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Hoseok walked through the palace with clenched fists and his servants moved from his way quickly, not wanting to get on his bad side. They made themselves look busy as he walked by and when Hoseok reached the throne room, his skin was tinted red and his horns were on show.

"Where the fuck is he?" Hoseok shouted "Jimin!"

"He's on the way up your highness!" Jimin said catching up with Hoseok "We had to take precautions before letting him in"

Hoseok growled and sat on his throne, not wanting to see his older brother. He was close to claiming Hana and he was pissed that his brother had ruined the moment. He almost started grinding his teeth and Jimin coughed slightly, catching his attention.

"Hana" Hoseok said "Why are you here? Get back to the room now!"

"I, uh, wanted to see if you wanted a t-tea" Hana stuttered.

"If you are making then yes. But get out of this room before you get seen!"

Hana nodded but before she left the room, the doors were pushed open and in came Hoseok's older brother. Jimin quickly blocked Hana with his body, hoping that Jin would think she was just a mere servant. Hoseok glared at his brother walking towards him wearing a smug grin. Nothing in Hell could stop Hoseok from hating his brother and just seeing him, only increased his angry feelings towards him. The last time they had met was when they had tried to steal Hana from under his nose.

"Brother" Jin said, "It has been a while and would you look at that. Jimin is still doing as he is told"

"Why did you wish to see me?" Hoseok snapped "I don't have time to speak to traitors like you"

"A traitor you say?" Jin chuckled "The only traitor in this room is you. That throne should be mine"

"The throne was never yours and it will never be yours" Hoseok said "Now hurry up and tell me why you are here. You are banished for a reason, Jin"

Jin laughed dryly and shook his head "My dear brother, you will never learn will you?"

"Why are you here?" Hoseok said loudly and got to his feet "Speak or I will throw you to the pits where you won't get to escape this time"

Jin sent Hoseok a chilling smile "Do you really think that that could hold me? Brother, you are more stupid than you look. I am here to call a truce"

"Denied" Hoseok said, sticking his thumb down "I don't do truces with or not"

"How stupid you must be" Jin shook his head still wearing a smile and he looked over at Jimin, his smile only growing "You have a new servant Jimin? I must say, she smells delicious"

"She is my servant and you will not lay your hands on her, sire" Jimin said, reaching back to hold Hana's hand "I ask of you to be polite in your King's palace"

"His palace? What a joke" Jin chuckled "Hoseok, my stupid brother, did you really think that you could hide humans in Hell without me finding out about it?"

Hoseok glared at Jin "It's my Hell to run. My choice. My rules. If you don't like it, then I will gladly take your life"

"Brother, you have tried before and you only lost" Jin laughed "This truce still stands brother"

"I don't listen to traitors, Jin" Hoseok said "You may leave now"

"You won't get rid of me so easily" Jin said, growling slightly "How is my lovely Hana?"

"She isn't yours" Hoseok snapped "Now leave!"

"My, my" Jin said "Does Hana realise what happens when humans come to Hell? Especially those who were promised to the devil?"

"I don't care if she knows or not" Hoseok said with a shrug "She isn't here. Why would I need to tell her"

"I see" Jin said "You do realise that you can't hide Hana's scent from me. I have had that taste on my tongue since I tore her parents to pieces"

"If you want to live, you will leave my palace" Hoseok said stepping down the stairs towards his older brother "You seem to forget who has the crown and who is in charge. If you don't leave, I will tear your head from your body"

Jin chuckled as Hoseok stopped in front of him "Brother, I hope Hana is as tasty as I have dreamed of. I can smell her and it excites me just thinking about how her delicate flesh would taste between my teeth"

"Leave" Hoseok growled "Hana isn't yours"

"Brother" Jin hissed slightly and lowered his voice so only Hoseok could hear "That precious human of yours wasn't yours to begin with"

"She isn't-"

"Did you forget the original contract?" Jin growled lowly "She was promised to me. The first son of Satan"

Hoseok shook his head "Maybe so, but you ended up a traitor and the contract changed itself without anyone's meddling. Even if she was still promised to you- I would fight to the death to make sure she didn't end up in your hands"

Jin's eyes widened slightly but he smirked "Brother, have you fallen for this human girl? If so, it will be more interesting when I steal her away from you"

Hoseok smirked "Brother, you will only die trying. I wish you good luck traitor, but the only one who is going to walk away with victory, will be me. I have never lost and I will never lose to a devil like you. Someone who is willing to kill their own parents to gain the crown"

Jin growled.

"Did you think I wouldn't find out brother?" Hoseok grabbed Jin by the throat, digging his nails in and Hoseok's guards came forward, ready to protect their king "Brother, you made a mistake when you killed them"

"And what...would that be?" Jin choked out.

"You didn't kill me" Hoseok said and dropped him to the floor "Take this traitor out of my sight and see to it that if he steps into the North again, he will be executed on the spot"

"Hoseok, you will regret taking the throne from me!" Jin yelled as he was dragged out "That precious human of yours will be mine and I will force you to watch as I fuck her! I will make you watch me tear her flesh from her bones and I will-"

The door slammed muting Jin's yelling and Hoseok rolled his shoulders before walking over to Hana. Jimin took his arm away from her and stepped away, letting Hoseok near her.

"Hana" Hoseok said calmly "I think we should talk about what happens to humans who are part of a contract. And also about what happens to humans when they step into Hell"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now