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In the grip of silent panic, her eyes wild, pupils dilated as she tried to focus her eyes on the darkness surrounding her. Her heart didn't pause or skip beats as it raced inside her chest, her breaths came out more like pants and her body frozen to the bed beneath her. Her mouth opened to scream but no sound came out and when she tried to move, her body was paralysed. 

Trapped. Unable to escape.

As she frantically looked around the darkness, trying to focus or see anything that could help. But her eyes caught something she wanted to escape. A tall hooded figure with blood red eyes standing in the corner of the room. Again, she tried to scream but no sound would come out. It was like someone had taken her tongue and her body numb. Warm tears dripped down the side of her face as fear and panic struck, her chest becoming tighter and it was harder for her to take deep breaths.

The hooded figure moved across the floor like it was floating and her body was tied down by invisible shackles. Panic rushed through her body sending fireworks of fear in the pit of her stomach, her blood running cold. Her eyes wide as the figure stopped by the side of her bed. The bony hands of the figure reached out, brushing over her hot skin and she squeezed her eyes shut as she felt the bones of the figures hands against her flush, sweaty face.

She opened her eyes quickly and a scream tore it's way from the pit of her stomach and echoed around the room. She sat up screaming and pushing the hands trying to grab her away. She heard male voices but she ignored them, still fighting against those who were trying to pin her to the bed.


"Stop fighting us!"

"Please, open your eyes!"

Hana slowly let her scream subside, but instead it was replaced by long drawn out sobs. She covered her face when she recognised the voices and the bed dipped beside as her as the boys climbed in next to her, putting their arms around her trying to comfort her.

"Why am I still alive?" She choked out "Why didn't you leave me to die?"

"Please just calm down" Taehyung said.

"Calm down?" Hana screamed and pushed them away, climbing out of bed "I'm supposed to be dead!"

"We couldn't let that happen" Yoongi said stepping in front of her "Fight me all you want, but we didn't want you to die"

Hana collapsed into his arms and sobbed into his chest. Yoongi put his arms around her, rubbing her back. Slowly, he lowered them both to the floor as Hana's knees started to give way.

"You should have let me die" She cried and hit Yoongi in the chest "I'm better off dead. I wanted to go to my-"

"Shut up!" Yoongi exclaimed and made her look at him "You think that we could just leave you to die? After all these years, we finally got to be friends again yet you want to end your life?"

"I don't-"

"Shut the fuck up" Yoongi growled "If you had just told us how you were feeling, none of this would have happened"


"Please" Taehyung said quietly "It would have been better if you had come to us. Now, we can't go home"

Hana blinked away her tears and used the back of her hand to wipe them away, before looking around the room they were currently in. Her eyes went wide and she jumped to her feet and ran to the window. She yanked the curtains open and she gasped, staring out at what she saw.

"Where are we?" She whispered, not wanting to hear the answer.

"That bastard came back to see you" Taehyung said "When he went into your room, he found in the bath with...with y-your wrists cut o-open"

Hana turned to see the two boys standing their crying silently. She swallowed back more tears and stared at her wrists. Her body shook when she saw that her wrists didn't look touched. The deep lacerations that she had caused were gone and there were no signs of what she had done.


It was like Hana hadn't sliced away at her skin and bled out, almost on the brink of death.

"No" She whispered "No, no, no. This can't be real. No. I have to be dreaming. I saw death. I saw it coming for me just now! It touched me. I felt him calling me to him!"

"Even if you did, you aren't dead" Yoongi said wiping his eyes "You're here and you are alive"

"I have to go. I have to go home"

"You can't" Taehyung hissed "We told you that you can't go home"

"Where am I?"

The boys sighed and Hana stomped her way over to them. They looked up and Hana knew where they were before they opened their mouths. 


"Where is he?" Hana said quietly and when the boys didn't answer she yelled "Where the fuck is he?!"

"Jimin told him to sleep and not to let anyone in or out of this room" Taehyung said quietly "Even if we allowed to let you out, we wouldn't. You don't know what is out there Hana. We have seen some shit and we've been here a few days and-"

"A few days?" Hana frowned "What do you mean?"

Yoongi bit into his lip "You've been out for days Hana. That ass hole who brought you here got some demon healer to bring you back to life"

"No" Hana whispered "I was so close to getting what I wanted"

"Why did you do it?" Taehyung asked "You told us you weren't alone anymore. Were we not good enough to keep you alive?"

Hana's heart felt like breaking all over again. They had been friends in school but she had grown apart from them because of the things her parents had told her, and from what she had seen. When her parents died she disappeared and a lot of people thought she had died. But Taehyung and Yoongi had tried to knock on her door so many times, that they had given up probably thinking that she had died.

Hana licked her dry lips "I want to see Hoseok and I want to see him now"

A/N: Sorry if this one isn't too good but don't forget to comment and vote <33

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