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Hoseok couldn't sleep. His mind was too occupied by the girl sleeping in the room down the hallway. He sighed and rolled onto his side, staring at the wall. The demon sitting in the dark corner didn't realise that Hoseok had caught on since the moment he walked into the room. 

Hoseok had almost laughed at the rubbish job the demon was doing at covering his scent. He was Satan. The king of Hell. The demon thought that his invisibility would go unnoticed but Hoseok had a feeling that the demon was from the East and sent on a mission to spy on him. The demon wouldn't go back to the East. Not alive that is.

There was a knock on the door and Hoseok sat up "What?"

"Your highness" Jimin said walking into the room. His eyes flicked to the corner of the room, then back to Hoseok "Your presence has been requested"

Hoseok scoffed "Denied. Tell them to go away. I'm not seeing any demon unless its to kill them"

Jimin sighed "It's a demon of high importance"

"Tell her to fuck off" Hoseok growled.

"Your highness, that might not be a good idea" Jimin said, his eyes darting to the demon sitting in the shadows.

"Do I have to repeat myself?" Hoseok yelled and the room shook "If you don't get out of my-"

"Slave 1 and 2 can only do so much to keep the demon away"

Hoseok got out of bed "I see. It's of high importance"

Jimin sighed slightly "I'll tell her you will be right with her"

"Good" Hoseok dragged his top over his head and grabbed another one "It was crinkled"

Jimin almost smiled "Of course your highness. As for the demon sitting in the corner of your room?"

The demon gasped and before he could escape, Jimin had him pinned to the wall.

"Did you really think  you could fool me?" Hoseok chuckled "But all demons from the East are stupid"

The demon growled and Jimin snarled at it, shutting it up quickly. All demons knew the power Jimin had and his loyalty to the King was unbreakable. Jimin also had a temper that even shocked the previous king of Hell.

"What shall I do with him your highness?" Jimin asked, his eyes glowing red "I don't like spies"

"Do whatever you have to" Hoseok shrugged "Lock him in the pits but make sure he stays alive. I want to 'talk' to him at some point"

Jimin grinned widely "Of course your highness"

Hoseok left Jimin with the spy and he rushed towards the room Hana was in. He reached it in not time and he quickly straightened out his top, ready to see her finally awake. He took a deep breath and opened the door.

But before he could say anything, Hana was running towards him. Hoseok opened his arms expecting a hug...but he was punched in the jaw and he fell out the room landing on his ass with a thud.

"You fucking bastard!" Hana yelled "How could you do this?"

Hoseok's eyes were wide and his hand rested on his jaw where Hana managed to hit him. His voice wouldn't do as it was told and he looked like a fish out of water, trying to speak. Hana was full of rage and Hoseok could feel her anger all the way down to his bones. She was crying and she was angry. He was only experienced in dealing with angry female demons, and they were pretty easy to deal with.

But an angry female human? He was unsure on what to do. Especially because she was his bride but Hoseok didn't need to think twice about mentioning that. He knew that she was angry for many things, but being his bride probably wasn't at the top of her list.

Hoseok swallowed the  lump in his throat and slowly got to his feet. He cleared his throat.

"It's good to see you on your feet"

"You bastard!" Hana screamed and swung at him again. This time Hoseok ducked and Hana fell into the wall. But that didn't stop her.

"Hey!" Hoseok ducked another punch "Whoa! Stop that Hana. You will-ow! Peasant! How dare you hit me"

"You dumb bastard" She cried and fell to her knees, covering her face "Why did you bring me here? Why didn't you just let me die!"

Hoseok rubbed his jaw and sat crossed legged in front of her. He flicked his wrist and his servants quickly vanished, leaving him to speak with the crying human.

"I didn't want you to die" He said quietly "You have to live"

"Why?" Hana cried "Just so I can become your bride?"

Hoseok folded his arms, pouting slightly "No"

"That's total bullshit"

"You swear more than I do" Hoseok sighed "Swearing is unattractive?"

"Yeah?" Hana looked up at him "I'm already unattractive so fuck you"

Hoseok's eyes went wide "How dare you"

"Fuck you! Fuck you, you dumb motherfucking shit for brains bastard!" Hana screamed "How could you do-"

"You're beautiful!" Hoseok said and quickly slapped his hands over his mouth, with wide eyes.

"What?" Hana frowned.

"I, up p-peasant!" Hoseok jumped to his feet "I'll send someone to g-get you for dinner!"

"Where do you think you're running off to!" Hana yelled as Hoseok turned and ran away from her "I'm talking to you!"

Hoseok looked over his shoulder so see her chasing after him. Hoseok opened his mouth and yelled for help.

"Jimin!" He yelled "Save me! I'm being attacked by an angry human! Send help! Jimin, where are you?"

Hoseok ran into his room still yelling for help and he slammed the door. He stumbled over his feet and fell face first onto the floor. He lay there for a few moments, before his door opened and he smelt Hana.

"You don't get to run away without-"

"I'm sorry!" Hoseok said, rolling onto his back covering his face "For bringing you here. But I didn't want you to die. I don't know why and it has nothing to do with the contract your parents made with mine"


"I almost died myself when I saw you lying in the bath" Hoseok said quietly "I panicked...I didn't know what to do. I didn't want to lose you and I still don't know why. I'm confused and I fucking hate feeling like this. I don't know what feeling this is and I wish I could just burn the contract but I can't"

Hoseok sighed and sat up. Hana was still standing there, but her tears had mostly dried and her eyes were wide as she stared at him.

"Hana...I'm sorry...ok?" Hoseok said " can't die. I won't let you"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now