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Hoseok pushed his tie up to cover the top button and pulled his blazer on. His father's sword was attached to his hip and as he walked through the palace, his demons were preparing for a fight.

Jimin was barking orders at his army and Bee was gearing up for the biggest fight she had ever been in. She looked over at Hoseok and bowed her head slightly before approaching him.

"Your highness" She said "I will do everything in my power to keep Miss Hana safe and bring her back with no injury. Taehyung and Yoongi will be safe as well. I will not let them get hurt or taken away again. I will die if I have to but they will be back in this palace"

"I trust you won't get distracted by your feelings for Yoongi"

Bee went red in the cheeks "My feelings won't stop me from doing my job"

"Good. Because when we are all back, you are in charge of Yoongi"


"He will be coming into his powers soon and you will train him" Hoseok walked away from her leaving her confused "Jimin"

Jimin turned to see Hoseok. His eyes trailed to the sword on his hip before looking his king in the eyes "Your highness"

"Is everything ready?"

"Yes your highness" Jimin said "Some of our demons are on the board ready to cross into the East. Our crows have seen a way in and are watching the palace for any further instructions"

"Good" Hoseok nodded "We move soon. I hope you are ready Jimin. We are going there to kill Jin and bring back Hana in one piece"

"Of course"

Hoseok walked away and sat on his throne, looking at the demons who were willing to die for him and his eyes trailed to the empty throne beside him.

"I will find you Hana" He said "And I will bring you back...I promise you that"

Jin smirked at the messenger in front of him "Does my brother think he can win against my creatures? Fine. Let him get to the palace in one piece. I want to see him fight my demons. Let's see if he lets loose"

Hana watched as the demons got ready for a fight. They wore no armour and from what she could see, most of them were covered in deep, old looking scars. It was clear they weren't scared to fight or get hurt...or die.

"Jungkook. Namjoon" Jin said, and they walked over to him "Take my bride back to her room. She needs to prepare for our wedding. Make sure that she doesn't try to escape. I don't want my bride to be injured on our wedding day. Those boys can keep her company. I'll send someone to get her dressed for later"

"No problem" Namjoon said, looking over at Hana "Come on beautiful. You heard him"

Jungkook grabbed Hana and pulled her into his chest with a smirk "It's a shame you are marrying him. Because I really wanted to kill you"

"You may kill her if I get bored of her" Jin said and Hana stared at him with wide eyes "But I won't be bored of her anytime soon. Hurry up and get out of my sight. I can't see her for much longer. After all, in a few hours she will be my wife and my queen. Is it not bad luck to see the bride before the wedding?"

"I won't marry you!" Hana screamed as Jungkook threw her over his shoulder "I would rather die than marry a monster like you!"

"My dear Hana" Jin said "I'm not the monster you think I I lie. I am very much a monster but just wait until you see your precious Hoseok. Then you will see who truly is a monster"

Hoseok Rode through the East on a Kludde, a beast that Hoseok had relied on in battle before. A wolf the size of a horse, with large black wings and a blue flame flickering around its macabre visage. A deadly creature that was malicious and deadly. Demons feared it and had reason to. It never failed to kill on demand or for fun.

The East was mostly derelict compared to the North where most of the riches were. Rouge demons, banished creatures lived in the East and this was where he would fight his brother to the death. Hoseok wasn't going to let his brother live any longer. He was a traitor and he had stolen his bride from underneath his eyes.

"We are nearing the palace" Jimin said beside Hoseok "The creatures Jin has are dangerous and will kill without second thought. We are lucky to get this far"

"No" Hoseok said "Jin has allowed us to come this far. He wants to see a battle and wishes to see everyone die at his doorstop"

"The sun is starting to set" Bee said "The blood moon will soon appear, and we need to hurry and get there before they get married"

Hoseok chuckled "He won't marry Hana because we will stop it"

Jimin looked over at his king and knew that he was fighting to keep his inner monster hidden and Jimin would have to do everything to keep it hidden. Once the monster was out, no one could fight it without getting injured or killed. Even Jimin struggled to fight Hoseok's inner demon but he would stop at nothing to protect Hoseok and the demons around him. He wasn't going to let Hoseok kill anyone that didn't need to be killed. 

"His palace isn't as good as mine" Hoseok said, looking up at the palace before him "I will admit something though. I don't have those creatures fighting for me"

Hoseok stared into the eyes of the creatures snarling and ready to fight. He looked over at one and found himself laughing at the sight of a creature he had banished years ago and thought it had died out.

"Jimin" Hoseok said drawing his sword "I thought you told me the Camaztoz had died out"

"Your highness" Jimin said pulling both his swords "They were hunted down and killed...I guess one got away"

"You won't fight them" Hoseok said "You and Bee need to be with me at all times. We have a meeting with my brother"

"What about Buttons?" Bee asked.

Hoseok shrugged "I'm sure he can get in without a, lets go and see my brother"

A/N: If you don't know what some of the creatures are, just type them into google and they will come up.

BUT! here is a picture of the Camaztoz

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