Yoongi and Bee 2

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Yoongi stood in front of his mirror, taking in the new hair colour and appearance. Since he had turned into a full demon, his hair remained a mint green and his eyes were now the same colour. He had tried his best to get used of to the change in colour but it made him feel sick every time he caught a glimpse of himself. He was no longer human and he had powers but he still didn't want to believe it.

He ran his hands through his hair and ignored the hairs sticking out of place. It was time to see Hoseok and tell him his choice. He knew that it would hurt both sides but he had no choice. If he wanted to see them still, he needed to break the hearts of one side.

There was a knock on the door and Yoongi went to open it. Jimin stood there with no expression on his handsome face, he just stared at Yoongi.

"Let's go" Jimin said and Yoongi nodded, following Jimin down the hall.

Yoongi couldn't find his words as he followed Jimin and he glanced around to see no servants pottering about. It was just Jimin and Yoongi walking through the palace making Yoongi think that something bad was going to happen. But he couldn't let himself back down or give into fear because it was his fault that he was in this situation. He broke a very important promise to the king of Hell.

They finally reached the throne room and two guards opened the door for them, and Jimin gestured Yoongi to go in first. Yoongi gulped and tried not to give in to his shaky knees, and walked until he stopped in front of the thrones. 

Hoseok sat in his, wearing a dark expression and he was just glaring at Yoongi. Hana on the other hand looked upset, and she couldn't look at him. Yoongi felt hurt that Hana couldn't look at him but he took a deep breath and waited for Hoseok to speak. Taehyung was sitting beside Hana and he was looking at his friend with sadness in his eyes. Namjoon and Jungkook were behind him, just glaring at the back of Taehyung's head. Jungkook more so than Namjoon.

"Yoongi" Hoseok said "The most important rule I gave to you was broken and you couldn't even say sorry for you mistake"

"I..." Yoongi started and he rubbed the back of his neck "I am sorry. I'm sorry that-"

"It's too late for that" Hoseok said "If you had come back to Hell and been honest, instead of me finding it out through other demons, then this may not have happened"

"I don't know what else I can say to stand up for myself"

"Nothing" Hoseok shrugged "What's done is done and I want your answer"

Yoongi licked his dry lips and took a deep breath before looking at Hoseok. At first he wanted to keep his family happy, then he wanted to keep his friends happy. But since he was afraid of his feelings, he went against what he really wanted.

"I chose my family. I chose to stay with my family"

All at once, Hana, Taehyung and Bee started yelling. Hoseok sat there just watching Yoongi with a slight frown on his face. Jimin put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and made him step back slightly. Just in time because Hana threw something at him.

"That's the wrong decision!" Hana yelled "Why did you chose them? You know that-"

"Because I'm better off there" Yoongi lied "I can't be around you anymore"

"And why the fuck is that?" Hana snapped and stormed forward, grabbing Yoongi by the collar of his shirt "If you chose to stay here, then you can visit your family! But you can't come back when he sends you away!"

Yoongi sighed and pushed Hana's hand away "I've made my choice. You have to deal with it. I'm done with everyone in this room"

"You bastard!" Hana screamed "Does our friendship mean nothing to you? Does what happened to us not-"

"I'm done with everything!" Yoongi shouted back "I never asked to come here! I never asked to become a demon and I didn't ask to almost be killed!"

"But Yoongi, you can't just throw it away" Hana said "What about Taehyung?  You won't see him again. And what about me? Yoongi, you're my best friend and-"

"The only reason why I am here" Yoongi said cutting her off "Is because of you"

Hana gasped slightly "But you-"

"If you hadn't tried to kill yourself then we wouldn't be in this situation" Yoongi said quietly "I would still be human"

Tears dropped from her eyes and she stepped away from him "You're right. This is my fault. If I had actually died then you would still be human and you would still be with your family"

Yoongi winced "Hana, I-"

"Just go" She said looking away from him "I apologise for being such a failure for not killing myself. I hope you remain happy when you go back to the human world and I hope that you forget about Taehyung and I. You deserve better than us as friends"

"Wait, I-"

"Yoongi" Hoseok said "You leave by the end of the day. You've made your decision and I hope you won't regret it"

Yoongi swallowed hard and his watery eyes looked over at Hana and Taehyung. He slowly turned to face Bee, who was staring at him, tears in her eyes and she wasn't moving.

"I won't regret it" He said quietly "I have nothing holding me back here. I'll get my things and get ready to leave"

"Good" Hoseok said "Chanwoo, take Yoongi back to his room"

"Yes your highness" A guard said and he put his hand on Yoongi's shoulder and marched him from the room.

As soon as Yoongi stepped foot into his room, he dropped to his knees, tears dripping down his face. He covered his face and screamed out, before getting to his feet and throwing things around his room in anger.

"Fuck!" He yelled and punched the mirror, ignoring the sharp pain as the glass stabbed into his knuckles. He watched as his blood dripped onto the carpet beneath him, soaking into the fibers. He wished that he could fade away into the darkness when he remembered the hurt faces of his friends and the tears that flowed down Hana's cheeks.

His heart hurt but he was scared. He was scared of being in love. But he couldn't take back his words even though he wished he could.

Yoongi would have to say goodbye to his best friends and the demon he fell in love with.

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