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Hoseok stumbled to the floor as Hana swung the sword at him, missing him by a fraction. Hana laughed loudly, her voice still merged with whoever had taken control of her. Hoseok got to his feet and ducked another swing, making Hana laugh even more.

He wiped the blood away from his eyes with the back of his hands and he glared as Hana started to circle him. Her eyes were wide and her tongue flicked at her lips, like she enjoyed seeing the blood pouring from the slices on his body. Hoseok's body was sore and the cuts on his torso were starting to slow him down but he refused to go down.

He wanted to get Hana back without having to hurt her. Hoseok knew that Jin was trying to play games with him but in the back of his head, he believed his brother. He knew that if it was the only way to save Hana then he would be the one to take her life. Hoseok wasn't going to let anyone else feel the guilt of killing Hana.

As Hana circled him, his eyes looked around to see the others. Bee and Yoongi had beaten Jungkook and he lay in a bloody puddle face down on the floor. Hoseok could still feel his life and Namjoon was in a broken heap on the floor. Jimin's eyes were wide and full of anger, but he didn't have enough time to call for his friend before Hana attacked.

Hoseok hissed out in pain as the sword lacerated the top of his arm. He grabbed hold of his new wound and elbowed Hana in the side, to get away from her. All she did was laugh and attack some more. By now, the spray of his blood had left splatters over her face and body. He winced as he sidestepped another swing from the sword.

"Hana!" Hoseok yelled and ran forward ducking under a swing. He reached up and grabbed the wrist grasping the sword coated in his blood "Why aren't you fighting!"

"Because she is weak" Hana giggled "I have her and you will never get that weakling back"

"She isn't weak" Hoseok growled "Don't underestimate her"

Hana giggled some more and grabbed hold of Hoseok's throat "You should thank your friend for allowing Hana to let me take control"

Hoseok's eyes went wide and he looked over at Jimin "What?"

"Oh don't worry" Hana said tightening her grip "He wasn't to know but I think I will let him live. After all, I am now free because of his sweet words"

Hoseok apologised to Hana before punching her in the side of the head. She grunted in pain and let him go, just to cradle the side of her head. Hoseok wiped away the blood on his face again and reached down to pick up the sword.

"You can't kill me" Hana snarled "You love this bitch but even if you kill me, she won't live. I will take her down with me!"

Hoseok looked at the sword resting in his hand and he closed his eyes briefly, before looking up at Hana. As his fingers tightened, Hana shook her head and stepped away from him.

"No!" She shouted "Don't you fucking dare!"

"Kill her" Jin said, from the side "She's trying to trick you"

"Shut up!" Hoseok yelled "I won't believe anything you have to say!"

"Then it's your funeral" Jin clutched his leg and bit into his lip "Maybe then I will become king. I don't mind this Hana"

"I'll fucking kill you!" Hana screamed and punched the wall "Stay where you are!"

"What is going on?" Hoseok asked and Jimin limped over to him "This is your fault"

"What?" Jimin frowned "I don't understand what you are saying"

"Hana wouldn't have to die if you hadn't told her to let her inner monster out"

"Hoseok, if I had known this was to happen then I wouldn't have-"

"I don't care for your words right now" Hoseok said, looking back at Hana "I'm about to lose the only one I have ever loved because of you"

"Your highness I didn't-"

"Save your words" Hoseok said "I have no use for them"

Jimin dropped his gaze and nodded "Of course your highness. I will...I will take my leave"

Hoseok pointed the sword at Hana and licked the blood trickling to his lips "Hana. I apologise for what I'm about to do. But I won't let you-"

"Get the fuck in that room!" Hana screamed and turned around "Who said you could help her? I will fucking kill you!"

"What the fuck is going on?" Hoseok said "Turn to fight me!"

"And you!" Hana said turning on Hoseok "Who said you could punch me in the head? How fucking dare you lay your hands on me!"

Hana opened her mouth and screamed, dropping to her knees and grabbing the side of her head. Hoseok stared unsure of what was going on. It was like she was fighting herself and his eyes went wide.

"Hoseok!" Jimin shouted "Hana is fighting back! You can save her"

Hoseok threw the sword to the side and ran to her side as she started punching the side of her head. He grabbed her wrists and she looked up at him. One eye was jet black and the other had gone back to normal.

"Hana?" Hoseok said and grunted when she knocked him onto his back. His grip remained on her wrists as one fist swung for him. Hana grabbed hold of her wrist and yanked it away from Hoseok, and fell to the side battling against herself.

"What the fuck is going on?" Yoongi asked running over "Why is she beating herself up?"

"I won't let you beat me!" Hana yelled "I am more powerful! You won't win against me. Get back into that room! You will die there!"

Hana crashed into the wall and her head cracked against it, making Yoongi's stomach turn. He turned and covered his mouth trying to stop himself from throwing up. The sickening thud came again and Hana stopped screaming.

"Hana?" Hoseok whispered and stepped forward "A-are you ok Hana?"

Hana didn't move, but the blood from her head formed a puddle and Hoseok let panic take over as he felt the life slowly drain from her body.

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now