You're a traitor"

Jin laughed "Is that what he told you? Well, it is true to some extent. Our parents were murdered by a very powerful demon many years ago"

"It was you"

Jin smiled and shook his head "As much as I hated those bastards of parents I didn't kill them. I wished I had but no"

"Then who?"

"Your precious Hoseok"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now