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Hana's mouth had dried and her heart was racing in her chest. Did she hear Hoseok right? Did he really think that she was beautiful? Or was he just saying that to keep her here in Hell as his bride?

"I know what you're thinking" Hoseok said quietly "I don't need to read your mind to understand"

Hana cleared her throat "Why didn't you take me to hospital then?"

"Because they would have let you died" Hoseok muttered "I'm sorry peasant, but I wasn't going to let humans try to keep you alive when it was my fault for you trying to kill yourself"

"I didn't try to kill myself because of you" Hana whispered "I...I had enough of everything"

"It's my fault your parents are dead"

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled running into the room "Are you-you're fine. Why did you call me for help?"

"You're rather later" Hoseok said sitting up "This peasant punched me!"

"Stop calling me peasant" Hana said folding her arms. She was so confused. She didn't know whether to hug him or try and break his nose.

"Ah, of course" Hoseok said getting to his feet "I forgot to call you baby"

"That isn't any better!" Hana exclaimed, going red in the face "I want to go home"

"You can't" Jimin said with a small shrug "Once a human enters hell, they can't go back to the human world as a normal human"

"And what does that mean?" Hana asked.

"Yeah!" Taehyung said running into the room "Jesus, you run fast Hana"

"Don't use that word so carelessly around me!" Hoseok snapped.

Taehyung frowned "What? Hana?"

" are so stupid" Hoseok said in disbelief "Baby, were you really friends with someone so stupid?"

"Stop calling me stupid"

Hoseok smirked "Stupid human. Stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid!"

Jimin sighed watching his king act like a child. He stood with Hana as Taehyung and Hoseok bickered. Hana sighed and watched Taehyung roll up his sleeves like he was getting ready for a fight.

"Ok. You asked for it dipshit" Taehyung said and Hoseok carried on singing stupid human "Get ready to suffer, demon"

"Now that's rude" Hoseok said "I'm Satan. The king of Hell"

"Did you know" Taehyung started "Every human being starts out as an anus – It's the first part of our bodies to form in the womb"

"Does it look like my beautiful face cares?"

"Which means that you were an asshole from birth" Taehyung said "I guess that didn't change for you"

"Tch" Hoseok said "You are still stupid. Now, stop talking"

"Oh ho" Taehyung said "I am only getting started"

"I will take your-"

"Cows have best friends and experience stress when removed from them" Taehyung smirked "So I guess when Jimin isn't near you, you act like a big baby cause you miss him"

"How dare-"

"Actually" Jimin said "He may have a point"

"Do you want to die?!" Hoseok snapped glaring at his friend and he turned back to Taehyung, not wanting to admit that he felt lonely without Jimin "I have warned you about your talking and now...I will take your tongue

"Your lips don't touch when you say 'touch,' but they do when you say 'apart'." Taehyung said.

"Touch...apart" Hoseok said.

"Only idiots will try it"

"That does it!" Hoseok grabbed Taehyung and slammed him into the wall "How dare you take me for a fool with your rubbish facts!"

"Snakes...have...two...penises!" Taehyung choked out and put his hands around Hoseok's neck, trying to fight back.

"Ok, your highness" Jimin said breaking them both apart "We have more important matters to attend the spy who knows Hana is in Hell"

Hoseok shot a look at Taehyung who was coughing on the floor, and walked over to Hana. He froze when his head told him to hug her. Hana looked up at him frowning towards his arms half way up and she sighed.

"Can you explain why I can't go home?"

"It's not like you have anything to go back to" Hoseok said.

"It's still my home" Hana said through gritted teeth.

"If you go back, will you try and kill yourself again?" Hoseok asked and when she didn't answer he shrugged "I won't let you die Hana"

"You called me by my name"

"No...I called you...shit" Hoseok said "Peasant! Make me tea!"

Hana rolled her eyes "Why can't we go home? Yoongi and Taehyung have a family! You can't just keep them here"

"You seemed to have grown a backbone since you've come to hell" Hoseok smirked "I like it"

"I will explain everything" Jimin sighed "Come with me and I will get you some clothes to change into. I'm sure I'm not speaking just for myself, but I don't like that you are still wearing the clothes you tried to take your life in"

Hana looked down at herself, finally noticing that blood on her clothes. She gasped loudly and Hoseok covered her eyes with his hands.

"Don't look" He said "Jimin! Hurry and get some clothes"

Jimin nodded and rushed out the room. Hana started to shake and her arms started to sting as she remembered the pain she felt as she glided the blade across them.

"Don't think about what happened" Hoseok said, suddenly hugging her "Think about something else"

"I-I tried to k-kill myself" Hana said starting to panic "How c-can I think of a-anything else? And why are you hugging me?"

"Oh" Hoseok said pushing her away slightly "I...I thought human's did that when someone was sad"

Hana's bottom lip trembled and the anger she had for him vanished as she burst into tears. She wrapped her arms around him, and cried into his chest. Hoseok's eyes went wide and he looked over at Yoongi and Taehyung for help, but they just watched Hana as she cried.

"Oi!" He said "What do I do?"

"Hug her back" Jimin said appearing in the room. Yoongi and Taehyung screamed like they had done before and Jimin sighed "Get used to it humans. You're stuck in hell for the rest of your lives and you are going to be sticking to me like hell hound's drool"

"And what the fuck is that meant to mean?" Yoongi asked "And I am going home. I want to see my family"

Jimin sighed and looked over at the two humans in pity "You have no family now, Yoongi. You are no longer the humans you once were"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now