Taehyung and Yoongi

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Taehyung stood outside Yoongi's room, banging as hard as he could on it but Yoongi just ignored him. Taehyung knew he wasn't asleep, because he could hear Yoongi telling him to fuck off and leave him alone.

"I won't stop hitting this door until you let me in!" Taehyung said lifting his other fist to bang on the door "If you think you can just leave without talking this through, then you are fucking stupid. Open this god damn door!"

Yoongi almost tore the door open and glared at Taehyung with blood shot eyes "What do you want?"

"I want you to take back what you said"

"If that is all you are here for, then you can fuck off" Yoongi snapped "I don't want to see anyone"

Taehyung shoved Yoongi out of his way and storming into his room, glaring at the bags he had packed. He turned around and clenched his fists.

"Did you really mean what you said?" Taehyung said, trying to control his anger and pain "Yoongi, fucking look at me!"

"No!" Yoongi yelled "I didn't mean anything! But I can't stay here. Not anymore"

"Why the fuck not?"

"Just get out Tae" Yoongi said "I want to be left alone"

Taehyung grabbed hold of Yoongi and slammed him into the wall, shaking the room slightly. He was momentarily shocked at his outburst, but he quickly regained his composure and carried on scowling at his best friend.

"Then why the fuck did you say it?"

"None of your business" Yoongi said trying to push Taehyung away "Let me go!"

"Why did you say it if you didn't mean it?" Taehyung shook Yoongi "Does our friendship mean nothing to you? Does Hana not mean anything to you?"

Yoongi gritted his teeth and looked away, not wanting to talk.

"You're just going to give me the silent treatment? Fine. Then you can fucking listen to me" Taehyung growled and tightened his grip on Yoongi's shirt "As your best friend I am so disappointed. I'm fucking angry at you. How could you say that to Hana, knowing how guilty she felt when she did it? It took her fucking months to come to terms with that guilt and look at what you did. You made her fucking cry!"

Yoongi swallowed back tears.

"You made her remember the pain she went through trying to get over that guilt. You made her remember..." Taehyung paused to take a deep breath, not wanting his tears to fall "If anything, it was our fault she almost succeeded in killing herself. We were the ones who should have seen it coming but we just ignored it" A few tears fell down his cheeks and he shook Yoongi again.

Yoongi glanced up and saw his best friend crying.

"You can't just leave Yoongi" Taehyung cried "You can't just leave me here! I can't do anything without you Yoongi. You're my best friend and you are my brother. Please, think this over"

"I can't change my decision"

"Why did you make it in the first place!" Taehyung hissed "Why didn't you come to talk to me about it? Why did you have to be so selfish and not think about anyone else here? You think it's easy for me? It's not! The only reason why I can cope here is because of you"

"It's too late!" Yoongi yelled grabbing hold of Taehyung "This is better for everyone! I'm leaving with them hating me"

"I don't hate you!" Taehyung pulled his fist back and threw it forward catching Yoongi on the jaw. Yoongi flew sideways and caught himself on the wall "You fucking bastard!"

Yoongi punched Taehyung in the nose, dropping him to the floor "Nothing you say will make me change my mind. I'm done with this place. I can't take it anymore"

"Why?" Taehyung jumped back to his feet and kicked Yoongi in the stomach. Yoongi grunted and dropped to the floor before Taehyung pounced on him.

They both struggled, throwing punches at each other, but Taehyung being taller and slightly stronger, pinned Yoongi to the floor, his eyes turning a blood red in anger.

"If you don't tell me the truth I will fucking kill you" Taehyung snarled "I know you are lying to me"

Yoongi looked up at his best friend with wide eyes as Taehyung's hands slipped around his neck, putting some pressure against his throat. Yoongi felt his throat clog and he struggled to breathe, but it wasn't because of Taehyung. 

"I...I..." He choked out.

"Tell me!" Taehyung roared and Yoongi looked over at the door to see Jimin and Hana standing there. Hoseok slowly stepped into the picture and Yoongi turned his attention back to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry" Yoongi whispered "Tae, I'm so sorry"

"Just tell me the fucking truth!" He growled "I'm done playing with you Yoongi!"

Jimin stepped in and dragged Taehyung from Yoongi and put his hand on his chest, trying to calm him down. Taehyung didn't take his gaze away from Yoongi, who was slowly sitting up, rubbing his jaw.

"I told you Taehyung" Yoongi said "I can't be here anymore"

"Why! And don't try to bullshit me because I will rip your fucking throat out"

"Taehyung" Jimin said, calmly "You need to calm down"

"Calm down? That fucking bastard is lying to me!"

"Maybe so, but remember who is standing beside you" Jimin said "If you lose your temper or kill Yoongi, you will have to be dealt with. Do you understand?"

Taehyung huffed in anger and ran his hands through his hair "Yes. I understand"

"Good" Jimin said "Now, let's take a walk"

"No" Taehyung said through gritted teeth "I won't take a walk until Yoongi tells me the truth. He lied in that throne room and I want to know why"

"Because he is in love with Bee" Jimin said, looking over at Yoongi "He is scared of how he feels and he doesn't know how to deal with it"

"Is that true?" Hana asked, stepping into the room "You said all of that because you were scared of how you feel?"

Yoongi looked up at his two friends staring at him. He sighed and nodded, before his eyes burnt with tears.

"I'm so sorry" Yoongi cried "Hana, I'm sorry. I didn't mean anything I said but I wanted you to hate me before I left"

Hana walked towards Yoongi and slapped him as hard as she could, which was pretty hard and Hoseok almost ran in to stop her, but she dropped to her knees and threw her arms around Yoongi's neck, pulling him into a hug.

"You're so stupid Yoongi" She said quietly "I could never hate you. No matter what you said to me. You have done so much for me and...and I understand why you are scared of your feelings. I understand Yoongi but you can't keep running away"

Yoongi broke down into tears "It's too late Hana. I can't go back on my word"

Hana shook her head "That's where you are wrong"


Hana pushed Yoongi away and smiled "You seem to forget who else runs Hell"

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