Taehyung And Slave 1

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Taehyung was in a good mood. In fact, he was practically bouncing as he made his way through the palace. He slept well and he had eaten great food. Now, he was ready to train. His smile stayed on his face as he marched by the demons of the palace and they bowed slightly as he bounced by.

Since Hoseok had threatened Hell, demons saw Taehyung and Yoongi as royalty and ones not to be messed with. Both Yoongi and Taehyung had taken upon learning how to fight but Taehyung had taken it more seriously. Yoongi hadn't left his room for a few days but it didn't stop Taehyung from training. He had a good teacher even though he had tried to kill him once before. But since Namjoon's powers were stripped from him, Taehyung found it easier to be around him.

"You're late" Namjoon growled as Taehyung made his grand entrance to one of the large rooms in the palace.

"I do what I want" Taehyung said.

"Why were you late?"

Taehyung cleared his throat "I was pooping"


"What?" Taehyung scoffed "Like you don't poop"

"I don't tell anyone freely about my bowel movements" Namjoon muttered "Are you going to attack or just stare at me?"

"You know" Taehyung said dropping his jacket to the floor "If you weren't such a bastard, I'd say you're handsome. But your personality sucks Jungkook's dick"

Namjoon drew his sword and pointed it at Taehyung "That does it. I'm going to kill you"

"Was I not meant to know about you sucking Jungkook's cock?" Taehyung gasped loudly "Don't worry cock sucker. I won't tell a soul...which is too bad cause in Hell no one has a soul"

Namjoon launched himself forward and Taehyung let out a small squeal and quickly dodged. He barely had enough time to react to the second strike and Namjoon hit him with the base of the sword. Taehyung grunted in pain and grabbed hold the side of his head. A yelp slipped through his lip as Namjoon swept his feet away, making him land on the floor with a painful crunch.

"Ow" Taehyung said and looked up at Namjoon who had the sword pointed at his throat.

"You're shit" Namjoon smirked "If I could kill you I would"

"I'm too pretty to kill" Taehyung said "You attacked without telling me"

Namjoon looked at him in disbelief "Are you fucking kidding me? You think that demons are going to tell you when they are going to tear your flesh from your bones?"


"Oh excuse me" Namjoon said lowering his sword "I just want to let you know that I'm about to attack you. I do hope you are prepared"

Taehyung glared at Namjoon taking the piss, but Namjoon didn't stop.

"Get ready precious" Namjoon said "Here I go and-ugh!"

Namjoon dropped to his knees and both hands grabbed his crotch. Taehyung grabbed the sword and pressed the tip against Namjoon's throat, drawing some blood. Namjoon looked up at him with a smirk.

"You didn't tell me that you were about to attack"

"Oops" Taehyung smirked and lowered the sword "Is that good enough to be taught new things?"

Namjoon nodded "Hand to hand combat can be started now...and did you have to punch me in the dick?"

Taehyung shrugged "Survival instincts"

Namjoon slowly got to his feet rubbing his nuts and he glared at Taehyung.

"I'm going to fucking hurt you" Namjoon said and punched Taehyung in the stomach, and as he hunched over, he lifted his knee catching Taehyung's nose.

Taehyung let out a loud noise as he felt his nose crack and he landed on his back. Namjoon was quick to act and jumped onto him, wrapping his hands around his throat. Taehyung's breath caught slowly, but Namjoon didn't add any more pressure.

"Shit!" He snapped "Why can't I fucking tighten the grip? Fuck you Taehyung!"

"You wish" Taehyung said punching the side of Namjoon's head, but he didn't move. So he punched him again and managed to flip him onto his back. Taehyung straddled Namjoon and pulled the dagger from his boot and pressed the cool blade against Namjoon's throat. A small smirk appeared on Taehyung's lips as Namjoon stared up at him.

"Are you pissed that you can't kill me?" Taehyung said, leaning further down onto Namjoon "Is someone upset that you got owned by someone who used to be human?"

"Fuck you" Namjoon said through gritted teeth, and looked away from Taehyung "You were lucky this time. Next time I won't let you do-"

"You spend 7 years of your life in the bathroom" Taehyung said

"What?" Namjoon said "If you-"

"The strongest muscle, relative to size, in the body is the tongue" Taehyung said, his eyes lingering on Namjoon's lips "I didn't realise you had such pretty lips"

Namjoon went bright red "Time to get off me"

"Yeah" Taehyung said quietly, and he gulped still not moving.

Namjoon slowly lifted his hand to Taehyung's wrist and moved it away, making sure that the dagger had been moved away from this throat. Both hands were shaking slightly, and as the dagger clattered to the floor, Taehyung blinked quickly and tried to sit up.

But Namjoon grabbed hold of Taehyung's shirt and dragged him back, slamming their lips together, catching them both by surprise. As Namjoon's tongue pressed against the seam of Taehyung's lips, he opened them allowing him access and rolling against his own tongue. They both fought for dominance and Namjoon's hands snaked around Taehyung's neck and gripped his hair tightly.

They both moaned as the kiss deepened and they could both feel each other's arousal growing with each second. The kiss became sloppy and full of need, but before anything could go on, they heard the door open.

"What the fuck!"

They shoved each other away and Taehyung landed on his ass, staring wide eyed at Jungkook who was standing there in shock, a punching bag thrown over his shoulder. The air was heavy and no words were spoken, only their heavy breathing could be heard.

Taehyung jumped to his feet. Without another glance, he swiped his dagger from the floor and he ran out the room, bumping Jungkook's shoulder in the process.

"Fuck!" He cursed as he ran away as he possibly could "What the fuck Taehyung! What is wrong with you? Shit! Shit, shit!"

A/N: ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°) ( ͡° ل͜ ͡°)

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