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"I have to marry you in 2 weeks?" Hana exclaimed and Hoseok nodded "But-but I don't even-"

"Whether you l-lo..." Hoseok cleared his throat unable to say that word "Like me or not, the contact can only wait so long. And now that you are in Hell, there is a date to which we must marry"

Hana ran her hands through her hair in frustration "But you can't just throw this on me!"

"I can and I have" Hoseok said with a shrug "Everything has been planned out since the day you were born"

"But I wasn't meant to marry you and according to rumours, you are just second best" Hana said without thinking and she saw Hoseok's face darken, but before she could apologise, Bee burst into the room.

"Your friend is horrible!" She pouted "He said he didn't want to be near me. He took my words literally and thinks I will eat him!"

Hoseok looked over at Hana and left without another word. Hana sighed at her lack of ability to hold her tongue, and she sat down on her bed.

"What's with you?" Bee asked, throwing treats at Buttons "Did you turn his advances down? Cause next time you do that, let me know so I can watch"

"No" Hana said "I said something that was horrible and uncalled for"

Bee shrugged "He's the king of Hell. He'll get over it"

"No, because even if he does I won't. I feel so guilty but I was just so mad at what he just told me" Hana played with the hole in her jeans "We had been getting on so well the past few days that I forgot that I'm part of a contract"

"Uh-huh" Bee said "Do you love him?"

Hana choked on air "What kind of question is that?"

"It's a reasonable one" Bee smirked "Well, do you?"

"I don't know!" Hana exclaimed and Buttons wandered over to her, resting his head on her knee. She stared at him before sighing once again "Does he want to marry me or does he feel obligated to marry because of the contract?"

"Humans are complicated" Bee shrugged "Why don't you just ask him yourself?"

"Because I don't think he will want to talk to me" Hana rolled her eyes "Were you listening to anything I was saying?"

"Nope" Bee grinned "So, why does Yoongi not want to be near me?"

"That's not my problem right now"

"But it's my problem!" Bee folded her arms "I want to know why he avoids me and runs every time I walk into the room"

"Why don't you just ask him yourself?" Hana looked up at her.

"Touche" Bee said "Fine. I will kick the door down and demand that he talks to me"

"Whatever works for you" Hana muttered and Bee stomped out the room, in search of Yoongi.

Hoseok poked at the hole in his jeans as Jimin stood beside him, looking out at the demons in the throne room.

"Does she not want to marry me?" Hoseok pouted "I thought I managed to get her to like me at least, but she said that I was second best"

"She didn't say you were second best" Jimin said "Stop pouting and at least act like you are interested in this event"

"I didn't agree to marry her when the contract was first changed but that was because I was young and I didn't know what she looked like" Hoseok said ignoring Jimin "But then I thought that it would save her from the other demons trying to kill her and-"

"Your highness" A female voice scratched Hoseok's ear and he looked up at the big busted demon bowing her head "I wish to speak with you"

Hoseok sighed and flicked his wrist "You may speak"

The demon smirked "It's about your upcoming wedding and I wish to share my personal thoughts on the marriage"

"Go for it" Hoseok sighed and looked up at Jimin "Do you think she will say sorry for what she said?"

"Your highness, I don't think she meant it. She was just stating the rumour that has been floating around Hell" Jimin said, "Thanks to Jin, that is"

"You have never been second best, your highness" The girl said, running her tongue across her bottom lip "You have always been my number one"

"Jimin, who is this demon?" Hoseok asked pointing at the demon trying to seduce him "I've never seen her before"

Jimin stifled a laugh "Your highness, this is Miss of your brides before the contract"

Hoseok turned to look at her "She was supposed to be an option?"

"Your highness...there's no need to be rude"

"But she isn't my bride and I'm not interested in her" Hoseok frowned "Why are you here again?"

Denyi's lip twitched in anger "I'm here to express my thoughts about your marriage to that human"

"Right" Hoseok sighed "Well go ahead and tell me what you really think. In fact, why doesn't everyone express their thoughts!"

The room went silent and Hoseok stood up. Denyi steppes back slightly and tried not to catch Hoseok's eye knowing that he was annoyed.

"Starting with you" Hoseok pointed at Denyi.

"Of course your highness" Denyi bowed slightly "This contract was something that you did not wish for. It was a contract made by a humans desperation for a child and your father should never had agreed to help those humans out. Master Jin was the original groom for the contract but for his crimes he was banished. Your highness, the contract should have been burnt then and there, you should not have been his replacement"

"And why is that?"

"Your highness, you have 2 brides already yet you choose a human over demons? I don't understand how you can chose some...some human girl that doesn't know the ins and outs of this world. She doesn't understand you and she doesn't deserve you"

Hoseok looked over his shoulder as he heard a door open and Hana came in followed by Buttons. He held back a smile as he saw her and quickly turned back to Denyi and the other demons now watching him.

"It is true that I didn't wish for the contract or that I wasn't the one who was promised the human girl" Hoseok said "But things have changed. I used to have 6 brides, but now I don't have the need for them. It wasn't like I wanted them anyway"

"Your highness, you-"

"I have one bride and I only need one bride" Hoseok snapped "And if anyone doesn't like the fact that I am marrying Hana, I suggest you leave my palace and the North. Any demon who goes against this marriage will be sentenced to death or banished to the East"

There were low murmurs throughout the throne room and Hoseok smirked.

"Let me make it clear" Hoseok growled "Hana is going to be my wife and she is going to be your queen. You think I don't have feelings for her, but you are very wrong. I wouldn't want any other demon to be my wife" 

Denyi gasped and glared at Hana "I hope you are happy. You are about to ruin the Hell that my king rebuilt. You will suffer for what you have done human"

"Jimin" Hoseok said "Get rid of her. I no longer want to see her face"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now