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Hoseok stood outside Hana's room wanting to kick the door down just to get to see her or even comfort her. But he was unsure on how to comfort a crying female and he was sure that if he kicked the door down, Hana would throw things at him.

Hoseok sighed and rubbed the back of his neck and looked at Jimin walking over to him.

"Jimin, I don't understand why I am feeling like this" Hoseok said "I'm Satan yet I am feeling something towards her. I'm...I'm so confused"

Jimin nodded "Let's go and talk. You need to give her some space and let her come to you"

Hoseok nodded and looked at the locked door, then followed Jimin through the palace and into the kitchen. He sat and Jimin turned the kettle on. Hoseok watched as his friend dashed around the place trying to make tea and toast. Jimin's tongue was sticking out as he pushed the lever down to the toaster.

"Jimin, do you think I am a good king?"

"What are you talking about?" Jimin asked with a frown "When have I ever said you weren't a good king?"

"I feel that my demons are doubting my leadership skills" Hoseok said.

"Your highness, you are the best king that Hell has ever seen. Your demons would never turn their back on you and they will fight for you till their death" Jimin said "I for one will die for you and I will protect you till the very day my time is up"

Hoseok nodded "Hana hates me"

Jimin sighed "Hana doesn't hate you. She is just...confused and was brought to Hell against her will"

"I didn't want her to die"

"Neither did I but I do believe that Hana will come to you when she is ready to talk" Jimin said pouring hot water into the mug "Any human would be in shock about what you told them. Hana and those boys are now part of our world. You can't change that"

Hoseok nodded "True, but-"

"Here" Jimin said pushing a mug in front of his king "Drink some tea"

Hoseok stared at the mug "My brother will stop at nothing to claim what was rightfully his. I won't let my brother take Hana from me. Never"

"Can I ask you something?"

"Whatever" Hoseok mumbled.

"Do you love her?"

Hoseok snorted "I don't know what that is Jimin. I was born as the devil. I don't have feelings that will distract me from ruling my world"

"Maybe so, but you look like a lovesick puppy" Jimin said "And when I was in the human world, I saw a puppy and I've made it my mission to convince you to get me one"

Hoseok chuckled "If you bring a dog into Hell, they change Jimin"

"I will still love a Hell hound" Jimin said "They look like normal dogs until you piss them off or until they are made to protect you"

Hoseok stared at the dark brown liquid in his mug and he suddenly gasped "That's it!"

"What's it?" Jimin asked.

"How can I be so stupid?" Hoseok laughed and he got to his feet "I know how to win her over"

"I didn't think-"

"Call Chanyeol and tell him to be prepared for a visit" Hoseok said and slammed his hands on the side "I'm so smart. Why didn't I think of this in the first place?"

Jimin watched in confusion as his king walked out the room talking to himself. Jimin sighed and whistled, calling a messenger crow.

"Tell Chanyeol to prepare for a royal visit" He told the crow and it flew off. Jimin rushed to find his king, who was still talking to himself "Why do you want to see Chanyeol?"

"Because I am so fucking smart" Hoseok said "No wonder I'm king. Why did I ever doubt myself? I will take Jaebum and Yugyeom with me to see him. You stay in the palace and get Hana and those slaves to eat downstairs. I will bring presents"

"I'm not sure I like where this is going. Don't you think that-"

"Stop talking Jimin" Hoseok said "This plan is genius. Hana will fall at my feet and I will win her over"

"I didn't think you felt the need to have her fall for you"

Hoseok stopped and looked at Jimin, his cheeks flushed "Don't be stupid! I don't want her like that. Are you stupid Jimin? Hah! How stupid my friend is"

"Of course" Jimin said "Really stupid to be thinking logical"

"Shut up Jimin" Hoseok said "Don't get too cocky. This was my idea not yours"

Jimin sighed "All because I said the word puppy. You could get her anything in Hell, yet you chose to pick a Hell hound. The hound that humans fear"

"Hana won't be scared of them. They are cute"

"Maybe to you!" Jimin exclaimed "Your highness, this is a demon dog. Do you really think that it's such a good idea to give a human a demon dog?"

Hoseok turned to look at Jimin "She is not longer a regular human, Jimin. Once she stepped foot into our world, she changed and can no longer be classed as a human"

"I know but-"

"And as my future wife, she will change again whether she likes it or not" Hoseok said "She is the future queen of Hell and she will have to fit the part. As for those two slaves, they will remain a demon till the day they die"

"What about their family?" Jimin said "You are going to have to wipe their memories of the two boys to stop them from feeling-"

"Be gone. I'm bored of your voice now" Hoseok said.

"Hoseok, I'm only trying to help" Jimin said quietly "They may be classed as demons now, but they still have a family in the human world. I for one, do not wish either side to hurt more than they should"

"Watch over Hana and my palace while I am away" Hoseok said not looking at Jimin. Of course he understood they had a family, but he had no choice but to bring them both to Hell. In a way, he didn't want Hana to be alone "Keep an eye on those two boys as well. Don't let them poke around where they don't belong"

"Yes your highness" Jimin bowed his head and Hoseok walked away.

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now