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Hana was squeezed into a blood red dress, that touched the floor in beautiful waves. She hated having to wear the dress and the demons pulling her around hated her. They made it clear that she was only being used so Jin could become the rightful king of Hell.

Jungkook and Namjoon sat at the side, watching her with hooded eyes and licked their lips every now and then. She felt uncomfortable with their eyes on her and her heart was in her throat, threatening to stop beating. Yoongi and Taehyung were sitting on the floor, their eyes staring at their chained wrists. They hadn't spoken a word and Hana wished they would tell her a stupid joke or useless fact. But they didn't move a muscle.

"It's time" Namjoon said getting to his feet as a loud screech filled the room "I guess Hoseok didn't want to wait around"

"Time to go beautiful" Jungkook grabbed the top of Hana's arm and yanked her to her feet "If you scream...I will rip your tongue from your mouth. Understand?"

Hana nodded, feeling the blood drain from her face. Jungkook dragged her painfully from the room and her friends got to their feet and followed. Hana could hear yelling from outside of the palace but she was too scared to look at what was going on. She knew from the sounds that there was fighting and she wished that someone would come and save her. Hana didn't want to marry Jin but then she didn't want to marry Hoseok anymore.

Not from what she was told.

But it was her head talking. She didn't know what to believe and her heart was trying to get her to believe that Hoseok would never hurt his parents or even her. Jin made it clear that as soon as Hoseok married her, his inner monster would come out and tear her to shreds. The contract she was apart of made it clear that once he was married, he could do anything to her and no one would bat an eyelid. He was king. He could do what he wanted.

Namjoon pushed a door open and Jungkook dragged her into the room. She tripped on the bottom of her dress but with the tight grip on her upper arm, she didn't fall. It was almost to painful to handle the grip on her but she didn't want to cry. She didn't want to show any signs of weakness to Jin or the demons around her.

Jin smiled at her but she still wore a scowl, making him laugh "My beautiful bride. I would remove the scowl before I do it myself"

"Why are you doing this?" Hana asked "Please, just let me go! I will talk to Hoseok and I will-"

"There is no talking to Hoseok" Jin growled "You were promised to me! I will not let my brother take what was originally mine"

Hana began to cry "Please, just let me go!"

"Not going to happen" Jin grabbed hold of her wrist and looked at the demon standing in front of them "Get on with it"

"Hoseok!" Jimin yelled "Over here!"

Hoseok looked up from the demon he just killed and ran towards Jimin, slashing and stabbing anything that got in his way. His ride was long gone but only because he needed it to live to get back to the North. Hana's pet ran beside him followed by the rest of his pack and protected Hoseok. Bee wasn't much further behind and she was covered in blood, just like Jimin and Hoseok.

Jimin kicked a door open and the rushed in, in search of Hana. Hoseok made quick work of the demons that tried to protect the palace but they were weak.

"Find her!" Hoseok roared. Jimin and Bee raced off, leaving Hoseok with Buttons and the other Hellhound's "Buttons...sniff her out. Now"

Buttons sniffed the air and growled quietly before running off in the other direction to Jimin and Bee. Hoseok was quick to follow and the demons who tried to stop him were killed quickly by himself and the Hellhound's at his side. It felt like he was running for ages before they stopped before two large black doors.

Hoseok pushed the doors open with his sword and stepped inside the throne room. He snarled quietly when he saw Jin holding Hana. Jin looked up and grinned widely at his brother.

"Hoseok!" He said "I'm so glad you could join us. It's about to get to the good bit...I'm about to marry the girl promised to me"

"I won't allow you!" Hoseok yelled and ran forward but came to a stop when Jungkook and Namjoon appeared in front of him "Get out my way and I won't kill you"

They both laughed.

"Do you think we are scared of you?" Namjoon laughed "You're weak. Too weak to be king"

Hoseok threw his blazer to the side "Have it your way. Come at me with everything you have"

"With pleasure!" Jungkook growled and launched himself at Hoseok. They clashed swords and within a few strikes, Hoseok's sword was sent crashing into the floor a few metres away from him "You aren't as good as you used to be your highness"

"What's wrong?" Namjoon taunted "Did that precious girl get under your skin?"

Hoseok closed his eyes briefly, trying not to let his monster out and he opened his eyes just to smile at the demons in front of him.

"You are boring me" Hoseok said "Jungkook, you are weak. Namjoon, you are stupid"

Both demons attacked Hoseok, but he felt a surge of power rush through his bones and both demons were thrown across the room, smashing into the wall. They dropped to the floor with a grunt and struggled to get back to their feet.

Jin watched his brother walk towards them slowly and he knew that Hoseok's inner monster was starting to take control. Jin looked down at Hana who was shaking.

"Hana" He said lifting her head by her chin "Do you wish to see what your precious Hoseok's monster is capable of doing?"

"Hoseok won't hurt me" Hana said, tears filling her eyes "I trust him"

"Then you are as stupid" Jin said "He will kill you but I won't be around to watch it because I will be long gone"

"You-" Hana started but Jin cut her off with a kiss. Hana's eyes went wide as the room started to feel like an oven and a loud, hair raising roar filled the room. Hana shoved Jin away and stepped onto her dress as she stepped back. Hana tumbled to her ass and looked up at Hoseok, her breath catching in her throat.

"This is the monster you fell in love with" Jin said, dropping his blazer to the floor "This is the monster you were going to marry"

Hana looked at Hoseok, her eyes wide. It was still Hoseok, but his skin was glowing red, the whites of his eyes were black and no colour was visible. The small horns he used to have were now long and blood red. His nails were more like claws and his teeth were more like fangs sticking out of his parted lips. His body glowed like he was in flames and every step he took, made the floor crack beneath him. Hoseok's body oozed danger and power.

As he opened his mouth to growl, drool dripped down his chin and Hana covered her mouth with her hands, looking at the devil she had fallen in love with. She wanted to run away but body felt numb and fear kept her sitting. Hana wasn't sure if she feared the monster he had turned into or feared what he was capable of doing.

She had to get away but she didn't want to move or take her eyes away from Hoseok.

Hana heard Jimin curse behind her and she looked up at him, tears falling from her eyes.

"J-Jimin" She cried "What is going on?"

"Bee, get her out of this room!" Jimin shouted "I have to stop Hoseok"

The Devils Contract [[JHS]] ✔️Where stories live. Discover now