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Jimin placed Hana gently on the floor and brushed her wild hair from her face. He smiled softly at her and she just stared at him, confusion twisting in her facial expression.

"What are you doing here?" She asked.

"I'm here to save you Miss Hana" Jimin said, "I'm going to take you home"

"I am home" She said "Hoseok let me go. I'm free"

Jimin frowned "What are you talking about Miss Hana?"

"The contract. He said he burnt it so that I could live with my parents again" Hana said "I'm home Jimin. I'm with my parents again and-"

"Miss Hana" Jimin said "Your parents are dead"

Hana laughed "Are you playing a game? Of course they aren't dead. I saw them this morning, so if you are trying to tell a isn't a very funny one"

"Hana, your parents were murdered 3 years ago" Jimin said "Right now you are dreaming. You are caught in a dream world where your parents are alive and you live a normal life"

"They are not dead!" Hana said pushing him away "Why are you trying to lie to me?"

"Miss Hana please!" Jimin begged "I don't have much time. If you don't let me help you then we are both going to die"

"I don't know what you are talking about" Hana said, standing up straight "I have to go now. My parents are waiting for me at home"

Jimin began to panic as Hana walked away and he chased after her. He glanced up to see the sky and his heart jumped into his throat. The dream she was living was coming to an end as her body started to give up on her.

The bright blue sky which Jimin had first seen was starting to crack and dark, angry looking clouds had begun to circle around the sky. Slowly merging in the centre, mirroring the beginning of a hurricane. Trees began to quiver as the wind swirled around, howling and flicking dirt from the floor. The perfect swirl of dirt reminded Jimin of tornadoes, ready to start their destruction of everything and anything that was caught up in its dyspeptic path.

Hana seemed oblivious to what was happening around her which worried Jimin even more. If he couldn't convince her that she needed to trust him, then he was going to die along side her. But he didn't want to fail his king. He had to bring her back to the world of the living even if it meant he was trapped inside himself.

His king and his friend needed Hana.

"Miss Hana!" Jimin said loudly and the wind gained more aggression, slapping against his bare face, his hair forced away from his forehead "Miss Hana you need to listen to me!"

"I don't need to listen to anyone" Hana said "I've told you this already. My parents are alive and you can't convince me otherwise"

"Miss Hana please!"

She's mine.

Jimin spun around as a voice floated around with the wind. There was nothing but the wind and break in the sky. It was just him and Hana walking through the empty streets. He watched as the buildings began to crumble, sending black clouds of smoke hurtling towards him. He moved away quickly and stumbled back as the floor vibrated beneath him.

Large, deep cracks fractured the pavement and he turned to chase after Hana. Again, she had taken no notice to what was happening, like she was blind and deaf. The wind got stronger as Jimin reached for her, like it was trying to keep him away.


"She doesn't belong to you!" Jimin yelled and carried on fighting his way to Hana "I won't let you take her down with you"

Then you will die with us.

"Miss Hana!" Jimin leapt forward and crashed into her. He pinned her to the floor before she could struggle to get away "If you die then Hoseok's heart will shatter. I have never seen my friend so happy and you are the cause of his happiness"

"I don't-"

"Do you not remember how you feel about him, Miss Hana?" Jimin asked, "Please, don't forget how much you love him. I don't want you to die and I don't want him to be heartbroken"


"You both deserve to be happy" Jimin said "Please Miss Hana. Don't let this dream manipulate reality. This isn't the world you live in Miss Hana"

Hana glared at him "Stop trying to confuse me"

Tears appeared in Jimin's eyes "Please...don't leave Hoseok alone. He needs you"

"He threw me away"

"Hoseok did no such thing" Jimin said "I know that you are happy because you are with your parents, but they are dead. They were killed by Hoseok's brother and his followers. You need to remember"

Hana began to shake "I can't leave them. I can't leave them alone Jimin"

"Miss Hana, I wish your parents were alive but they are not" He said, "You saw them get killed. You ran and you were given a scar on your back. You escaped the devil and demons that were set out to kill you"


Her voice was cut off by a loud screech and a strong gush of wind knocked Jimin from Hana. He was sent tumbling away and when he looked up, the demon who had tried to kill her before was standing over her. The black robe not moving as the wind battered her standing there. The demon reached down and wrapped its bony hand around Hana's frail neck, and lifted her from the ground letting her dangle a few inches above the now fractured ground.

"She isn't getting away from me" The hooded demon said "I finally have her will die trying to take her from me. She is mine"

Jimin struggled to get to his feet "She will never be yours. I will die to get her back to Hoseok"

The figure chuckled "I'm sure you will and that is what I plan to do with you Jimin"

"Let her go" Jimin growled "You don't need her!"

The hooded figure turned to face Jimin and slowly walked towards him, still holding Hana by the neck. Its hand rose slowly and lowered the hood, revealing a face that he never thought he would see.

"You see Jimin" She said "This girl has always belonged to me and if I am going to die, she is coming with me"

"You can't-"

"What?" She snarled "You have no reason to get involved. I was the one to wish for her birth. I was the one to give birth to her and I will be the one to take her life"

A/N: wooooo plot twist~

Have to keep things exciting before it comes to an end.

Anyway. Here is another amazing fan art for you guys.

Thank you @cinnclair

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Thank you @cinnclair

I love it!

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