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Hoseok felt restricted in bed. He frowned, his eyes still closed, and tried to shift, but there was a heavy weight sitting on his body. He moved his hand out to the side to feel Hana still sleeping beside him and a small smile appeared on his face.

But he still didn't know what was pushing down on his body. Something wet dripping onto his face and his eyes shot open in disgust. Sergeant Buttons was sprawled across him, staring down at his face, drool dripping from the corner of his mouth.

"You disgusting creature!" Hoseok yelled and pushed him to the floor "How dare you dirty my face!"

Hana groaned and rolled over "Hoseok...why are you yelling?"

"That pet of yours is becoming a real pain in the ass!" Hoseok said "He isn't allowed in the room"

Hana pouted and rubbed her eyes, making Hoseok's heart skip a beat "I didn't let him in. Maybe he unlocked the door and who said he isn't allowed in the room?"

"How can a Hellhound open a door?" Hoseok muttered "Buttons. Don't think you're getting away with drooling on me"

Hana shrugged and shuffled closer to Hoseok. He swallowed back his lust at the sight of Hana beside him and he cleared his throat before glaring at Buttons, who looked smug. Hoseok growled slightly and laid back down, putting his arms behind his head. He glanced down at Hana who had rested her head on his chest, and she was already asleep again.

Hoseok hadn't slept well even with Hana sleeping beside him. He knew it was a mixture of things keeping him awake, one of them because Hana was sleeping beside him and he had never shared a bed with a female before. Of course he wasn't a virgin, but he would have sex and then kick them out. They were demons that the royal family had used for centuries, but Hoseok had stopped using them years back. Some still wanted to serve him, but he always turned them down.

He never thought he would be nervous sleeping beside a girl, but it was a girl he had fallen in love with and his future wife. Hoseok kept waking up thinking that she had run away, but with how he was wrapped around her body, there was no chance of her running. Not that she would run in the first place, but it was a constant fear that he had.

Then, his brother was on his mind. He still wanted to know why he couldn't marry Hana. The blood moon would have given his brother what he needed. The contract would have been broken and Jin would have got what he had wanted.

Power. Strength and the chance to bring down the king of Hell.

But he didn't marry Hana.

Hoseok sighed and looked down at Hana, still fast asleep. He wondered how someone could look so peaceful sleeping. A few days ago, she was a wreck and unable to sleep so soundly. Now, Hoseok struggled to get her out of bed. She would become moody and Hoseok couldn't handle Hana being woken up. He even tried to send Jimin to wake her up once, but he left traumatised. 

In the end, Hoseok let Hana wake up on her own and not get in the way of a tired Hana. Hoseok may have been the king of Hell, but he still couldn't handle the woman he loved being woken up.

Hana shifted beside him and he put his hand on her head, smiling slightly. Hoseok knew that finally admitting that he loved her took a lot of courage but he still couldn't forgive himself for hurting her when his monster had been unleashed.

He just didn't know how to make it up to her.

There was a quiet knock on the door and Hoseok slid out of bed carefully, so not to wake Hana. 

Jimin was on the other side of the door and he quickly peeked in and grinned up at his king.

"Did you have fun last night?"

"Shut up" Hoseok said stepping outside "We did nothing"

"Sure you didn't"

"Jimin" Hoseok glared at him "She's still a virgin"

"Seriously?" Jimin said with wide eyes "You didn't-"

"No. I didn't" Hoseok said "Now, what do you want?"

Jimin sighed and ran his hand through his hair "There has been a problem in the prison and...a few...demons escaped"

"I see" Hoseok said "I can only guess who escaped"

"We've doubled the protection around the palace" Jimin said "Chanyeol is investigating who might have helped them escape. But Hana and yourself are well protected. They won't get into the palace"

Hoseok folded his arms "Where are the ghouls?"

"Being questioned"

"Bring them to the throne room" Hoseok said "I will get dressed. Make sure they are in chains. I won't risk any demons in my throne room. Warn them that if they lie to me, they will die"

"Yes your highness" Jimin bowed his head slightly "Oh...and another thing"

"What is it now? I can see you smirking"

Jimin smiled "My sister likes on of Hana's friends"


"Well, she asked me to ask you if that was ok?"

Hoseok looked at his friend in disbelief "Does it look like I give a fuck if she has fallen for slave 2?"

"His name is Yoongi and you said the slave contract was burnt"

"I lied...sort of" Hoseok said "He isn't a slave to Hana or me, but...ok fine. Whatever. I won't call him slave 2, but that other one...he's strange"

Jimin laughed "I will let her know that you don't care and Taehyung isn't strange"

"He is!" Hoseok exclaimed "Did you know that he has useless information kept in that pea brain he has? I'm sure his brain is full of useless facts instead of useful things. Like when to shut up when I tell him to"

"I just think he likes playing with you" Jimin shrugged "You are easy to wind up"

"You can go away now" Hoseok said shooing him away "I need to wake Hana up and-"

"See you later!" Jimin said running away from the room "Good luck your highness!"

Hoseok walked back into the room and put his hands on his hips, trying to figure out a way to wake Hana up without being attacked.

"Shit" He muttered "Buttons, wake her up. She won't punch you"

A/N: for those readers who can draw~

I'd love to see some fan art. It can be of anything in the book. 

Creatures, demons, devils, Hana...if you wanna see what I based Hana's literally me. (Don't can look at my other stories to find pictures of me or you can find me on insta) 

¯\_(ツ)_/¯      (>人<)

anyway, I have a new saying.

stay weird hoes <3

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