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The sun had long set in Hell, and the creatures lurked in the shadows watching over other demons walking around the streets. Growls kept wandering demons away from the darkness warning them that something sinister was watching them. The creatures were spies sent from the East that were merely disposable but could only be one with the shadows across Hell. The sun was their poison but when they got back to the East, they would be killed so their leader could see what they saw. Of course he didn't need to kill them, he was just ruthless with no heart not caring if a creature that followed him died. 

Yet the other creatures didn't turn their scaly heads or open their black beady eyes to see how heartless their leader was. It was like the preferred to serve someone who didn't care for their lives or the job they had done. They believed that Seokjin was the rightful King of Hell even though he lost that right and was lucky enough to be banished to the East, instead of being sent to the pits, or sentenced to a public execution. Unlike Jin, Hoseok wasn't as heartless. Of course he was the king of Hell, but even for his brothers crimes, he didn't want to execute him. 

Many believed that Hoseok had changed Hell for the better but those who followed Jin wanted to dethrone him. They wanted his crown to sit on their ideal king and for Hoseok to be tortured until he wished for death. Jin would happily put his younger brothers head on a spike for all of Hell to see, but Hoseok had more followers and his army was bigger...stronger...more dangerous and loyal to the very end. Jin's 'army' were demons gone rogue, criminals and demons who no longer held any sanity. The two standing at his side were dangerous and great fighters, but 2 against a whole army would be no match.

Jungkook and Namjoon had always been at his side, just like Jimin at Hoseok's side. But they were banished with Jin once Jin committed the biggest betrayal. The two demons never liked Hoseok but when he was crowned king, their hatred only grew alongside Jin's. They were never able to get close enough to Hoseok to kill him but even if they had the chance to try to kill him, they would never succeed when Jimin was around or when he was in his palace. They were full of detestation for the current king not only taking the crown from Jin, but for the devils contract being changed. Hana was originally promised to the oldest son and next in line for king, but for the crime that Jin committed, everything changed.

If Hoseok hadn't opened his mouth to Hell's Council, there wouldn't have been an investigation and Jin would have gotten away with his crime. Soon after, Hoseok was crowned and Jin was on his knees in front of his younger brother. He was banished soon after Jin had tried to kill Hoseok, but again, Jimin was there and there was no blood shed or death. Jungkook and Namjoon had made a promise to come back and tear Jimin's head from his body but if they even stepped into the North, soldiers would appear straight away and kill them before any questions were asked. 

Jungkook and Namjoon were the reason why Hana's parents were brutally murdered. Yet even when he was faced with them again, he didn't want to kill them. Even when they were trying to suck Hana's soul out, he didn't kill them. He was confused as to why he didn't make that decision. But what confused him the most, was that Jimin didn't treat them any different to other demons. Jimin knew that they were planning to try and kill him, but he didn't care because he knew that they wouldn't succeed. They didn't attack Jimin in front of Hana and they didn't make it obvious that they wanted to kill him.

Jimin never struck first and he always hit last in a fight. He was a demon for protection and had been around them since he was a young demon. He knew how they fought and how they moved. He had protected Hoseok since they could both walk, and even though Jimin was younger, he was able to protect a devil who was capable of protecting himself. Hoseok never wanted to admit to Jimin that if Jimin ever left, he wouldn't know what to do. Even though Jimin had been appointed to a bodyguard, he had become fond of Jimin and classed him as a friend. No other demon would get away with answering the king back or even calling him by his name.

But Jimin was different.

Jimin was his friend and if anything happened to his friend, then Hoseok would lose everything he worked so hard for. He would kill every demon that went against him or his rules. He would tear the demon that hurt or killed his friend limb from limb, and be the king that Jin wanted to be.

Ruthless. Heartless. Evil.

Hoseok was of course evil being the king of Hell. He punished humans for a living and he was a murderer. He took the souls from the living when he was bored and when he went to the jail where humans who committed crimes in the human world, he made them suffer and eventually killed them, after ripping their hearts from their chest, just to crush it with his bare hands.

Some humans believed he was good, but Hoseok wouldn't hold back when it came to humans. He killed them for the fun of it just because he could. He wanted to prove a point that being Satan and punishing wrong doers wasn't a good thing. He was Satan and he was evil. He loathed those who called him good and often visited the human world to kill those spreading the good word of Satan. Hoseok didn't like people worshipping him, in fact he hated it. He didn't understand why humans worshipped someone who wouldn't hesitate in killing them. Hoseok often visited Satan worshippers and made quick works of their deaths. But they wouldn't go to Hell.

Hoseok used to be so brutal when he was first appointed king because that's what he saw his father do. He believed that was what the king of Hell had to do until he sat with Jimin and spoke about his role and what he could do. Jimin told him that now he was king, he could do anything he wanted and that didn't mean going to the human world killing for fun. He had the chance to be the king he wanted to be, not the king that many demons expected him to be.

But Hoseok knew that he would be alone for the whole of his reign and to his very death. He knew he would have to marry another demon so they could produce offspring so the devil's bloodline could continue. He didn't want to marry or have sex with any demon, because he had a bride in the human would. He had given up any hope in finding her until he was summoned that very day to her house.

Hoseok found his bride out of a stupid mistake that she had made in a summoning incantation and now that he had her, he was never going to let her go even if that meant laying his life on the line to protect that very girl he had a contract with. 

In the depths of Hell, Hana was that ray of sunshine that Hoseok had been looking for.

A/N: a little different to the other chapters, but oh well.

Don't forget to vote and comment throughout. 

Much love hoes <33

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