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That was what was surrounding the world. A white so brilliant that it made newly fallen snow appear grey, the kind of white that sears into eyes making them temporarily blind. A white that could burn even the darkest of skins, a white that made the world seem so innocent and precious. It was vibrant yet so cold. It glowed like the midday sun, threatening to set fire to everything it shone down on.

A colour that portrayed innocence but behind the bright shade, it hid a darkness which no one wanted to see. A darkness which brought only death and misery. A darkness which none could escape.

A quiet whimper bounced around the white cloud of despair and slowly dispersed, revealing two broken and bloody figures, holding each other closely. The brilliant colour of the white was forced into hiding as colours began to surface and the bold colour of red washed away the perfection of white.

Tears fell down the chins of those hugging, mixing in with the blood that had covered their faces previously. The hooded figure no longer causing so much harm, but merely a spectator unable to do anything else other than watch. But the figure was snarling at the hugging figures. It's anger rising beyond reason but it was powerless to do anything about it. It could only stand and watch.

It glanced down at its bony hand and then back at the two figures, still crying with each other.

"She is mine!" It screeched and attempted to attack, but was only met with an invisible force field throwing it back with such force, they couldn't get back to their feet.


"I'm so sorry Jimin" Hana cried "This is all my fault"

"Don't blame...yourself" Jimin said quietly, and lifted his bloody hand to rest on her cheek. She grabbed hold of his hand and cried harder "You didn't know"

"None of this would have happened if I had just believed you" She cried "Now you are hurt"

Jimin chuckled painfully "It wouldn't be the first time...Miss Hana? Do you remember?"

Hana nodded and tried to wipe the blood from his eyes "Yes. I remember. They died 3 years ago and I witnessed it"

"No!" The hooded figure screamed "Don't believe him!"

Hana sniffed and looked up at the figure getting back to its feet "If you were my mum, you would have never hurt a friend of mine"

"Don't believe him!" It carried on screaming "We are supposed to be a happy family! I am alive. You don't have to listen to his lies"

"You aren't my mum" Hana said, quietly "I wished that this dream was true, but it isn't. My mum was a sweet, beautiful and kind woman. But you are just a monster!"

Hoseok fell to the floor in a small ball and wailed in pain. Bee took a step into the room, glass crunching under her every step as she got closer to him. She dropped to the floor beside him and gently put her hand on his shoulder. He tensed underneath her but didn't stop crying.

"I-I lost them b-both" He wept "I l-loved them!"

"I know" Bee said, warm tears flowing freely down her face "But...I'm so sorry Hoseok"

Hoseok sat up and hugged Bee, catching her off guard. For the amount of years that she had known him, he had never hugged anyone. Hana was the first one to be hugged properly by the king of Hell. A hug that held his emotions but when Bee lifted her arms to hug him back, she felt him break down once more.

"Yoongi" Bee whispered "C-can you cover them b-both?"

"I can't do it" Yoongi said, his voice breaking once again "I can't do it"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now