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Hoseok watched Hana as she stared around the town in amazement. He loved the way the breeze made her skin flush naturally and the small twinkle in her eye as she watched Hell get about it's daily business. He didn't even realise that demons were watching him or that some were glaring at Hana. He had no idea that Hana had taken up all of his attention as she walked in front of him, with Bee close by her.

"Wow!" She said and turned to look at Hoseok "I had no idea how beautiful Hell was! From what we were taught at school, Hell was somewhere that evil people were sent and it was all flames, lava and death. But now being here, they were so wrong"

Hoseok nodded "Of course. Hell isn't just for torturing the damned. We work like the human world but of course why would humans think that?"

"I'm sorry for judging you before" Hana said skipping off with Buttons following her. Hoseok's heart jumped into his throat as she laughed as a young demon waved at her. She went to wave back, but she quickly dropped her hand but she still smiled at him.

Hoseok sighed and followed her quickly "Hana, come here. I want to show you something"

Hana nodded and walked over to him, but before she could get to him there a black puff of smoke appeared in front of her. She coughed and tried to fan it away, but her eyes went wide when she stared into the black eyes of Hoseok's older brother.

"Hello precious" He grinned at her and reached for her. Hana screamed and turned to run, but she crashed into a hard body "NO!"

"Hello beautiful" Jungkook smirked "Caught ya!"

Hana opened her mouth and screamed for Hoseok, but Jungkook slapped his hand over her mouth and held her against his body.

"Jin!" Hoseok roared and Jin turned to face his angry younger brother "Release her. Now"

"No can do" Jin laughed "You really are stupid to think you could keep her from me"

Hana began to panic and her eyes darted around desperately, trying to find Bee or Buttons. She whimpered as Jungkook ran his tongue up her neck.

"You taste as good as I thought" He growled into her ear "And once Jin has fun with you, you will be mine and Namjoon's. We have to teach you a lesson"

Hana reacted and lifted her leg behind her catching Jungkook in the nuts. He grunted and let her go, falling to his knees.

"Hoseok!" She screamed and tried to get away but Jin caught her with ease "Let me go!"

"If any of you trying to sneak up on me get any closer, I will snap her neck right here" Jin said grabbing her neck with one hand "And that means you Bee"

"Fuck" Bee said appearing in front of him "Do you think I can't move quick enough to help her? Jin, you've become stupid...and ugly. Did anyone tell you that pink really isn't your colour?"

Jin growled and tightened his grip on her neck "I dare you to say another word, Bee"

Hana begged Bee with her eyes to not say anything and Bee gritted her teeth, and lowered her knife.

"I will kill you if you hurt her" Bee said.

"That fucking bitch!" Jungkook shouted getting to his feet "I'll kill her!"

"Not yet" Jin said looking over at Hoseok "Brother, do you think those flames will hurt me"

Hoseok smirked "No. But I know Sergeant Buttons will"

"What the fuck is that?" Jin said "Is that a name for something?"

Jungkook suddenly screamed out in pain and Jin dropped Hana to the floor, when Buttons sunk his teeth into Jin's thigh. Hana scrambled to her feet and Hoseok reached out for her, pulling her shaking body into his chest.

Hana stared with wide eyes as Sergeant Buttons had transformed into a monster. It's fur was almost gone and had a red glow to it, it's spine more prominent in his back. It's teeth longer, more jagged and his eyes were red like fire. His body looked twisted and evil, and Jungkook and Jin's flesh hung from it's mouth, blood dripping into puddles underneath him.

Yet Hana didn't feel scared.

Buttons let out a bone chilling roar and demons ran to hide. Bee pulled to knives out and pointed them at Jin, with a smirk.

"You're mine" She snarled and launched herself at him. Jin dodged every attack and Jimin attacked Jungkook, who had the side of him ripped out, revealing his insides. Jungkook still fought Jimin and even laughed when Jimin managed to slice the skin on his cheek.

Hoseok stepped in front of Hana, making sure that she didn't see anymore bloodshed, and he held her face against his chest, trying to calm the dangerous wrath inside him. His body shook as he fought his inner monster and he tried to control his breathing. Hoseok didn't want Hana to see the monster Hoseok had hidden for so long and he handed her over to Jaebum.

"Take her and the two boys back to my palace. Right now" He snapped "I will not have her here any longer"

"Yes your highness" Jaebum said, pulling Hana behind him "Yoongi. Taehyung. Let's go. Now"

Hoseok watched as they were put in the carriage and he let out a short sigh of relief as it sped away. Now, he could focus on his brother. He turned and felt his body heat up with anger and flames.

"Brother" Hoseok said as calmly as he could. Bee had Jin with his hands behind his head, his body broken and bloody but he knew that not even that would stop his brother. Jimin had Jungkook by the neck, and he was bleeding heavily.

"Hoseok" Jin chuckled "What a surprise. Your two bitches can fight now. I can't say that I am disappointed anymore. They do their jobs well"

"I will kill you" Hoseok said "How dare you lay your hands on my bride"

"She is my bride and she will always be my bride" Jin snarled "The devils contract belongs to me!"

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