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Hoseok dropped to her side and reached out, touching her forehead. His breath caught in his throat and tears threatened to fall. Hoseok couldn't find the words and he looked up at Jimin in desperation.

"Bee, get the healer now!" He hissed at his sister and she nodded "Yoongi go with her"

Yoongi stumbled back and turned to run after Bee, holding back his tears. He was already troubled over Taehyung but seeing Hana bleeding out made him feel even worse.

"Hana" Hoseok whispered "Baby? Please wake up"

Jin watched as his brother began to cry and he pulled himself to his feet. He gritted his teeth as he yanked his leg, popping the knee back into place. His scream of pain was muffled but it didn't get the attention of Hoseok or Jimin. With a slow careful movement, he picked up the sword that Hoseok had easily discarded.

He glanced at Denyi laying in a pool of her own blood and he grinned widely. She had served him well but he wasn't going to keep her alive. He was glad that he was the one to crack her skull open because he didn't want anyone else to take that satisfaction away from him.

Jin licked his lips and lifted the sword above him, ready to strike Hoseok. But as he swung down, Jimin appeared and slammed his hand into his chest. Jin opened his mouth to yell out, but only blood poured from his mouth.

He looked down to see half of Jimin's arm missing and buried deep within his chest. Jin coughed spraying blood over Jimin's face and Jimin slowly withdrew his arm, pulling out the heart that had turned black many years ago.

Jin crumpled to the floor and looked over at his brother who was crying.

"Funny" He thought to himself "I never saw him as a crier...Hoseok...Sorry"

He coughed once more and let his last breath was released. Jimin dropped the crushed heart onto the floor and turned to his king who now rocking back and forth with Hana in his arms.

His own heart wanted to break at the sight of his king and friend crying, but he refused to cry. Jimin wanted to help Hoseok as much as his power would allow. Hana was still alive, but barely.

"Hoseok" Jimin said kneeling beside him "I have an idea on how to bring her back"

Hana was lying in bed with the healer beside her. Hoseok was pacing back and forth watching the healer with glowing red eyes. His tail swished behind him, cutting through the air in anger and Jimin sat beside Hana hoping his idea would work.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" The healer asked Jimin "It's risky"

"It is a risk I am willing to take" Jimin said "You should know that I would risk my life for the king"

"True" He said "But do you not think that Hana will feel guilty that you died trying to save her?"

Jimin nodded "Yes, but she doesn't deserve to die"

"Neither do you" Bee said "I want Hana to live, but you are going to give her some of your life force to bring her back. It's dangerous. I agree with Yongguk. You could die"

"Then that is what will happen" Jimin said looking over at his sister "Bee, you need to understand that this is the only way"

"Why not use Namjoon or Jungkook's life?" Yoongi asked "They are still alive"

"Because they aren't as strong as him" Hoseok said quietly "If anyone was to do it, then Jimin is the one"

"Why can't you do it?" Bee hissed "You're the fucking devil! You're more powerful than anyone in Hell"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now