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Hoseok's hand hovered over the door and he sighed, dropping it to his side. Hana had locked herself in the room and hadn't even come for any food. No matter how hard he tried to get her to open the door, she wouldn't budge. Jimin had told him to control his temper and not kicked his way through because it was scare and anger her. It was bad enough when she started to cuss him out and then chase him down the corridors of his own palace. Not even the King of Hell could deal with an angry human female.

Hoseok looked at the door once more and tapped lightly. He knew she was awake because he heard the lock being double checked.

"Um...are you hungry?" He asked "Jimin cooked"


"Baby...please answer me"

"Don't call me baby" Hana said through the door.

Hoseok smiled "We all know that isn't true. Slave 1 and slave 2 are waiting for you as well. They said they weren't going to eat unless you come down with me. If you don't come down with me, I guess they will just die of hunger"

The door was yanked open and Hana glared up at him "Don't use my friends to lure me out"

"It worked though" Hoseok said.

Hana sighed "I don't want to be near anyone right now. Especially you"

"I said I was sorry" Hoseok folded his arms and pouted "I only wanted to see the scar my brother left on your precious body"

Hana blushed and smacked his arm "You didn't even ask! You just tore the back of my top open, exposing me to everyone!"

Hoseok lifted his eyebrow "It was only me, Jimin and the slaves. What's the big deal?"

"What's the...ok" Hana said "Fine. No big deal right?"

"See?" Hoseok smiled and pulled her cheeks "My baby is so squidgy. Let's go for dinner"

"Of course!" Hana said brightly and followed Hoseok through the palace to where the other humans were waiting "Oh, after you Hoseok. After all, you are the king"

"I am the King" Hoseok said stepping forward but he froze as he felt hands grab hold of his trousers. He screamed out as Hana yanked his trousers and pants down to the floor, exposing himself to everyone.

Jimin's eyes went wide and Taehyung's eyes almost popped out his head. Yoongi slapped his hands over his eyes and laughed loudly.

Hoseok made short work on pulling them back up and he turned to scowl at Hana who was laughing. Even though his skin had the tint of red, his face was blushed and he was unsure on what to do or say to his laughing queen.

"What the fuck was that for!" He yelled "Why did you expose my precious body?"

"Oh!" Hana said "I'm sorry. It was only Jimin and the slaves. What's the big deal?"

Hoseok let a low growl bubble in the base of this throat and he stepped towards Hana, who quickly stepped back out of fear. He backed her into the wall and trapped her, holding his hands either side of her head.

"How dare you expose my sexy body to those slaves"

"N-no big deal" Hana said, shuffling on her feet "Y-You did it to m-me"

"My body is for my eyes only" Hoseok said "And maybe you...ok. I see what you mean now"

Hana rolled her eyes "You are so stupid"

"Slave 1 and 2" Hoseok said, "You can bring our dinner to my room. I've decided to dine upstairs with my future wife"

"What?" Hana said, eyes widening "No! I've decided-ah!"

Hoseok swept her from her feet and threw her over his shoulders like she weight nothing, and wrapped his arm around her thighs holding her tight. Hana screamed out as she swung side to side slightly and started hitting and kicking.

"Hold still wife" Hoseok laughed "Why haven't you picked up our dinner yet?"

Yoongi and Taehyung's eyes went dull and they lifted the plates into their hands. Jimin sighed and started eating, not wanting to get involved in what his king was planning to do. He had hoped that he'd end the contract with the two human boys, but Jimin wanted to keep them around for longer. It wasn't often his king laughed.

Hoseok marched through the palace and pushed his door open, walking in still holding Hana tightly. Yoongi and Taehyung put the plates on the table and walked out without a word. 

"Put me down!" Hana screamed.

"Alright" Hoseok said, lifting her into the air and dropped her onto the bed "Is that better?"

"You bastard!" Hana said and tried to run. But Hoseok was already prepared for her to try and escape, so he locked the door with his magic "Hoseok, let me out!"

"You aren't going anywhere" Hoseok said catching her in his arms "I think we should talk. Don't you think?"

"I have nothing to say to  you" Hana breathed out as she felt his breath tickle her neck.

"Baby" He said, in a husky voice and he lowered his mouth to her ear "We have unfinished business"

Hana gulped "I-I don't think w-we do"

Hoseok chuckled and placed a gentle kiss to the base of her neck, making Hana's breath catch in her throat. She squeezed her eyes shut as his mouth made it's way up her throat and she gasped as he nibbled on her ear lobe. 

"Did you like that baby?" Hoseok said, turning her in his arms. He looked down into her dark brown eyes and he flicked his tongue across his lips. He could feel Hana's heart start to race and the blood pound through her body.

Hoseok smirked and planted his lips against hers. He kissed her full of need and lust. When she relaxed into his arms, he pulled her bottom lip between his teeth hearing a small mewl escape her mouth. Hoseok growled as his need for her intensified and as Hana kissed him back, he gripped her tightly. One hand holding the back of her head and his other hand roughly slid down her body to her ass, gripping it.

Hoseok lifted Hana into his arms and she wrapped her legs around his waist, and he stepped forward pressing her against the wall. Hana's hands gripped Hoseok's hair making Hoseok hiss out in pleasure.

"Your highness!" Jimin shouted through the door.

"What the fuck do you want?" Hoseok growled.

"I'm really sorry to interrupt but we have a big fucking problem"

"Which is what?"

"Your brother wishes to see you"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now