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"Send him to The Pits" Hoseok said, not looking at the demon in front of him. He ignored the screams of protest as his guards dragged the demon away.

Jimin scratched his ear and stepped beside Hoseok "Don't you think that was a bit harsh?"

"Why?" Hoseok said, not looking at Jimin "He went against me. He is lucky I didn't kill him on the spot. Are you questioning my authority?"

"No...your highness" Jimin said, "I am only trying to help"

"Then don't" Hoseok said getting to his feet "I don't need you to tell me how to run my kingdom. Just do as you are told Jimin"

Jimin bowed his head "Of course your highness"

"Good" Hoseok muttered "Now, make me something"

"Like what?"

"A tea" Hoseok folded his arms "From that human thing you took from Ha...make me a tea"

"You mean the kettle?"

"Yes. That thing"

"Hoseok, I didn't take the kettle"

"What? Why not?"

"Because there were more important things than bringing the kettle back" Jimin said, "I can always go and-"

"This won't do!" Hoseok got to his feet "Get my clothes ready. I am going to pay the human world a visit"

"Clothes? Hoseok, you're already dressed"

"I want my better clothes " Hoseok said "These have tears in"

Jimin frowned "You love your ripped clothes. Why do you want to change them?"

"Because Slave 1 and Slave 2 laughed at me and I won't have them laugh at me"

Jimin held in a smile at how cute his king was acting "Then what do you suggest? Most of your clothes have rips in. Unless you wear a suit"

"Then get me a suit" Hoseok said "I won't have those peasants laugh at me. I'm the Devil. They should know their place"

"Of course"

"And get me something else"

Jimin tilted his head "Which is?"

Hoseok smiled "Get me a present. Something to give to a human female to cheer her up"

Hana stared at the TV but she had no idea what was on. Yoongi and Taehyung were arguing about what to watch and she let them get on with it. She had no energy to steal the remote from them and no energy to move from her spot.

It had been a week since Hoseok had walked away after admitting why demons had killed her parents. It was his fault, but why didn't she hate him. She was confused and every time she thought about his well-structured face, tears pricked her eyes. 

Hana missed him.

She didn't think that she could feel that way towards a demon, but she couldn't help it. Just the thought of him sent a rush of butterflies to her stomach. He was the king of Hell. The reason why her parents were murdered. The reason why she had been locked up in her house for 3 years straight just to avoid the demons after her.

"It's my turn to choose the programme!" Taehyung whinged and lunged for the remote. Yoongi just shifted and Taehyung crashed onto the floor.

"You chose yesterday" Yoongi said, "Don't be such a lil bitch"

Hana wanted to smile at them arguing, but at that very moment in time, nothing would make her smile. It was like her emotions had locked themselves away and let sadness take over. She quickly wiped away her tears before Yoongi and Taehyung saw. She didn't want to worry them.

In fact, she wanted them to go home so she could be alone in silence. However, when they tried to step off the end of the lawn in her front garden, they walked into an invisible wall. Taehyung had almost knocked himself trying to run across the barrier, but nothing would work.

When Hana stepped across the barrier, only then they could cross. Yoongi then started cussing Hoseok out, yelling at the top of his lungs about how selfish and obnoxious the devil was. Her neighbours had called their children indoors at Yoongi ranting and kicking the lawn in anger.

"I'm going to lay down" Hana said getting to her feet "Try not to make a mess"

Yoongi looked up from putting Taehyung in a choke hold "Did you want us to sit with you?"

"No" She said "It's ok. I need to be alone"

"Call if you need anything" Taehyung choked out.

Hana nodded and dragged her tired body upstairs. As soon as she closed the door, her tears fell and she brushed them away, not wanting to cry again. She laid down and looked at the photo sitting on her bedside table.

It was a few months before her parents were taken from her. Her parents were standing either side of her smiling widely. It was her first day in sixth form and they were so proud of her. They hugged her tightly, posing for the photo that their neighbour had taken. She remembered the conversation they held after and it made Hana smile.

We are proud of you baby. Don't forget how much we love you. You may be 17, but you are still our baby girl. Make sure you try your hardest and don't let anything hold you back. Hana, you are a bright, beautiful girl and you are destined to be great. Don't forget that you are a powerful girl and people will be lucky to have you in their lives.

Hana...we love you so much. Don't forget that. No matter what happens, we will always be there.

Tears fell quickly from her eyes until they stung her eyes. She wiped them away but more fell. 

Hana held the penguin they had given to her as a baby as she wept at the memories of her parents. She missed them and wished that they hadn't been killed. Hana had no one else. After her parents were murdered, her family avoided her. They blamed her for their death and cut all ties with her. 

Hana had been a 17 year old girl that lost her parents in a brutal attack and abandoned by the family she needed. She was alone for 3 years relying on her neighbours to bring in food. 3 years of not speaking more than 10 words a day. Watching the sunrise and set alone. Staying in the house, not even stepping out into the garden. Now at 20, nothing had changed.


She was still alone and she wanted to see her parents again.

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now